Do any and everyone thank that this race wasn't fixed Motogp is getting like nascar
Ducati have issued team orders to insure that the championship goes to Valencia. Regardless of what map 8 meant there was obvious orders about giving position to Dovi(I still believe and so do others that Petrucci ran wide to let Dovi straight through in Motegi, a tenth of a second or more that he could've lost waiting to get by Petrucci would've probably meant he couldn't pull off that incredible pass) and not engaging him. I think the question is what are we going to see in Valencia? What are Ducati and by extension Italians(think Capirossi in 125cc) willing to do to see that not only does Marquez DNF or not finish in the top 11 at a track he has never been off the podium at but try to make sure that no one beats Dovi across the line? After all if they weren't willing to go to extreme lengths to make sure these things happen then what is the point of Lorenzo not going for the win? Will Rossi or another Italian purposefully run Marquez off the track? How will they make sure that Vinales, Pedrosa or someone else entirely doesn't win the race? Call me crazy but I'm really worried as a fan about what we could see in Valencia. I admit we could end up seeing a great scrap but I just hope it's all fair.
You're just a Marquez fanboy that's worried he's going to choke at the final round. You guys love to dream up conspiracies since simply watching the sport as it is doesn't seem to be enough entertainment for you.
He's never choked that's what your boy does you ...........
Now you're emotional and typing 3rd grade level insults. You don't feel embarrassed that as old as you are you don't have the wisdom or imagination to come up with better insults?
If Marquez chokes as tosses his RCV down the road at Valencia... you should avoid this forum during the off-season. It'll be hell for you... I'll make sure of it.![]()
That'd be reminiscent of Rossi in 2006 or he could always copy Rossi from 2015, crack under pressure and have an epic meltdown.
What happened to Vinales being in Marquez's head? What happened to Rossi's god like development skills? You've been awefully quiet while your title hopes have faltered epically since Rossi got the tyre and the chassis he demanded. You've been awfully quiet since the middle of the year... it must suck to be wrong so often :giggle:
If Marquez chucks it down the road and Dovi wins I won't lose any sleep over it. If Dovi wins the championship and I mean he wins it not Ducati then I'll be happy for him because he's one of the nicest guys going. It's just a sport I don't know any of these guys personally. I'm not like you, you're so worried that Marquez is going to eclipse Rossi that it keeps you up at night. Inventing theories like Vinales being in Marquez's head, inventing rules that don't exist so you can look elsewhere as to why your idol lost the only chance he has had in almost 10 years of taking a title. I've said in another thread if Marquez ..... up that's on him, you won't see me crying like I'm sure you were two years ago. I've seen guys I look up to more that I could ever look up to Marquez lose(Silva, Tszyu, Jones Jr, Pacquaio, Aldo off the top of my head) in sports that I actually professionally compete in. I lost no sleep, I moved on with my life.
You can make sure of something online as much as you want. But I tell you something in person you wouldn't dare trying to make anything hell for me. You hide behind your keyboard knowing that no matter what you say nobody can hurt you. Face to face you'd be a little bitch who'd be too scared to say anything that you thought might upset me. Keep hiding behind your keyboard tough guy but I want you to know it really doesn't bother me. I pity you.
At least now you're using your imagination, too bad your intelligence hasn't kicked in yet.
I've only been quiet because I've been busy with real life ..... You'll fail to insult me by pointing out that I've been spending more time furthering my career and making money than wasting countless hours on this forum countering all your BS conspiracy theories.
Now you're wanting to challenge me face to face to a fight? You don't feel too old for that? I wouldn't feel right fighting an elder wearing an oxygen mask... even if he has a #93 sticker on it.
hide behind the keyboard where you're safe buddy. It's ok. I didn't challenge you, I said that in person you'd be a bitch. Unfortunately for you, I'm not an old man. You try to talk a big game but it's just words from the safety of your house.
I doubt you've been busy with real life ...., you've just had nothing to come in and say because as usual you've been wrong.
Coming from the moron who has to come on here to defend Rossi's honour.....
Interesting to see a race where Lorenzo is the one taking the most risk. Must have killed him to give up top of the podium.