See Dubs, this is where all arguments calling people haters falter
Personality traits are just that, personality traits and as such if there is a personality I do not like or enjoy, it does not make me a hater, it simply means that I do not enjoy that type of personality or presentation.
I will openly admit it, I am not a fan of the Rossi persona and I have said that for near on 18 if not 20 now and stand by it. Give me the personality types of Stoner, Doohan, Rainey and I can enjoy things but give me over showmanship and it quite simply p*sses me off (does not matter the sport either as I always admired the ability of Tiger woods to play golf, but never enjoyed his showmanship)
Does it make me a hater, well obviously in your (perhaps small) world but being a personality 'hater' to use your words does not make me or others incapable of appreciating the abilities and accomplishments.
So on one hand to you we are haters, but on the other we are in some ways fans are we not for enjoying aspects of the rider?