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Please quote my "constant trashing of women." I would love to see that. You are aware that history here is readily accessible. You always forget this when spouting your lies. I'll be waiting, just like I'm still waiting to see this ........ "postcard" you keep failing to produce.

My family was threatened multiple times right here on the forum. You know this but continue to lie. JPS also received personal threats from the same crew that handed my personal info over to you. Are you going to deny that too, because you personally told me that via PM.
As far as my daughter being on the pole, that's a ....... joke stolen from Chris Rock. Its hard to think anyone is worse at gotcha moments than Mick D but you are the GOAT of failed gotcha

Shall we then infer that you in fact encourage her to work the pole?
Sorry to hear that. There are some seriously unhinged people on the internet.
Indeed, you are exhibit K. For Kancer, the forum thread Klog. This is the forum you prefer, chasing every posts to piss and .... on.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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So how would you describe what you just said? Is this an attempt at healing? :rolleyes: Bet if you just stfu nobody would have anything to reply to.

And here's you expressing your vast respect for women.

Clearly the irony of saying, Im just here for the ......., in a forum full of guys is lost on you.
Try again.
Why are you still trolling
You have ...... the forum for years, take a step back and look at how busy you have been rubbishing good threads and even those meant to be parodies of lighthearted humor just since Qatar. Count the number of .... reactions you have posted in the last three months! Its fascinating how un-self-aware you are Kesh. I'll have to do it on my own? Are you going on another one of your 3 minute "hiatuses" again, pretending to take a step back to reflect on your behavior and relentless attacks on this forum only to re-emerge re-energized to go on another attacking spree?

Remember when you asked if anybody wanted you to stop flame wars that you would honor their request? Then someone spoke up and you promptly ignored them, moved the goal post and continued your disruptions to the flow of the threads. Barbwirebiker just recently pleaded for the same, calling you out by name, brave actually, as it seems there are many here unwilling to call you out specifically. You silenced Barbs immediately. Shut up Kancer. Take a step back and try to summon some decency.

For the record I've not been silenced, no one is gonna do that regardless of the words on screen. I just had a huge week moving house and missed the us go until Friday arvo when I got the replay on fox.
Upon return there has been much of the same, yet also some attempts at civil constructive threads which I have seen have almost tipped into attack threads but one in particular JPS steered successfully back to topic on hand.

I come here because I am a motogp tragic, not for the drama.
For the record I've not been silenced, no one is gonna do that regardless of the words on screen. I just had a huge week moving house and missed the us go until Friday arvo when I got the replay on fox.
Upon return there has been much of the same, yet also some attempts at civil constructive threads which I have seen have almost tipped into attack threads but one in particular JPS steered successfully back to topic on hand.

I come here because I am a motogp tragic, not for the drama.
I appreciated that you tried to steer the thread, including a call to take the response-trolling cycle to the Lounge. I say "silenced" because Kesh and Barry both immediately jumped to tried and justify their activity to you of chasing Synn around every thread. It didn't stop them, did it? I had enough of it myself Barbs, particularly when the paranoia of who might be Synn theories turned to flagrant at disgusting attacks on Roger. What the hell does he have to do with it for Kesh and BM to talk ....? I won't sit here and let a dear friend whom I was honored to be his best man, including some of us here enjoyed good times in his company be defamed by a cowardly attack in this way, certainly not by the guy who did his best to run him and his wife off the site, not to mention the perpetrator of ongoing flame wars (the latest of which started while I wasn't even posting regularly). The Qatar thread is there to examine. You spoke up, Daniboy spoke up, and I'm compelled to speak up.

We get the forum we deserve.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
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For the record I've not been silenced, no one is gonna do that regardless of the words on screen. I just had a huge week moving house and missed the us go until Friday arvo when I got the replay on fox.
Upon return there has been much of the same, yet also some attempts at civil constructive threads which I have seen have almost tipped into attack threads but one in particular JPS steered successfully back to topic on hand.

I come here because I am a motogp tragic, not for the drama.

You are right.

I have said nothing to nor about you that jumkie is suggesting.

Its all just reinvigorating old ill jumkie had with Keshav. And because I disagree with jumkies current "coup" attempt ..... I believe I am now known as ......

"The bitch machine" ..... to which I say ..... oh yeah baby! :cool: :D
You are right.

I have said nothing to nor about you that jumkie is suggesting.

Its all just reinvigorating old ill jumkie had with Keshav. And because I disagree with jumkies current "coup" attempt ..... I believe I am now known as ......

"The bitch machine" ..... to which I say ..... oh yeah baby! :cool: :D

One hopes you are channelling you inner Austin Powers when saying that.

