Man you went about this all the wrong way! Sorry but you did!
Firstly arrangements should have been made with Levi for him to be at home during your stay!!! Earlier planning could have secured this! Shame on you! but for now back to the plan.
Now we all know Jumks likes the tequila but taking the woods, good start. But why only the one bottle??? Throw him off for the first night!? Agreed! Good strategy. But he will be back on the tequila the next day and the plan is up .... creek.
Now robbing his credit card deserves kudos but in your own pissed up stupour your failed to recognies that there is 3 months between dates of order and dates of actuall participation.
So! Jumks wakes up in a few weeks time to recieve a credit card bill with flights to good ole blighty on there!!!
Now dont you think he may firstly question the booking? or secondly at least smell a rat?
Me thinks yes to both
Sorry Mate I think you may have failed. Like I said shame on you.
Now back to Levi.
What you should have done is made sure Levi was present!
This is the most crucial part to the plan.
Now you get Levi pissed (starting on the magnum of woods that was in your suitcase) who needs a change of clothes at a track!?
Now you've got him out of his comfort zone (on the woods) good start!
Heres the hard part!
You convince Levi that aquiring a plane with Gator to come to silverstone is the bestest idea the world! (more woods may be required)
Once he agrees
On the phone to Curve!!
We have Curve "Just drop in" on our buddy Jumks with a bottle of woods (flown in previously) to take him out of his comfort zone
Now Curve drives Jumks to the nearest airport.
Levi and Gator pick them up and before Jumks is aware of whats going off hes here in blighty and at the track!
With the rest of the 2011 gang!
Whats he gonna do? Go home
I think not!
I rest my case.
To all mentioned I hope you were not offended, Ramblings of some one pissed!
To all who read, I hope I amused.