white flag rule

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Apr 16, 2005
does any1 else think that the new white flag rule is FUBAR?its going to end up spoiling the racing because u end up with riders riding in the rain on slicks because it would waste too much time to come in for a change of bike.whats the point of trying to improve safety if u end up puting riders out in the rain on tyres designed to work on a dry track?
if the white flag goes out after 3/4 distance they just aswell stop the race whats the point in riders going round slowly thats not racing
weather looking a bit damp for Sunday,but it could change before then,will it be another white flag race ?
who know's should be interesting anyway !

[Tamada not racing this weekend either].
i think its a farce really cant c wot it brings to moto gp, safety of the riders is the most important thing because if we lose rossi and sete this weekend say 4 about 3 races then thats moto gp gone, and bring bak split times its the fairest way but its only my own view.
Now I don't know a whole lot about wet weather techonolgy but what it sounds to me is that the carbon breaks go away in the wet because of the drop in temperature which causes the riders to be breaking nearly as deep and then pushing the tires. What I have heard in interviews by Randy Mamola and John Hopkins is the difference between rain and slick tires is very little when it comes to grip. The tire creates so much heat that it instantly burns away all moisture thus creating equal grip. So the way I see it is that the only reason for a rider to come in is because the temperature is too cold for carbon brakes and have to switch to steel and as long as they're changing bikes they may as well go to the rain tires with a smaller contact patch. I think it's a fine rule, it doesn't allow the leader to dictate the remainder of the race as in the past. Unless there is moderate to heavy rain there won't be a huge decline in times, I look forward to such an event where we need tire changes. Crews need their time to shine too!