I looked up the Rossi vs Biaggi doppia intervista: quite funny.
link (Italian)
Translation (I have too much free time now)
I(Interviewer): Name?
I: Nickname?
R: Vale
B: Max
I: Age?
R: 22
B: 30
I: First bike you rode?
R: I was 2 and half years old I don't remember what bike it was
B: Cagiva Freccia
I: Are you married?
I: Tits or ass?
R: Ass
B: Ass
I: Level of studies?
R: High school
B: High school so far.
I: Weight at birth?
R: 3.7 Kg
B: Almost 4Kg (personal note: doctors must have weighed ego too)
I: Max speed reached?
R: 320km/h
B: 318km/h
I: ???? left or right?
R: Depends
B: I hope always centre
I: Favourite game?
R: Monopoly
B: Football (personal note: obviously he means real FOOTball not padded rugby)
I: Which bones have you broken racing?
R: A few, can't remember
B: The shoulder
I: Do you wax?
R: No
B: I did it, to try it out.
I: What happened with military service?
R: Since I had several broken bones I couldn't do it
B: I did it and that's all.
I: Have you ever payed a woman?
R: We all pay the women.
B: No
I: On road have you been overtaken by motorbikes.
R: Some times
B: Sure
I: Was it Biaggi?
R: No
I: Was it Rossi?
B: I don't remember.
I: Have you ever been with a man?
R: No (personal note: Don´t cry Uccio ...)
B: No
I: Is there dopping in bike racing?
R: Yes
B: Yes
I: How do you do with joints?
R: I don't do them
B: I haven't yet started to smoke them
I: Natural but imperfect or perfect but ????? ?
R: Hard choice,
B: If possible natural, if also perfect better
I: Your 7-40 ? (no ....... idea what´s that someone Italian here to help out?)
R: Beautiful/Nice
B: So far not declared
I: Will you accept advise?
R: Yes, sure
B: It's never an error.
I: A proverb?
R: Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.
B: Who does it, should expect it
I: Bad word you say more often?
R: Cazzo (personal note: literally Dick, yeah Italians say it all the time)
B: Cazzo
I: The bad word you get called most?
R: Merda! (literally ....)
B: Rossicone (literallty one who gnaws)
I: One of your perversions?
R: Watch porn movies
B: Do it with my girlfriend wearing culottes
I: Are you faster when you race or when you make love?
R: When I make love unfortunately.
B: When I race most likely ... making love I'm incredibly slow.
I: What do you think about Euthanasy?
R: I don't know I don't think anything, anything at all.
B: Next question?
I: and about abortion?
R: I think if someone is not ready to have a kid it's the right thing to do.
B: Can solve so many problems but it's not a very nice thing.
I: Last book read?
R: The book by Fabio Bolo
B: The alchemist by Paulo Coelho
I: What was it about?
R: About him doing himself "big cannons" (again Italian help needed)
B: So many nice things
I: Favourite position for sex?
R: I like them all
B: Always above
I: 3 adjectives to describe Max Biaggi
R: Great champion, non sincere, the third I cannot say (and laughs)
B: Nice, honest, friendly
I: 3 adjectives to describe Valentino Rossi
R: Entertaining, Sincere, not trustworthy
B: Nice, honest, nice
I: What is globalization?
R: Rich countries getting richer and poor contries getting poorer
B: It's the reason why they've blown up half a city, a lot of people have died, IMO they could do it better
I: With how many women at the same time have you been with?
R: Two at the most
B: Always with the same one
I: How much do you lift (weights)?
R: I don't know I don't lift, so not much.
B: 85Kg
I: The oldest women you've been with?
R: 28y old
B: 35 y old
I: The youngest?
R: 20 y old? I don't remember
B: eeeeeighteen
I: Weak point?
R: Assonato (whatever that means)
B: I say too often what I think
I: A newspaper?
R: La Gazetta dello sport
B: Maxim ... they hot women in it!
I: A TV news program
R: They don't tell the whole (strisciare??) news if it's TV news
B: TG5
I: A sports TV program
R: I don't know
B: La Domenica Sportiva
I: Someone you care about?
