AUSTIN GP 2013: Its not just a party

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What? Us? No - we didn't come out of those two closets behind us!


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Hi Everyone

I sent a few of you that are going a PM in case you dont see this.

Im here in Austin and will be working on and off the circuit for GoPro this weekend.

Hopefully I will get some time to go downtown and party.

I would like to see if we could get together and maybe have a drink.

If I cant make it be sure to look out for me at the track.

Were doing some cool things. At some point we will be throwing out some GoPro cameras to the crowd

Looking foward to meeting some of you


lil red rocket pilot

Farking American Airlines tried to kill us with sleep deprivation!

38 Freeking hours to reach an 18HR Dstination.

Epic FAIL on their part!

We are here, having a fantastic time!

Might even consider sleep at some point in the weekend ;)


ps I can't post .... or contact anyone with the phone didn't contact my provider before I left.

Fail on my part ;)



At least you guys made it and can enjoy the race. I bet you're all hoping for the same kind of trip home, right? ;)


Have fun guys and stay safe!!!!

Hi Everyone

I sent a few of you that are going a PM in case you dont see this.

Im here in Austin and will be working on and off the circuit for GoPro this weekend.

Hopefully I will get some time to go downtown and party.

I would like to see if we could get together and maybe have a drink.

If I cant make it be sure to look out for me at the track.

Were doing some cool things. At some point we will be throwing out some GoPro cameras to the crowd

Looking foward to meeting some of you




 Blah... Blah... Blah... Blah... Blah... Blah... Blah...
Just parked at lot H i think. paid for F but i guess they wanna fill this one up first. I got a 5 gallon keg of homebrew in the truck.
Damn, do all the roads in Guatemala look like that?  That was definitely a cool vid!
Well It has been an awesome event,

Everyone seemed to have a fantastic time,

The weather has been doing it's best to burn us to crisps.

I must say it has been a change after the last 6 wet ones I've been to.

I'll get some pic's and stuff up when I get home,

But now, Tonight, It's Steak time!!

See you all back on the other side of the pond ;)
Feeling bloated ?

Tired of drinking and feeling hungover ?

Not getting enough sleep recently ?

Why not book yourself a stay at the Willski health centre and well being spa !

The perfect way to end those post MotoGP blues

Feeling bloated ?

Tired of drinking and feeling hungover ?

Not getting enough sleep recently ?

Why not book yourself a stay at the Willski health centre and well being spa !

The perfect way to end those post MotoGP blues

Allow me to successfully run the gauntlet of Willski Air before I get back to you on that.
xx CURVE xx

This weekend with you gents was well worth a lost toe..

Well....I got the popcorn you become separated from an appendage?

Stories to follow after about a week's worth of hydration and sleep... Good night y'all.


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ImageUploadedByTapatalk1366692723.362601.jpg Stories to follow after about a week's worth of hydration and sleep... Good night y'all.


Guess who the photographer was ;)


Just go home freeking drained to the max!

Was going to try stay awake but just got to go to bed!


Massive Huge Thanks to all my new brothers and sisters from other mothers!

It was one hell of an awesome party!

I love you all!

Red off to bed! ;)