Speaking of which, I don't underestimate the power of the league to pave the way for their chosen darlings. Lets examine those supremely talented rider when they were promoted: Pedro to factory, Rossi to non-factory factory, Marquez to factory (after the timely elimination of a rule specifically prohibiting it) and of course Stone, oh wait, he went straight to a satellite, interesting. Its never hurt that Albert and Carmelo are golf buddies. But you dont subscribe to such conspiracies. Pedro has had every possible advantage since he was promoted to the premi貥 class and has done .... with it in terms of the ultimate prize. He melted down at PI last year on his own and I will be hoping the same .... happens this year. But I am under no illusion that the league will be leveling the playing field, as had been suggested in reverse direction starting last season. The sudden elimination of the rookie rule (despite the ........ reasons given, and far worse...believed) are no coincidence as Pedro has not delivered. HRC need a champ. With the retirement of Stoner, perhaps its time to 'let' HRC have one, eh.
just to poke a hole in your argument, i think we all realise that there is favouritism, but those riders you mentioned there all had showed huge dominance in the smaller classes and had WC's under their belts already. Stoner did not. hence the factory (or non factory rides).