Rossi Hate.

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Ah, okay. Who said that? I mean, memories can be faulty (see, e.g., the often misquoted claim that JB said he'd fix the Duke in 80 seconds).

Any links?

Well Petrucci admitted it -

And made it obvious

From memory here only but all the Italian riders excepting Dovi commented, many of the back markers and CRT's (they knew that he would be past them quickly anyway so consensus was why bother fighting so they would get out of the way instead), and I seem to recall Hernandez plus suspicions on others who had shown support for VR.

Finding links is difficult as many were reported comments, tweets, facebook and reported by other media as 'un-named riders' or the articles seem to have gone to oblivion.

West's comments is shown below.
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The difference is RCV from all the 'examples' you mentioned is A. None of the guys being passed were running at record pace and B. None of the guys doing the passing were losing as much coming out do the corners as MM was. You can pass at Valencia but you have to be lapping a bit quicker than the guy in front of you.

If Rossi had to start from last in Valencia this year or even last year it's very doubtful now with the spec electronics which has taken away a huge advantage that the factory Yam/Hondas had that Rossi would get further than the top 8.
The difference is RCV from all the 'examples' you mentioned is A. None of the guys being passed were running at record pace and B. None of the guys doing the passing were losing as much coming out do the corners as MM was. You can pass at Valencia but you have to be lapping a bit quicker than the guy in front of you.

If Rossi had to start from last in Valencia this year or even last year it's very doubtful now with the spec electronics which has taken away a huge advantage that the factory Yam/Hondas had that Rossi would get further than the top 8.

That's a reasonable point, but I think JL @ Valencia 13 showed how easily one can pass with the leading pack running a hot pace.

JL had good drive, but he's relatively weak on the brakes, and MM is a freak on the brakes.

Iannone, Rossi and MM @ Valencia 16: same deal.
That's a reasonable point, but I think JL @ Valencia 13 showed how easily one can pass with the leading pack running a hot pace.

JL had good drive, but he's relatively weak on the brakes, and MM is a freak on the brakes.

Iannone, Rossi and MM @ Valencia 16: same deal.

You seem to continue to fail to grasp P4p's point. JL probably had a second a lap on the field in 2013, except perhaps MM who only needed to finish 4th or thereabouts to win the title. As opposed to Lorenzo running near lap record pace the whole way in 2015.

The HRC bike was not exactly the easiest bike in the world on which to engage in radical passing manoeuvres either; MM, whom everyone seems to acknowledge is in contention to be the GOAT if there is such a thing had tossed it down the road 6 times prior to the PI 2015 race as we have discussed.

As I have also said, one man's reasonable speculation is another's conspiracy theory.
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That's a reasonable point, but I think JL @ Valencia 13 showed how easily one can pass with the leading pack running a hot pace.

JL had good drive, but he's relatively weak on the brakes, and MM is a freak on the brakes.

Iannone, Rossi and MM @ Valencia 16: same deal.

JL in 13 was playing with Pedrosa and Marquez.

JL is not weak on the brakes when riding the Yamaha when he wants to make sure he doesn't get overtaken. Ask Rossi how hard it is to pass him when he decides to make it impossible. Ie Mugello 2016.

16: Marquez had more pace than Rossi and Iannone both of whine don't give a .... if they take someone out so will happily make desperate passes.
Hell, watch Rossi himself at Valencia 15 - he passed everyone else on the grid in pretty quick order

Rossi didn't pass them, they just moved over to let him through.

I've watched the passes and only 2 are really obvious Petrux and Smith, but all the rest are easy as the riders have moved slightly off line and not once was there any contact with any of them as you would normally find with some one coming from the back of the grid at a race track like Valencia.
I've watched the passes and only 2 are really obvious Petrux and Smith, but all the rest are easy as the riders have moved slightly off line and not once was there any contact with any of them as you would normally find with some one coming from the back of the grid at a race track like Valencia.
So, the fact that there wasn't contact means that they were letting him through? I've never heard that cited as a plausible reason before. It wasn't the much higher pace he was running? So the lack of contact in 2016 meant that Rossi let Marquez and Iannone through in 2016 too?

The lengths people go to deny VR's achievements on this forum never ceases to amaze.
So, the fact that there wasn't contact means that they were letting him through? I've never heard that cited as a plausible reason before. It wasn't the much higher pace he was running? So the lack of contact in 2016 meant that Rossi let Marquez and Iannone through in 2016 too?

