LAGUNA SECA 2010: PS Report

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love love lovethis, thanks for the stories guys!

yeah, we are all jealous right now not being in Laguna

can somebody rain some money here so i can get a ticket to the next Laguna

top posts guys!
We don’t have a guest by that last name sir:

Arrabbi gave me all the details of his trip and the hotel we would be picking him up at, but his UK cell phone wasn’t working. I was running a bit late, about 2 plus hours, so I d

At this point we haven’t even made it to the track yet…adventure continues.

You never fail Bro!!! and you are one luckiest person to have such good time every year. Pls tell us more stories.. can't wait.

love love lovethis, thanks for the stories guys!

yeah, we are all jealous right now not being in Laguna

can somebody rain some money here so i can get a ticket to the next Laguna

top posts guys!

If u get ur flight, i will pay for ur tix, lodging, booze, and food. U have run out of excuses. And Curve, ur in the top few of my list of members i want to party with. Make it happen.
Cabby opens the passenger door. Arrabbi looks in while I’m looking over his shoulder (I’m wondering, what the hell is Arrabi doing) and sitting there is a very large fat cab driver. Then an uncomfortable pause… Then Arrabbi says; “Mate, you need to lose some weight!” Cab driver slams on the accelerator, the door clips Arrabbi on the neck behind the ear and starts bleeding. Holy ...., what just happened? Everybody is like, WTF? I tell them, Arrabi just told this dude he’s a fat ...., but this being Arrabbi, its was done poetically in a rhyme. We all start laughing, hooting and hollering. And out from the darkness appears Longrider…

Not to rain on anyones parade, but that is just rude and unacceptable.
Not to rain on anyones parade, but that is just rude and unacceptable.

Yes, I thought so too...that cabby should not have slammed on the accelerator.<#EMO_DIR#>/.....gif

Your attempt at high-horsing has FAILED. Pov, I guess you've never gotten shitfaced Mr. Holier than Thou. Oh, and for your info, even the cabby had a cool attitude about it, as I was the only semi-sober of the bunch I walked over to his cab since the door was still wide open. I apologized to him and he said without hesitation, "Dude, we all get stupid from time to time, no worries, just close my door". Pov, when I started this thread, It came across my mind that some people might take the stories and try to give us ...., actually the guy I had in mind was Supershitya, as you recall he would try and preach his ........; it seems here you have made a lame attempt to do so buddy, not cool. Try and remember that next time you are drinking your southern moonshine.

So, let me start by making a disclaimer.

#1 Disclaimer, some of these stories may be offensive. If you feel I've offended you. Sorry but FU. I'd like to keep it light and friendly. Oh, and feel free to click out of this thread.

#2 Disclaimer, I'm not even gonna attempt to post race pics because Gatorduc will put them to shame. BTW, they are still on a bit of a vacation, so is Arrabi, so they may take a while to post. Gatorduc won't admit it but the man is super talented with a camera and is meticulous about getting the magazine quality shot. Its really quite admirable and you will soon come to appreciate it when he finally posts his pics. So don't expect much race action pics from me. I'll just try to entertain you with funny stories.

Anyway, so on to next story (Povol, now would be the time to look away).

I know you just met me & Gatorduc, but, can he borrow your BMW?

