Hmmm . . . Not as weird as some might think. I went that route (tho in India not Pakistan) back in ‘89. That’s why I lost track of MotoGp from then till 2006. I didn’t do the dreadlocks, bare feet and long beard, but pretty much the same deal, mostly up in the Himalayas. That’s how I ended up with the honorific Keshav. You can bet even money there was some kind of emotional upheaval in his life that led to his taking that path. Odd that he would choose Pakistan tho. Not a country that is welcoming to western tourists, and certainly not ones going for that whole Sadhu look. Most people going that way eventually grow away from it once they realize there’s nothing to gain “spiritually” that can’t be found in the local church, synagogue, AA meeting or whatever. While these days I identify as a non-theist, I can appreciate Pons’ desire to find something bigger than fame and shelves lined with trophies. Hope he stays safe over there. Pakistan is in general not a very safe place for anyone - especially with all the back and forth terror skirmishes between the government and the Taliban.
BTW - Love the way the dopey sports press describe Pons’ journey as a “new lifestyle”. Just goes to how superficial those people are.