The lengths people go to deny VR's achievements on this forum never ceases to amaze.

Do you not think given the conditions of that race that Stoner, Lorenzo, Marquez and possibly Pedrosa couldn't have done the same?
In reply, take a look back over the years when Rossi has come from either the back of or almost from the back to win and you will see that he's done paint scraping to get through yet in 2015 he didn't, says to me it wasn't that he needed to they just let him through.
If you don't see that all riders, except the top 3, basically moved over for Rossi to pass and not put up any challenge at all at Valencia 15, perhaps you should have removed your yellow color glasses. Too late for that now.
Do you not think given the conditions of that race that Stoner, Lorenzo, Marquez and possibly Pedrosa couldn't have done the same?

Yes - they would have. Look at Pedrosa in 2012 at Brno (eventually taken out, but was storming through like a boss). Also look at Marquez at Qatar 2015 (ran off to last position, I think, and scythed through the pack to finish about 6th?).
In reply, take a look back over the years when Rossi has come from either the back of or almost from the back to win and you will see that he's done paint scraping to get through yet in 2015 he didn't, says to me it wasn't that he needed to they just let him through.
Like when? Phillip Island 2015? Assen 2007? Phillip Island 2006?

No paint scraping at all.

Difficult to convince someone that thinks Rossi faked his own leg injury, though. ;)
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I wouldn't go as far as saying Rossi faked his leg injury but people have blown it all out of proportion, it's not like a Doohan/Hutchinson situation where the leg was shattered and amputation was considered prior to a memorable comeback despite life changing injuries.
I wouldn't go as far as saying Rossi faked his leg injury but people have blown it all out of proportion, it's not like a Doohan/Hutchinson situation where the leg was shattered and amputation was considered prior to a memorable comeback despite life changing injuries.
Doohan was a beast...
I know the Uccio is well 'insulated', but I hope he didn’t read the comments, that would definitely leave a sting. There was a funny news story I was listening to just last week on the topic of ego driven athletes making fake social media accounts to argue against negative posts about themselves. It was in response to an NBA player, Kevin Durant, making a fake account and arguing with fans. Hahaha, I bet there's been a few of those accounts around here.

The show was really interesting and talked about the affect of athletes who have been praised their entire lives to then read that there are some people that don't think they walk on water, it's all very shocking to them. In a way, I can understand, they live in a bubble of praise, Rossi's bubble must be extreme, even extends to most journalists who are supposed to be impartial. I think that's why Rossi takes it so hard when people like Pedro say the slightest criticism like he rode unnecessarily sketchy. Rossi took it exceptionally hard when Lorenzo gave the thumbs down to express his disapproval at Rossi standing on the podium after he had just ran a fellow competitor off the track. Rossi took it as a major affront to his dignity, nothing to say for the fact he had just used his M1 as an assault weapon. The psychology of always being praised like you're infallible must be a real condition. Compounded by the fact that you've got a guy whispering in your ear that in fact you are infallible and everybody is out to get you.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
Firstly, the Valencia comment is my theory. I don't walk around claiming that I have a magical ability to look into Marc's mind and discern the truth. It's my belief. It could be wrong, but I base it on the following:

1. If I were in Marc's position, I would not pass Lorenzo as Lorenzo finishing third behind a fast closing Dani would mean that Rossi would win the title.

2. I have never seen Marc so reluctant to pass, while sitting within a few tenths of a guy all race. He usually will risk almost anything to win in the last lap (just look at the last two races, for example - nevermind literally every other time he's been in a similar position (e.g. PI 2015 when he came from nowhere and risked everything to take JL).

3. Jorge's own comment after the race, directly stating that his fellow Spaniards helped him in that race: .

I respect JL's admission "provo di essere sincero". He's a very forthright person, even if sometimes a little awkward.

I've noticed a flurry of post from you lately, so let me just say that I appreciate you coming here and expressing your opinion. It's good for the forum to have various and diverse takes.

Fair enough, I under stand faith, there's people who believe a bunch of stuff contrary to obvious logic and extensive evidence.

1. If Marc passed Jlo at Valencia, 2nd was enough to clinch the title. So now you've moved the goal post, first you said Marc refused to pass Lorenzo (in the unlikely event Jlo was gonna just let it happen with a championship on the line) but now you're saying Marc prevented Pedrosa from passing Lorenzo. If we are to "believe" your logic, then Marc could have easily let Pedrosa by, then according to you, Pedrosa would have "magically" passed Lorenzo, if Marc was so dedicated on helping Lorenzo and preventing Rossi glory, he could have just as easily held station behind Lorenzo whilst 'letting' Pedrosa win, Lorenzo wins the title anyway! Do you see how ridiculous your logic sounds when you read it out loud?