So Gator & Co. want to take advantage of the beautiful area that is the Monterey peninsula (the greater area where Laguna is located). They were going to take this famous drive called the “17 mile drive” in their car. My two buddies had ridden their bikes (two Yama R6s) up to Laguna and were camped with us, so I suggested to Gator & co that they take bikes, as the ride would be much more enjoyable than in a car. My buddies being the stand-up guys they are didn’t hesitate, sure no problem. But I didn’t realize that one of the bikes didn’t have a back seat. So the plan was stalled. Then I started thinking perhaps we could get another bike. I told Gator’s buddy (who will probably join the site as soon as Gator gets around to sharing the website link, hahaha
inside joke.) anyway, I told him wouldn’t it be something if we could use Longriders bike, but it was just a silly idea. So later on I’m standing in line to get Nicky’s autograph when my phone rings. Its Gator who is back at the campsite. “Dude, you think Longrider would let me borrow his bike?” I reply, “well it doesn’t hurt to ask.” A pause on the phone, then Gator says, “nah nah man, don’t ask, its stupid, that is way too much, don’t even ask him.” I say "Gator, the dude is standing right next to me, let me ask, the worst he can say is no man." Gator comes back, “nah bro, don’t ask” so I press the issue, I tell him, Gates, this dude is a crazy mofo, he is like you and me, he is one of us. So I tell Gates, hold on man. Then I tell Longrider, "hey bro, 'I know you just met me & Gatorduc, but, can he borrow your BMW?” I add, feel free to say no man, seriously, no pressure, but its better to ask then talk about it later only to hear; dude, you should have asked. Longrider pauses... I’m thinking, Gator was right, I shouldn’t have asked. Then I say again, its cool dude, it was a dumb question. Longrider comes back, “No, no dude, I want to, I trust my gut, its not that, its just I’m on a trip with strict schedule and it will be difficult to get back on track if in the unlikely event it were to be interrupted. So I tell him, well I will let you take the pristine R6 as collateral if that were to happen, and then I will fly over your BMW wherever you are in the country if something were to happen on their ride. Longrider looks at me, then begins to nod; “ok ok, I will go for that. Sure, that’s cool. Tell Gator he is welcome to my BMW.” Holy .... I’m thinking, I was right, this mofo is crazy! I tell Gator, dude said its cool, but we are in line getting a Nicky autograph, so we will take you the key as soon as its over ( somethings just can’t wait).

I know some of you may be reading this with several perspectives, but I’m still amazed at Longrider’s ability to trust his gut. Personally, I’m not so sure I would have gone for it myself in similar circumstances, but who knows, I'd like to believe I would have those kinds of balls. I tried to give Longrider some consolation in case he was starting to sweat his decision by telling him how I met Gator at Indy where he was willing to pay for my tix while unbeknownst to him I had already paid for them; or tell him that this guy had trailered two bikes from his home in southern Florida up to Daytona bike week so that CaliKid and I could ride during the trip. I told him he maintains good friendships, like Levi who put us up in his house for a week. I even told him how he had hosted CaliKid on one of his business trips to Florida and took him under his wing (quite literally actually). But you know, he stopped me and said, dude, I’m over it, I trust you guys. Then he sped off to get some Nicky Hayden underwear boxers from the Hayden Bros store in an attempt to get them autographed by Nicky. Wow, I thought, a man after my own heart!

Longrider thanked us profusely for hosting him this weekend. But in reality, I am the one who is thankful. He actually reminds me of the same feelings CK and I have talked about in the afterglow of meeting such people like Roger, Gator/Levi & Co, Clark, Arrabi, etc. and that is: I’m thankful that he restored my faith in man. I am thankful that he inspired me as well as others. I cringe at the thought of the risks he took, 1. Getting in a RV full of hooting and hollering people, 2. Spending the night in our RV with complete strangers, 3. Loaning out his beautiful bike (seriously dude, I don’t recommend this agai, lets not test fate). The man was inspiring and funny as hell (seriously, this cannot be underscored, as Arrabi said to me, “Geez Jumkie, every time this bloke opens his mouth he has me laughing).

