Suzuka 8hr 2015

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Good post, Ant.
On that note, would anyone ( perhaps Talpa or SuperManlove) like to compare and contrast Casey's behaviour and performance at the 8 hour with a certain V Rossi's debut?
It's amazing how much vitriol Casey still draws on all the various sites on the internet, he is the cowboy in the black hat, the thorn in MotoGP fans sides, all because he came along and beat the superstar and called out all the ........ that riddles the sport.

I never really cared for the guy until people started belittling him, but then I've always preferred the less popular guy, Stoner over Rossi, Dunlop over Martin and if I'd been around back in the day I'm pretty sure I'd have supported Roberts over Sheene

I've always thought it was the "ex schoolyard bully syndrome". You know how people look back as adults and see how the popular jocks who used to beat up the nerds end up as losers pumping gas or managers at the Quicky Mart and the nerds end up rich from starting companies like Apple or Microsoft and everybody sees in retrospect what losers the jocks really were and the losers (and those who emulated the taunting schoolyard bulles) end up having life-long resentment that their time is over. The ones that lived vicariously through Rossi who they considered to be the embodiment of the macho high school clown, resent the buck-toothed nerdy kid from the sticks (Stoner) who took down their hero. Stoner threatens their concept of what it means to be "manly". They just can't stand the idea that the kid they'd have loved to beat up in high school is better at the world's most dangerous form of racing, than the low-brow jock. It's the same dynamic as red-necks that think of anyone who reads a book as being "effete".

Stoner - who was by racing standards a super-nerd, ended breaking records, winning championships, collecting exotic sports cars, millions of dollars and a beautiful wife. You just know - it sticks in their craw.

As far as Sheene vs Roberts.... a tough call. I liked them equally for different reasons. Sheene was such a teen-idol rock and roll kid with an infectious sense of joie de vivre that you couldn't not like him. Roberts was totally a Gary Cooper soft spoken California kid that he was like a folk hero to us here in the States. Both great guys.
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The ones that lived vicariously through Rossi who they considered to be the embodiment of the macho high school clown, resent the buck-toothed nerdy kid from the sticks (Stoner) who took down their hero. Stoner threatens their concept of what it means to be "manly".

I find it;s the same with people who are obsessed with 'Top Gear'
I've always thought it was the "ex schoolyard bully syndrome". You know how people look back as adults and see how the popular jocks who used to beat up the nerds end up as losers pumping gas or managers at the Quicky Mart and the nerds end up rich from starting companies like Apple or Microsoft and everybody sees in retrospect what losers the jocks really were and the losers (and those who emulated the taunting schoolyard bulles) end up having life-long resentment that their time is over. The ones that lived vicariously through Rossi who they considered to be the embodiment of the macho high school clown, resent the buck-toothed nerdy kid from the sticks (Stoner) who took down their hero. Stoner threatens their concept of what it means to be "manly". They just can't stand the idea that the kid they'd have loved to beat up in high school is better at the world's most dangerous form of racing, than the low-brow jock. It's the same dynamic as red-necks that think of anyone who reads a book as being "effete".

Stoner - who was by racing standards a super-nerd, ended breaking records, winning championships, collecting exotic sports cars, millions of dollars and a beautiful wife. You just know - it sticks in their craw.

As far as Sheene vs Roberts.... a tough call. I liked them equally for different reasons. Sheene was such a teen-idol rock and roll kid with an infectious sense of joie de vivre that you couldn't not like him. Roberts was totally a Gary Cooper soft spoken California kid that he was like a folk hero to us here in the States. Both great guys.

I agree with your assessment of why people gravitate towards Rossi.

I'll take the guy who is himself instead of a clown 9 times out of 10.
I do actually like Rossi and would like to see him win a 10th title, however his fans are unbearable, motorsports version of Manchester United fans.

Claiming Nicky Hayden was just keeping the championship warm in 2006, Stoner only won in 2007 because of the bike or my personal favourite that Lorenzo copied Rossis settings even though they have entirely different riding styles and such settings wouldn't work.

Rossi is an incredible rider and a fantastic face for the sport and yes the sport will miss him when he retires but he's not done anything that hasn't been done before. Sure he's a superstar but then so was Barry Sheene in an era with no internet and a time when racing was barely shown on TV. Sure he's won back to back championships on different manufacturers bikes but then so did Eddie Lawson a decade earlier. He's won races on lots of different capacities and strokes, Mike Hailwood did that before Rossi was even born.
I do actually like Rossi and would like to see him win a 10th title, however his fans are unbearable, motorsports version of Manchester United fans.
Glory hunters. How many times have I said this? - absolutely. Which is why attendances were down by 20,000 at some circuits during the Ducati years.
Willski is a MU fan.

That'll be because he doesn't come from Manchester, which is the main qualification that you need. Naah, it's merely window dressing along with the phoney Welsh affiliation to obscure his real role as a ringleader of the English Border Front. He orchestrated so much trouble last season, he had to flee the country...(that, and the fake Bible scam).
Glory hunters. How many times have I said this? - absolutely. Which is why attendances were down by 20,000 at some circuits during the Ducati years.

And people still claim Dorna (who would be directly financially affected by reduced attendees at races) had no influence on Rossi's move back to a race winning bike lol
I get the appeal of VR. He is the fun guy of the paddock, probably the guy who is the life of a party. He plays up the crowd, points to u in the stands, wheelies in front of you, etc. which really goes a long way in making one a fan. He is definitely, along with Nicky the guy I would want at my table in the club. He is likable. My only gripe over the years has been the lobbsided playing field he has enjoyed and the effect its had on records and the inevitable opinion that he was an alien above aliens. I also resent that everybody else's life and achievements are only background to the narrative of VR. My friend say, its not VRs fault Carmelo wants to have his babies, what's VR going to do, turn down the advantages? Perhaps I. A perfect world. I've said some hater stuff about VR but in reality most of it is directed at the League for running it like WWF when people describe the series results like its a foot race.
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I get the appeal of VR. He is the fun guy of the paddock, probably the guy who is the life of a party. He plays up the crowd, points to u in the stands, wheelies in front of you, etc. which really goes a long way in making one a fan. He is definitely, along with Nicky the guy I would want at my table in the club. He is likable. My only gripe over the years has been the lobbsided playing field he has enjoyed and the effect its had on records and the inevitable opinion that he was an alien above aliens. I also resent that everybody else's life and achievements are only background to the narrative of VR. My friend say, its not VRs fault Carmelo wants to have his babies, what's VR going to do, turn down the advantages? Perhaps I. A perfect world. I've said some hater stuff about VR but in reality most of it is directed at the League for running it like WWF when people describe the series results like its a foot race.

See now that's where we differ.

I'd rather have Stoner at my table in the club because then we would just .... talk VR for the whole night.
See now that's where we differ.

I'd rather have Stoner at my table in the club because then we would just .... talk VR for the whole night.

I wouldn't want Stoner at the table as I know sweet FA about fishing so for me, I would have Gabbarini and Suppo at the table, get them both drunk and hope that when drunk they talk a lot
This thread is destined to never end. So...who would you want at the table in the club?

Nicky, for obvious reasons.
Then... Barry Sheene. That foo could party.
This thread is destined to never end. So...who would you want at the table in the club?

Nicky, for obvious reasons.
Then... Barry Sheene. That foo could party.

My motorcycle racing piss up party - Mick Doohan, Mat Mladin, Randy Mamola and Anthony Gobert(apparently that guy could party like nobody else).