Let's recap what you BELIEVE, you believe Marc gave up a win (something he's adverse to doing historically, since you bring up modus operandi) despite Lorenzo finishing 2nd still prevented Rossi glory. If Marc was dead set on preventing Rossi glory, Pedrosa winning still accomplished Marc's conspiracy to aid Lorenzo and thwart Rossi. That's not just faith, it's also illogical.

2. You've never seen Marc so reluctant to pass a guy because your faith disallows you to focus on the man in front; Marc was doing everything he could to stay within striking distance of a determined leader who was laying down a scorching pace without the slightest mistake. You say, look at Marc now, as in today? How about let's examine Marc in the context of the season, the moment of tge Valencia race we are discussing; he had crashed out of races attempting to do the thing he had just learned NOT to do! But you have faith that he wasn't thinking or learned from the season's mistakes. Are you also aware RD basically told him to be more cognizant when racing championship contenders? Or was this admonishment only apply to Rossi? It's quite mind-boggling that you cite PI 15 to make the case that Marc conspired at Valencia 15. That's exactly the kind of religious faith you need to believe something so convoluted. Ironically, you quipped to HelloMars about arguing with a guy who thinks perhaps Rossi faked injury? What kind of crazy are we talking here when you use an example of Marc helping Lorenzo at Valencia by citing Marc taking points away from Lorenzo at PI. Seriously, it's breathtaking faith!

3. Yes, I've read Lorenzo say Marc and Pedro "helped" him; you erroneously take this to mean, they did it on purpose. Let's examine this notion of 'help' further with a question we both know the answer to:

Question: 'Hey, RCV600RR, does it 'help' you to accept Rossi losing the 2015 title because you 'believe' Marc conspired against him?

Answer: 'Yes, it 'helps' me accept the outcome because it make the title illegitimate in my eyes."

Does this mean your faith 'helped' decided the 2015 title? Did your faith have any effect on the outcomes whatsoever? The answer is NO. Lorenzo is saying, sure it helped they couldn't get past me, it would have not helped if they actually managed to both do it. However, neither managed to pass him, despite trying. Again, in case you missed it, did your faith in believing Marc 'helped' Lorenzo have any effect on the outcome of the title? No, none. Lorenzo is illustrating the same concept: it 'helped', that is, it had zero effect!

You're still confused I bet. Let me try a different explanation, because you're thinking, wait, you were not in a position to effect the outcome, regardless of how much faith you must have (and it's a lot). Well, Lorenzo is illustrating the same point, neither Marc nor Pedrosa were in a position to effect the outcome because Lorenzo had control over the win that day. Marc and Pedro want to win every single race they line up for, they fail more times than they succeed. Why? Because often the eventual race winner has full control of the pace, hence the win.

Take another look at Phillip Island 2015. You reason that Marc was just toying around and had a last lap attack. So then, according to your logic Lorenzo HELPED Marc win that race! See how ridiculous your logic becomes when you read it out loud?

Hi Marc, it's RCV600RR from the FaithMatters blog, I have a question, did it 'help' that Lorenzo couldn't pass you at Phillip Island?

Marc: Yes, it 'helped'.

So RCV600RR, how much of that help had an actual effect on the outcome of the PI race? Zero.

I agree, Lorenzo es sincero. He is sincere, but I think you've grossly mistaken his meaning.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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I've noticed a flurry of post from you lately, so let me just say that I appreciate you coming here and expressing your opinion. It's good for the forum to have various and diverse takes.

Fair enough, I under stand faith, there's people who believe a bunch of stuff contrary to obvious logic and extensive evidence.

1. If Marc passed Jlo at Valencia, 2nd was enough to clinch the title. So now you've moved the goal post, first you said Marc refused to pass Lorenzo (in the unlikely event Jlo was gonna just let it happen with a championship on the line) but now you're saying Marc prevented Pedrosa from passing Lorenzo. If we are to "believe" your logic, then Marc could have easily let Pedrosa by, then according to you, Pedrosa would have "magically" passed Lorenzo, if Marc was so dedicated on helping Lorenzo and preventing Rossi glory, he could have just as easily held station behind Lorenzo whilst 'letting' Pedrosa win, Lorenzo wins the title anyway! Do you see how ridiculous your logic sounds when you read it out loud?

