So then Pov & Kesh, and any others, would it have been ok if there had been a coup on Wbush given his popularity rating had been in the teens, had violated the constitution, and had turned his back on many promises? Is there not a recall system in Egypt? Pov says millions opposed the president, but millions elected him, as opposed to a disputed election (2000 Florida, where family members were in charge) while then a few military officials deposed him by force. U two seem to justify it was for the good of the country. By this logic, Can u imagine how much "good" it could have been not to be involved in two costly wars, one by complete false pretense, not to mention the mass bail out of banks, a "crisis" he helped create as wealth transfer? Was there no democratic system in place for the egyptian prez to be impeached by what u guys describe as the overwhelming voice of the people?