Welcome to the site, mate. As I said before I got nothing against Stoner fans. It`s good to have another Aussie on the site. Where you from? And you`ve raced before? When and where?
Now, in answer to that loooooong post. Most of my Crashey-bashing comes from the fact that I simply don`t like him. Don`t take it seriously. I`m sure most of the members here have learned to ignore it. Apart from Katt,
I don`t like him really because I think he`s too cocky. He dosent hate other riders like Biaggi did, he just thinks he`s better than them. In my opinion his arrogance has grown with his rise to the top. And so has my dislike for him. His comments at PI last year and what happened at that race have a lot to do with it, but I was no Stoner fan before that. When I first saw him race somthing about him irritated me, now whatever he says seems to tick me off. And you gotta admit he says some pretty cocky stuff.
I can admit he`s a damn good rider, but being a fan of Bayliss, who has an image as a really nice guy, and was even freindly with his greatest rival Colin Edwards, to have an Aussie rider act the way Stoner does annoys me, you know?
I do support Aussie riders, like Corser, Vermulen, Mladin, Pitt, ect. And some of them have been or are arrogant sometimes (ie. Maldin) But I feel as though they`ve earned the right to be so. Stoner is so young and instead of keeping his head low and staying modest like Vemulen, he allready thinks he`s the best. Honestly, mate, don`t take too much notice of the Crashey-bashing, it`s just a personal thing for me that`ll probably never change.
It`s good to have a member who can recognise the talent of both Stoner and Pedrosa too, most of us (including myself, of course
) firmly belive one is better than the other. And Dani`s not my hero either. He`s Teo`s hero. I just get amazed by what he can do so early in his premier-class career, especially considering his physical limitations. (Short Bastard Syndrome)
About 250s and 990s, I cant remember exactly what I said. I`ll assume I was talking about the rookies coming up and Dani, Cra- I mean Stoner
, and Depuniet adjusting to the bigger bikes. If so than I would have been talking only about the physical side of riding the bike and the fitness level, ect. I can respect your experience in racing and I can agree that a 990 may be easier to ride than a 250, but it can`t be easier to ride at the pace reqired to be competitive in motoGP. If that were the case then rookies wouldn`t have any trouble at all. Another thing to note is the gobs of power a motoGP bike is tuned to make would make it a lot more peaky than a Superbike, and I imagine it would be more like a 150kg 250hp 250, with the same unfreindly power delivery, only with more of it, a lot more weight and the ability to go a lot faster which in turn makes things harder again.
I think that covers everything. I`m looking forward to more Discussion with you, Wheelman, you seem like a pretty intresting guy and I`m eager to learn what I can from your race experience. I`ll even try to be a little (but not too much
) softer on Crashey now that he`s got a really serious fan on this forum. Agian, welcome!
EDIT: Jesus Christ that was a long post, wasn`t it?