Let's recap what you BELIEVE, you believe Marc gave up a win (something he's adverse to doing historically, since you bring up modus operandi) despite Lorenzo finishing 2nd still prevented Rossi glory. If Marc was dead set on preventing Rossi glory, Pedrosa winning still accomplished Marc's conspiracy to aid Lorenzo and thwart Rossi. That's not just faith, it's also illogical.

2. You've never seen Marc so reluctant to pass a guy because your faith disallows you to focus on the man in front; Marc was doing everything he could to stay within striking distance of a determined leader who was laying down a scorching pace without the slightest mistake. You say, look at Marc now, as in today? How about let's examine Marc in the context of the season, the moment of tge Valencia race we are discussing; he had crashed out of races attempting to do the thing he had just learned NOT to do! But you have faith that he wasn't thinking or learned from the season's mistakes. Are you also aware RD basically told him to be more cognizant when racing championship contenders? Or was this admonishment only apply to Rossi? It's quite mind-boggling that you cite PI 15 to make the case that Marc conspired at Valencia 15. That's exactly the kind of religious faith you need to believe something so convoluted. Ironically, you quipped to HelloMars about arguing with a guy who thinks perhaps Rossi faked injury? What kind of crazy are we talking here when you use an example of Marc helping Lorenzo at Valencia by citing Marc taking points away from Lorenzo at PI. Seriously, it's breathtaking faith!

3. Yes, I've read Lorenzo say Marc and Pedro "helped" him; you erroneously take this to mean, they did it on purpose. Let's examine this notion of 'help' further with a question we both know the answer to:

Question: 'Hey, RCV600RR, does it 'help' you to accept Rossi losing the 2015 title because you 'believe' Marc conspired against him?

Answer: 'Yes, it 'helps' me accept the outcome because it make the title illegitimate in my eyes."

Does this mean your faith 'helped' decided the 2015 title? Did your faith have any effect on the outcomes whatsoever? The answer is NO. Lorenzo is saying, sure it helped they couldn't get past me, it would have not helped if they actually managed to both do it. However, neither managed to pass him, despite trying. Again, in case you missed it, did your faith in believing Marc 'helped' Lorenzo have any effect on the outcome of the title? No, none. Lorenzo is illustrating the same concept: it 'helped', that is, it had zero effect!

You're still confused I bet. Let me try a different explanation, because you're thinking, wait, you were not in a position to effect the outcome, regardless of how much faith you must have (and it's a lot). Well, Lorenzo is illustrating the same point, neither Marc nor Pedrosa were in a position to effect the outcome because Lorenzo had control over the win that day. Marc and Pedro want to win every single race they line up for, they fail more times than they succeed. Why? Because often the eventual race winner has full control of the pace, hence the win.

Take another look at Phillip Island 2015. You reason that Marc was just toying around and had a last lap attack. So then, according to your logic Lorenzo HELPED Marc win that race! See how ridiculous your logic becomes when you read it out loud?

Hi Marc, it's RCV600RR from the FaithMatters blog, I have a question, did it 'help' that Lorenzo couldn't pass you at Phillip Island?

Marc: Yes, it 'helped'.

So RCV600RR, how much of that help had an actual effect on the outcome of the PI race? Zero.

I agree, Lorenzo es sincero. He is sincere, but I think you've grossly mistaken his meaning.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.

My view is that he was thanking them for not attempting an impossible and/or very high risk pass, something MM at least had been prone to doing historically, and something you in particular well remember Pedrosa doing in 2006.

The logic or lack thereof concerning PI 2015 in particular is what staggers me, MM had put himself out of contention in 2015 by dint of early race crashes which occurred because he tried to dominate whole races, as he had done for most of the races in 2014, on a different bike which was much more skittish particularly early in races and not conducive to such a race strategy. Yet he was apparently obliged to do the same at PI and presumably crash out early so as not to interfere with Rossi's title bid. As I keep saying, his tactics at PI 2015 are the only tactics which have seen MM finish let alone win a race at PI in the premier class, and moreover employed more broadly resulted in him winning the 2016 title on a still skittish Honda.
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I've noticed a flurry of post from you lately, so let me just say that I appreciate you coming here and expressing your opinion. It's good for the forum to have various and diverse takes.


