1 Rossi
2 Hayden
3 Melandri
Rossi will have a fight with Hayden the whole time as long as Hayden can keep up the fast pace he always has in the starts. Last year he was doing well in the race until he tucked the front. All season he has shown he can be with the pace since the first race where he coincidentally tucked the front.
I put Melandri third because he hasn't shown me he can go very fast at this track before and Hayden has. Then again, I didn't put him as 2nd in the championship this year.
The best scenario would be to have all three fight it out all throughout the race and not have a clear winner until after the last turn.
Sete will be like a bad fook, real quick and hard in the beginning and then dumps it. Biaggi will be mediocre and Checa will finish top 5 if he doesn't chuck it.