Which brings me to this point, I know we give eachother a lot of shtick around here and sometimes feathers are ruffled (as I am guilty as anyone). But it must be tempered with perspective my friends, the opinions of riders and .... are all just ramblings and not to be taken too seriously by anyone on either end. This forum is not some place to be seen as beneath you or silly, as I’d say if you feel this way you may lack some perspective, its a place to screw around, talks some ...., share some well informed opinions about a sport that we in common all love, and if you are lucky like me, meet some of the greatest people on the planet. Arrabi and I were sitting around and talking a bit, as we had several conversations with Arrabbi imparting wisdom and some good perspectives. BTW, the few times he got a bit drunk, I take responsibility, as I was the one egging on the drinks, and I think he obliged me as he was in my care of sorts. Arrabi is a well mannered and wise man, and an excellent father (perhaps his best trait), and he's not hung up on being a prits, the man is genuine. The posts that we have been treated to are infact reflected in the man. Anywho, we got to talking especially about some of our forum nemeses, and he convinced me that in reality these are the people we’d most like to meet. So Boppers (and I say this with love), though I give you ...., don’t take it seriously, because in reality, I would love to sit around a campfire the night before a GP race and share a beer with you. Peace and love all around. If you find a kinder more gentler Jumkie, you have Arrabi to thank. (And no, I'm not drunk right now). As you can see, the glow from this weekend is still very much emanating.

Longrider gives last minute rundown of his bike to Gator. Gator: "So...the left side is the clutch right?" Yikes!


Gator & Co leaving for their ride. (Check out Longrider in the background taking a pic. I wonder if he thought that's the last time he'd see his bike, hahaha).


Longrider and my buddy "The Ordained Minister" (No really, he's a 'Man of the Cloth'). Giving eachother a consolation hug and shedding a tear perhaps of seeing their babies ride off with a stranger. Big props to my buddy too, really, if I started to tell you just how much of a stand-up guy he is, we would run out of bandwith. Roger can attest, the man is legit.


Gator, the shot will not be denied! And honestly, when you need to capture that perfect moment, he is the man for the job. Oh, just wait till I get around to the 'Dani..Te Amo & Casey, can you sign my hat' stories.


Nicky, service with a smile. Sadly, the underwear that Longrider ran a mile to get was not signed because he got back a little to late. That's when we were on the phone with Gator about the bike. As they say, no good deed goes unpunished. But I got the underwear, and I promised to have it signed for him the next time I see Nicky. (I hope he doesn't mind that I'm wearing it right now, going on three day actually).


CK making the BBQ at the campsite while the rest of us mill around. (Not sure if I've mentioned it, but CK is an actual chef in real life, ironically its for a make believe world, as he chefs for Hollywood. No BS.


Sitting around the campfire having a beer with Arrabbi. Can anyone guess what race we are watching in the back ground?



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Here's a few pics from INSIDE the garages


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Yes, I thought so too...that cabby should not have slammed on the accelerator.<#EMO_DIR#>/.....gif

Your attempt at high-horsing has FAILED. Pov, I guess you've never gotten shitfaced Mr. Holier than Thou. Oh, and for your info, even the cabby had a cool attitude about it, as I was the only semi-sober of the bunch I walked over to his cab since the door was still wide open. I apologized to him and he said without hesitation, "Dude, we all get stupid from time to time, no worries, just close my door". Pov, when I started this thread, It came across my mind that some people might take the stories and try to give us ...., actually the guy I had in mind was Supershitya, as you recall he would try and preach his ........; it seems here you have made a lame attempt to do so buddy, not cool. Try and remember that next time you are drinking your southern moonshine.

So, let me start by making a disclaimer. I'm not even gonna attempt to post race pics because Gatorduc will put them to shame. BTW, they are still on a bit of a vacation, so is Arrabi, so they may take a while to post. Gatorduc won't admit it but the man is super talented with a camera and is meticulous about getting the magazine quality shot. Its really quite admirable and you will soon come to appreciate it when he finally posts his pics. So don't expect much race action pics from me. I'll just try to entertain you with funny stories.

2nd disclaimer, some of these stories may be offensive. If you feel I've offended you. Sorry but FU. I'd like to keep it light and friendly. Oh, and feel free to click out of this thread.

Anyway, so on to next story (Pov, now would be the time to look away).

I know you just met me & Gatorduc, but, can he borrow your BMW? (I'm writing and will return to edit the story in).

Cab driver slams on the accelerator, the door clips Arrabbi on the neck behind the ear and starts bleeding. Holy ...., what just happened?

So which story are going to stick with?
Cab driver slams on the accelerator, the door clips Arrabbi on the neck behind the ear and starts bleeding. Holy ...., what just happened?