I think you've misunderstood my position on PI 15. I don't think MM was toying at PI. I think Rossi's accusations are incorrect. Please re-read my posts on that matter.

1. If Marc passed Jlo at Valencia, 2nd was enough to clinch the title. So now you've moved the goal post, first you said Marc refused to pass Lorenzo (in the unlikely event Jlo was gonna just let it happen with a championship on the line) but now you're saying Marc prevented Pedrosa from passing Lorenzo. If we are to "believe" your logic, then Marc could have easily let Pedrosa by, then according to you, Pedrosa would have "magically" passed Lorenzo, if Marc was so dedicated on helping Lorenzo and preventing Rossi glory, he could have just as easily held station behind Lorenzo whilst 'letting' Pedrosa win, Lorenzo wins the title anyway! Do you see how ridiculous your logic sounds when you read it out loud?
That's a good argument. There is a counter-argument, however: \yYou're looking at the race with the benefit of hindsight, knowing the ultimate result.

During the race, MM didn't know how far VR was from Dani (Dani ultimately had an incredible late race surge), whether he was closing Dani down, or whether Dani would ultimately crash.

For example, if Dani crashed (or Rossi passed him), Rossi would have another three points. If Marquez relegated Jorge to second, Rossi would win the title...

Let's recap what you BELIEVE, you believe Marc gave up a win (something he's adverse to doing historically, since you bring up modus operandi)
He's certainly averse to relinquishing a win, as a matter of course. But I think anyone can reasonably agree that MM's motivation to hurt Rossi's championship would be much higher after Sepang, so to portray this as merely another race is not a reasonable position to take.

2. You've never seen Marc so reluctant to pass a guy because your faith disallows you to focus on the man in front; Marc was doing everything he could to stay within striking distance of a determined leader who was laying down a scorching pace without the slightest mistake.
But can you at least admit that you've never seen MM sitting so close to another guy without even attempting a pass? Please bring up another example of him doing this. I cannot, but my memory may be betraying me.

Are you also aware RD basically told him to be more cognizant when racing championship contenders?
Yes - I explicitly noted that this is an element that goes against my argument. I don't pretend that my theory is flawless (unlike you, with respect). I realise that it has flaws, which is why I don't argue it with great confidence.

It's quite mind-boggling that you cite PI 15 to make the case that Marc conspired at Valencia 15.
Except that I never said this (I must admit that I find it quite strange that you're suggesting I did). In case there's any doubt, I believe, beyond reasonable doubt, that MM93 did nothing untoward at PI15. I even suggested earlier that, watching the race live, MM appeared to gesture to Rossi to sit on his tail (i.e. let's stop passing each other non-stop - it's unproductive! Let's get Lorenzo then we'll have the dice) to catch Lorenzo 2 or 3 laps to the end.

3. Yes, I've read Lorenzo say Marc and Pedro "helped" him; you erroneously take this to mean, they did it on purpose. Let's examine this notion of 'help' further with a question we both know the answer to:

Question: 'Hey, RCV600RR, does it 'help' you to accept Rossi losing the 2015 title because you 'believe' Marc conspired against him?

Answer: 'Yes, it 'helps' me accept the outcome because it make the title illegitimate in my eyes."
This is the worst part of your argument (and, I think, given the similarity between Spanish and Italian, willful blindness on your part).

You have completely changed the grammatical structure of the words to support your argument. Again, this is a clear example of ignoring evidence when it does not suit your case.

Lorenzo did not say "it helped me". He said they helped me.

Marquez e Pedrosa avevano capito che mi giocavo moltissimo, magari in un altro tipo di gara potevano rischiare di più e sorpassarmi. Invece sono stati molto bravi perchè il titolo rimanesse in Spagna. Li devo ringraziare del piccolo aiuto senza cui non ce l'avrei fatta. Il titolo è nostro»».

Marquez and Pedrosa had understood that I had a lot on the line. In another type of race, they could risk more and pass me. Instead, they were great because the title remained in Spain. I have to thank them for the small help without which I wouldn't have managed it. The title is ours.

I think MichaelM's interpretation is quite reasonable: Pedro and MM didn't expose Lorenzo to risk in passing him, as they ordinarily would have, knowing how much he had on the line.

Rossi would've probably finished fourth at Valencia, even without the penalty. He's never had good races there.

I agree, Lorenzo es sincero. He is sincere, but I think you've grossly mistaken his meaning.
Heh. The irony drips from this sentence.
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