Spoke to Heismen and Truent today. Turns out Truent will be my neighbor, crazy ..... And Heismen will be camping with us. I also got a call today by another member who will remain nameless. He said hes 70/30 on showing up in a surprise visit.
I titled this thread Laguna Seca "Ghost Town" as it looked like it would be just three of us meeting up (CK, me, and a buddy). Now its looking like a proper Powerslide style meet up. Honestly, last year's mother of all meet up/party/extravaganza ruined all future meet ups! But hey, we can always shoot for 2nd or 3rd best. Hell, Dani Pedrosa has been doing that for years, and he still number #1 in Alberto Puig's pedophile book (though in his defense, at least he limits his sexual escapades to human, well, very small humans. But thats still better than small dogs and other primates..)