Rename forum to "Rossi Hate Parade"

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It's sad to see a vocal minority so out of touch with reality. I mean look at some of the "avatars" these "members" use ... clearly people living in a basement being the keyboard warrior.

I mean they are so far removed from what racing is, it's beyond pathetic to see some of the drivel they spew. What was one comment that had me falling on the ground laughing

"I've been saying Rossi should have avoided the contact by standing up his bike; afterall, this is what he has expected of others."

What absolute drivel, not only did Jumkie "from: your mom's house" ... last time I used a phrase like that it was in the 10th grade several decades ago 14-15 year olds maybe? Jumkie's evidence was a bunch of pictures that weren't evidence, not even remotely close to what Marquez did and then attempts to bring in terminology like "logic" and "double standards" from thin air?

But again, none of these keyboard warriors seems to have any racing experience at all ... but that's probably a good thing for them as their philosophy (and that's all it is) on racing would have them either dead, in a wheel chair, or in hospital.

But apparently if we post pictures of our motorcycles then that's ok? Let me see, I have had many many motorcycles over the years where should I start:

Age 12 my first:
1972 175cc Kawaski Enduro (used) - pre-helmet laws in CA
1981 CB400 Honda (used)
1987 CBR600F2 Hurricane (new) co-owned with girlfriend and I
1992 Suzuki 800 Intruder (new)
1994 Suzuki 1400 Intruder (new)
1997 Suzuki Katana 750 (new)
2003 Suzuki Hayabusa GSX1300R (new)

Sold the Hayabusa in 2008 as it became to dangerous to ride on the street with many of my motorcycle friends being injured or killed at a rather frequent rate from "distracted" drivers (aka texting and driving start to be popular).

I wonder how many of those pretending to know anything about racing have actually done over 190 mph on a bike and popped their heads up over the fairing to feel the violence and pressure of wind and how it rattles one's head.

If I show a picture of my driver's license with Class CM1 will that make any difference at all? Would me posting pictures of all my motorcycles over the years make any difference at all? No it wouldn't, but some of you have your heads so far up Marquez ass that Lorenzo is getting very jealous.

Cheers, Rob.

You might want to delete your "car racing" videos. They could be used as evidence of you daudling on the racing line.
It's sad to see a vocal minority so out of touch with reality. I mean look at some of the "avatars" these "members" use ... clearly people living in a basement being the keyboard warrior.

I mean they are so far removed from what racing is, it's beyond pathetic to see some of the drivel they spew. What was one comment that had me falling on the ground laughing

"I've been saying Rossi should have avoided the contact by standing up his bike; afterall, this is what he has expected of others."

What absolute drivel, not only did Jumkie "from: your mom's house" ... last time I used a phrase like that it was in the 10th grade several decades ago 14-15 year olds maybe? Jumkie's evidence was a bunch of pictures that weren't evidence, not even remotely close to what Marquez did and then attempts to bring in terminology like "logic" and "double standards" from thin air?

But again, none of these keyboard warriors seems to have any racing experience at all ... but that's probably a good thing for them as their philosophy (and that's all it is) on racing would have them either dead, in a wheel chair, or in hospital.

But apparently if we post pictures of our motorcycles then that's ok? Let me see, I have had many many motorcycles over the years where should I start:

Age 12 my first:
1972 175cc Kawaski Enduro (used) - pre-helmet laws in CA
1981 CB400 Honda (used)
1987 CBR600F2 Hurricane (new) co-owned with girlfriend and I
1992 Suzuki 800 Intruder (new)
1994 Suzuki 1400 Intruder (new)
1997 Suzuki Katana 750 (new)
2003 Suzuki Hayabusa GSX1300R (new)

Sold the Hayabusa in 2008 as it became to dangerous to ride on the street with many of my motorcycle friends being injured or killed at a rather frequent rate from "distracted" drivers (aka texting and driving start to be popular).

I wonder how many of those pretending to know anything about racing have actually done over 190 mph on a bike and popped their heads up over the fairing to feel the violence and pressure of wind and how it rattles one's head.

If I show a picture of my driver's license with Class CM1 will that make any difference at all? Would me posting pictures of all my motorcycles over the years make any difference at all? No it wouldn't, but some of you have your heads so far up Marquez ass that Lorenzo is getting very jealous.

Cheers, Rob.

More laughable is the drivel you've posted in this topic.

You're absolutely butthurt this forum (outside of a select few) see Rossi for what he really is.

Cry some more, I lol'd at your original post and topic title. It was great you were so bent out of shape that you had to make the original post and now this one.
It's sad to see a vocal minority so out of touch with reality. I mean look at some of the "avatars" these "members" use ... clearly people living in a basement being the keyboard warrior.

I mean they are so far removed from what racing is, it's beyond pathetic to see some of the drivel they spew. What was one comment that had me falling on the ground laughing

"I've been saying Rossi should have avoided the contact by standing up his bike; afterall, this is what he has expected of others."