Lets see if your lie can be debunked Barry.

You are right.

I have said nothing to nor about you [Barbswire] that jumkie is suggesting.

Its all just reinvigorating old ill jumkie had with Keshav. And because I disagree with jumkies current "coup" attempt ..... I believe I am now known as ......

"The bitch machine" ..... to which I say ..... oh yeah baby! :cool: :D

All there has been here lately is ....... Keshav and ....... Synn having a bitch. Kinda over it. You are both acting like 5 year olds. Grow up.
No its that little snot nose synn. Kesh is fine.
It took him a while to have a go back at that little prick. And frankly I thought he was a bit reserved.

The great thing about a forum is you can go back and quote what was said. Now try to weasel your way out of it, but here we have Barbedwire making a specific and direct pleas for Kesh to shut the .... up and "grow up", and then Barry Machine immediately comes to justify the 'bitchfest' by saying Kesh is fine, carry on. No, you actually go further than that Barry, you encourage it further by suggesting have a go, don't be so reserved, carry on as you were. Barry, your message is, Barbs, there is no problem here, you're wrong, don't try to stop the trolling-response-bitchfest cycle! That is to say, you Barry tired to silence Barbs's plea for a return to normalcy.

Like I said Barry, I've had little interaction with you for the reason I stated, you can awkwardly try to weasel out of what I have accused you of doing in this case, but as you can see from the quote above, its there for all of us to examine.

To recap:

1. Barbs ask for this endless cycle of bitchfest to stop, and calls Kesh out by name "....... Kesh", and says, in case you don't understand, "both are acting like 5 year olds. GROW UP."

2. BARRY MACHINE interjects to challenge Barbs assertion and claims, "Kesh is fine", that is, the activity Kesh is engaging in, as Barbs describes as "....... Kesh...having a bitch" is incorrect, no "Kesh is fine" Barry replies.

3. BARRY MACHINE then advances his point further and encourages Kesh to come out of his "reserved" bubble (that's a laugh, take about disconnected from reality) and carry on the bitch fest. Barry says: "have a go at the that little prick." These are exact quotes, and the meaning of "have a go" is easily understood, continue the endless and relentless trolling, insults, drama, KLOGGING up the threads.

I will now quote Kancer's response to Barbwire"s plea. Which was disrespectful not to mention childish in the extreme.

All there has been here lately is ....... Keshav and ....... Synn having a bitch. Kinda over it. You are both acting like 5 year olds. Grow up.
He started it! :cry:

Well "he started it!". Do grown ups really talk like this? What you got to say Barry Machine? Since you 'liked' his response to Barbs. After all BM, you really do get emoticons, you speak their language, what does the :cry: emoticon suggest? It means, stop being a cry baby? You liked Kesh chastising Barbs by suggesting he is a crybaby. No wonder Barbs said to "grow up".

Shall I go on Barry?

Both you and Kancer have klogged up threads, trolling and chasing synn around, you two are supposedly grown ups, senior members here, and when called out for "acting like a 5 year old" what did you do? You justified the childish activity, you chastised the messenger, and encouraged to resume the trolling.

Bitch Machine and Kancer. Those are your quotes, now weasel out of it. This post should be pinned to the top of this board to demonstrate what liars and .... klogs you both aspire to be, the utopia of the forum, freedom from facts and free to attack whomever you chose. Let's pin this post.
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Like Im gunna read that ^^^^^ :rolleyes:

You read every bit of it, and you should be both ashamed and embarrassed by it.

Like I said BM, I don't have a beef with you, I've probably quoted and interacted with you in the last few days more than I have all the years we've both been here. But you have been fully engaged in klogging up threads along with and encouraging Kesh to destroy threads. Just click on the thread I just quoted you on above and quickly scroll through the pages, you will see Barry Machine and Keshav relentlessly on every page saying nothing of substance. No wonder Barbs pleaded for it to stop and for some maturity. You of course didn't want that.

Not to mention engaging in this paranoia of theories as to who is synn. You got my attention Barry. Not for long, to be honest, your contributions are hardly insightful, on top of the fact I just pointed out with your own very quotes that you are dishonest.
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Rather than writing reams of guff, you oughta take up this:

You are a natural ..... you'd be a "shoe in" .... get it.


You are demonstrating exactly what Barbs pleaded for you and Kesh to stop doing. You refuse to face it, like IamPony refused to read substance of information, and figured conclusion without analysis is easier. You are doing the same thing now that you did for pages and pages, reply with wacky awkward responses because, as I suspect, you really can't engage in substance and maturity. You betray yourself Barry.

We get the forum we deserve.
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Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

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