So which story are going to stick with?

you seem quite determind to proof everyone you're right and jumkie is wrong. you're kinda destroying this topic. lighten up!!! or are you just jealous you havent had such a great time????????

looking forward to more of your stories guys!!
you seem quite determind to proof everyone you're right and jumkie is wrong. you're kinda destroying this topic. lighten up!!! or are you just jealous you havent had such a great time????????

looking forward to more of your stories guys!!

You can have good time without being an obnoxius dick. I used one sentence to get my point across, so im not trying to prove anything. On the other hand, a half page was used to sugarcoat and justify bad behavior. Thats all i have to say, carry on.
You can have good time without being an obnoxius dick. I used one sentence to get my point across, so im not trying to prove anything. On the other hand, a half page was used to sugarcoat and justify bad behavior. Thats all i have to say, carry on.

Who's the obnoxious dick trying to derail this thread? Get on the train or get the .... out of the way, and for the love of god, quit throwing your .... on the tracks!
Cab driver slams on the accelerator, the door clips Arrabbi on the neck behind the ear and starts bleeding. Holy ...., what just happened?

So which story are going to stick with?

Pov, read it again. There is no inconsistency. The dude slams on the throttle, yes, but then stopped just feet ahead. This is when I went to talk to him, as his door was still open. I don't know what went through cabby's mind after pulling forward, but I'd like to think he realized we were a bit drunk and remembered some of his own good times and stupid things he had done while a bit buzzed. I don't know as i didn't ask him, but I did apologize to the man while looking straight at him. He nodded almost as if he himself was sorry for pulling forward. Then said " worries." Its really not as bad as it sounded dude.

Anyway, I went back and added a good story and a few pics to the post I started above. LINK I think the 'rest' of you will enjoy the story: "I know you just met me & Gatorduc, but, can he borrow your BMW?" see the link ^
Being that I was one of the obnoxious dicks there! I can vouch for Arrabi, he really felt bad about it the next day when we told him because he didn't remember! I told him not to even worry about it! People do dumb .... all the time while drunk, as long as no one gets hurt it's ok in my book! I once jumped into a pool in my underware at a party with about 100 guest and came out butt naked and just walked through the crowd! This was after half a bottle of jäger and about 7 coronas! To this day I don't regret or feel bad about it!!!
Here's a few pics from INSIDE the garages

Ok, this is another guy that amazes me. I thought I was good at sneaking into places. But Shovelhead does it legit. Dude is basically a paddock insider now. The dude has an ability to meet people and get invited into their team. So we are walking around the paddock where all the fans who paid their little fee to walk around (and really, we are restricted from every place that is in fact cool) and we bump into Shovelhead. Dude doesn't even notice us for a minute cuz he's busy taking gear and equipment around for a racer. Hahaha. He's wearing a team shirt and everything. I'll let him tell the story, but he even shows us this official invitation and ..... Wow! I think he even got CK or somebody on the race line to buzz around taking pics.

If any of you have ever been to Laguna, the paddock pass doesn't give you access to much, best you can hope for is to fight off about 300 people pushing against a barricade trying to snap a pic of a rider in the split second he appears walking into his garage. Then we have Shovelhead, basically walking around not just one garage, but garage(S) like he's some press official. Hahaha, dude you crack me up bro. Good for you. Those garage pics are epic man.

Shovel comes to the campsite for a nice refreshing drink with me and CK. He was with a buddy from Canada. BTW, do you have a pic of that Derbi to show. (Shovel he appeared with a very cool bike, very rare in the States)



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“The neighbors complained you are too loud”.