What absolute drivel, not only did Jumkie "from: your mom's house" ... last time I used a phrase like that it was in the 10th grade several decades ago 14-15 year olds maybe? Jumkie's evidence was a bunch of pictures that weren't evidence, not even remotely close to what Marquez did and then attempts to bring in terminology like "logic" and "double standards" from thin air?

But again, none of these keyboard warriors seems to have any racing experience at all ... but that's probably a good thing for them as their philosophy (and that's all it is) on racing would have them either dead, in a wheel chair, or in hospital.

But apparently if we post pictures of our motorcycles then that's ok? Let me see, I have had many many motorcycles over the years where should I start:

Age 12 my first:
1972 175cc Kawaski Enduro (used) - pre-helmet laws in CA
1981 CB400 Honda (used)
1987 CBR600F2 Hurricane (new) co-owned with girlfriend and I
1992 Suzuki 800 Intruder (new)
1994 Suzuki 1400 Intruder (new)
1997 Suzuki Katana 750 (new)
2003 Suzuki Hayabusa GSX1300R (new)

Sold the Hayabusa in 2008 as it became to dangerous to ride on the street with many of my motorcycle friends being injured or killed at a rather frequent rate from "distracted" drivers (aka texting and driving start to be popular).

I wonder how many of those pretending to know anything about racing have actually done over 190 mph on a bike and popped their heads up over the fairing to feel the violence and pressure of wind and how it rattles one's head.

If I show a picture of my driver's license with Class CM1 will that make any difference at all? Would me posting pictures of all my motorcycles over the years make any difference at all? No it wouldn't, but some of you have your heads so far up Marquez ass that Lorenzo is getting very jealous.

Cheers, Rob.
I wonder how many of those pretending to know anything about racing have actually done over 190 mph on a bike and popped their heads up over the fairing to feel the violence and pressure of wind and how it rattles one's head.
Pfffttt 190. My 14R does that halfway thru 5 gear.
It's sad to see a vocal minority so out of touch with reality. I mean look at some of the "avatars" these "members" use ... clearly people living in a basement being the keyboard warrior.

I mean they are so far removed from what racing is, it's beyond pathetic to see some of the drivel they spew. What was one comment that had me falling on the ground laughing

"I've been saying Rossi should have avoided the contact by standing up his bike; afterall, this is what he has expected of others."

What absolute drivel, not only did Jumkie "from: your mom's house" ... last time I used a phrase like that it was in the 10th grade several decades ago 14-15 year olds maybe? Jumkie's evidence was a bunch of pictures that weren't evidence, not even remotely close to what Marquez did and then attempts to bring in terminology like "logic" and "double standards" from thin air?

But again, none of these keyboard warriors seems to have any racing experience at all ... but that's probably a good thing for them as their philosophy (and that's all it is) on racing would have them either dead, in a wheel chair, or in hospital.

But apparently if we post pictures of our motorcycles then that's ok? Let me see, I have had many many motorcycles over the years where should I start:

Age 12 my first:
1972 175cc Kawaski Enduro (used) - pre-helmet laws in CA
1981 CB400 Honda (used)
1987 CBR600F2 Hurricane (new) co-owned with girlfriend and I
1992 Suzuki 800 Intruder (new)
1994 Suzuki 1400 Intruder (new)
1997 Suzuki Katana 750 (new)
2003 Suzuki Hayabusa GSX1300R (new)

Sold the Hayabusa in 2008 as it became to dangerous to ride on the street with many of my motorcycle friends being injured or killed at a rather frequent rate from "distracted" drivers (aka texting and driving start to be popular).

I wonder how many of those pretending to know anything about racing have actually done over 190 mph on a bike and popped their heads up over the fairing to feel the violence and pressure of wind and how it rattles one's head.

If I show a picture of my driver's license with Class CM1 will that make any difference at all? Would me posting pictures of all my motorcycles over the years make any difference at all? No it wouldn't, but some of you have your heads so far up Marquez ass that Lorenzo is getting very jealous.

Cheers, Rob.

Which part of argumentum ad verecundiam being a logical fallacy did you not understand?.

If you travelled to the Andromeda galaxy and back you would be a biased Rossi fan who had been to the Andromeda galaxy. We even have a long term poster on here who has done fairly high level kart racing and he has a different view on Rossi than you do.
More laughable is the drivel you've posted in this topic.

You're absolutely butthurt this forum (outside of a select few) see Rossi for what he really is.

Cry some more, I lol'd at your original post and topic title. It was great you were so bent out of shape that you had to make the original post and now this one.

JP ........ knows all about crying. He does it every night when his mum is out servicing strangers.
JP ........ knows all about crying. He does it every night when his mum is out servicing strangers.

I see i have got you saying mum instead of mom now, i have a lot of influence on you don't I ?
Perhaps you need to not take things so personally then it wouldn’t be a problem. I’m not on here much thanks to a busy work and uni load but I still come here time to time. I’m a Rossi fan and I’ve never once had an issue on this forum - I’ve always been respectful to other forum members and in turn I’ve mever once had any of the “Rossi haters” be idiots towards me. There’s been fun banter and that’s it. It would be boring if everyone loved the same rider

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