Ok, so after Friday’s activities, we hang out at campsite to make a nice BBQ and have drinks. I set up the projector and 70” screen so we can watch properly old races I brought on DVD. (Btw was anybody able to guess which race we were watching in the pic of Arrabi and I around campfire?) Arrabi, being the “dick” NOT that he is, goes over to our neighbors campsite and introduces himself like the proper Brit and invites them over to have food and drinks, and perhaps a swig of Woods pirate juice. (This later turns out to be a lifesaver for the night). We crank up the fire, put on some good music and start milling around talking about the day’s events. Little by little, we start getting a bit louder as we had been drinking and eating some of the best meat prepared by our resident chef. Gator gets back with much needed ice and bottles of booze (as if we needed more) and what started as a BBQ is now a full on party. The neighbors slowly start to come out and drink with us, and start having a great old time. A few hours in and we are laughing loud as hell hugging the neighbors and talking madness. Let me back up a bit so you can understand a bit better what happened. CK acquired the campsite space from an ad on the Internet. These are “premier” campsites as they have water and power, a picnic table and fire pit. Anywhere else at the track and you basically camp in a piece of dirt or an RV that is self-contained. The system the track uses is to sell these “premier” spaces to ‘season ticket holders’, so basically they can hold on to these spaces for years and years. Our neighbors had their spot for 13 years!

Ok, so while we are talking and drinking and I literally have my arm around the wife of one of the cool neighbors, they start to tell us how nice it was that Arrabi came to introduce himself and invite us down to mingle. They tell us how the guys we had purchased our space from were deadbeats and anal (probably Pov). In fact they had a nick name for the owners of our space, they called them “Cocoon”—because they never come out of their shell. Well by this time we are rolling and laughing, we start to crank up the volume on the radio that by now is playing hip-hop, rock, and everything in-between. People are walking up and down starting to hoot and holler, as you can imagine, the bottle of Wood (Roger in a Bottle) was making its rounds. Now remember, this is a campsite, and they have a rule of “lights out” at 10pm. Well its well past 10 and we are lit up. So the cops show up. ...., I’m thinking, I got banned from the last campsite for being too loud. Cop: “Hey guys, you are getting out of hand, you need to turn down the music and chill out, etc.” (Oh, and did I mention a few had been smoking something other than Ducati’s sponsorship?) So we turn down the music and continue. Cops leave. Pass around the tequila, the neighbors don’t turn down any drinks. The activities again get too loud. Cops return about an hour or so later (its a bit sketchy from here, I’ll admit, I was a bit shitfaced). So anyway, Big Cop and Angry Cop return, “Yo, I told you guys to turn down the volume and chill the .... out” (They said it more politely, I think, I’m embellishing a bit). Anyway, one of our cool neighbors asks the copper, what is the problem? Cop replies, “The neighbors complained you are too loud”. Haha, I’m laughing right now because I wish you could have seen our nice neighbor’s face when the cop said that. She was like, “what the neighbors complained??? How is that? We are the neighbors!!! So we complained about ourselves?!? Hahahaha, OMG, I could have fallen over with laughter. Cop is like, look, just turn the music down please, its way past “lights out” time. Yeah sure no problem officer. Cop leaves, then the punchline for the rest of the night is. “We are the neighbors, and we complained about quite please!” We continued partying, I’m not sure, but I think the cops came one more time. Hahahaha

We captured the moment our gentlemen Brit invites the neighbors over over tea.


The quiet before the storm, campsite.


The pirate juice makes its round. Gator and Mrs, Arrabi and myself partake.


A couple hours after Arrabi's invitation, I have my arm around the neighbor's wife and we are laughing like we've know eachother for years.


These two guys were cool as hell. Never turned down a drink, the husbands of the neighbors.


At this point we are shitfaced.


This is the little lady that says to the cops, "What? We are the neighbors, so we complained about ourselves?!" hahaha



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Ok, I'm gonna leave you guys with a hooking tickler. (I'm about to board an international flight from Cali to Texas. Yeah yeah, say what you will, Tex is another country to me).

So I will leave you with these two pics. I think you will enjoy the story behind them. Can you guess what is going on here? (Gator, email me the appropriate pics). Story to come.




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quality....complaining neighbors....the cops probably mean the next campground over guys...and I'm sure the cops were pissed becaue they were on duty and wanted to join in!