R: Ronaldo
B: Biagio Antonacci
I: An .......?
R: There's enough of them
B: there are too many, maybe I'm one of them.
I: Favourite song?
R: Siamo solo noi by Vasco Rossi
B: The one Biagio Antonacci dedicated to me, titled, the Champion
I: Sing it
R: "Siamo solo noi ... che andiamo alla matina presto al letto ... " Wait I'll even imitate Vasco's face! " ci svegliamo ancora con male di testa ..."
B: "Il campion vo .." It's too hard!!
I: Do you say bad words?
R: From time to time unfortunately yes ... but I understand it's something wrong.
B: Almost never.
I: Are you in favour of organ donations?
R: Yes
B: Why not?
I: Do you donate blood?
R: No, I'm very scared
B: Yes
I: Last time you cried?
R: I think las time was with The Gladiator
B: 3 years ago when my little cousin passed away
I: Do you speak English?
R: Ehh... a little
B: Enough
I: Present indicative tense of "mangiare" (to eat) in English
R: Pres... what? I don't know even in Italian ...... I eating? I eat? .... I don't know! ... I eating!!
B: I ... 'm I'm eating ... I'm eat? ... eat?
I: The most beautiful woman in the world?
R: Angelina Jolie
B: Sandra Bullock
I: Superstitious ritual
R: I touch my balls every time says "auguri" to me
B: I always wear the same socks and undies everytime I ride a bike .... hey but I wash them!
I: Have you been molested as a kid?
R: No
B: No
I: With how many women have you been with? 10, 100, 1000?
R: More than 10 but much less than 100
B: Around 10
I: With how many women have you been with because you were famous?
R: all of them
B: I can't tell ... probably it helps
I: What does your bike miss?
R: Better handling
B: Horsepower
I: What does Max Biaggi miss?
R: Honesty
B: Horsepower
I: What does Vale Rossi miss?
R: Obstinacy
B: Nothing
I: Why are Rossi and Biaggi rivals?
R: They are two very strong riders in the same moment
B: Both want the same thing
I: Why is he picking on you?
R: Because without me everything was easier for him
B: Because I'm the one that has won most ... he wants a leadership that so far belongs to me
I: How does your bike sound?
(I'm not writing weeeeny noises, you hear it yourself in the video)
I: When your rival(Max/Vale) falls, what do you think?
R: I'm not happy at all, I have tried it myself so many times it's not a nice feeling
B: It happened to him, let's hope it doesn't happen to me.
I: What do you feel for him?
R: Nothing deep
B: I leave feeling for the people I love.
I: Have you ever seen him naked?
R: Hehe no
B: I don't think it would be a nice show
I: Size of your penis?
R: It's been a while I don't measure it, last time ... 16cm.
B:Enough to be good
I: Who of the two has it longer?
R: We would need to measure
B: Maybe you should measure them
I: We've finished, say hay to each other
R: Ciao
B: Hola
link (Italian)
Translation (I have too much free time now)
I(Interviewer): Name?
I: Nickname?
R: Vale
B: Max
I: Age?
R: 22
B: 30
I: First bike you rode?
R: I was 2 and half years old I don't remember what bike it was
B: Cagiva Freccia
I: Are you married?
I: Tits or ass?
R: Ass
B: Ass
I: Level of studies?
R: High school
B: High school so far.
I: Weight at birth?
R: 3.7 Kg
B: Almost 4Kg (personal note: doctors must have weighed ego too)
I: Max speed reached?
R: 320km/h
B: 318km/h
I: ???? left or right?
R: Depends
B: I hope always centre
I: Favourite game?
R: Monopoly
B: Football (personal note: obviously he means real FOOTball not padded rugby)
I: Which bones have you broken racing?
R: A few, can't remember
B: The shoulder
I: Do you wax?
R: No
B: I did it, to try it out.
I: What happened with military service?
R: Since I had several broken bones I couldn't do it
B: I did it and that's all.
I: Have you ever payed a woman?
R: We all pay the women.
B: No
I: On road have you been overtaken by motorbikes.
R: Some times
B: Sure
I: Was it Biaggi?
R: No
I: Was it Rossi?
B: I don't remember.
I: Have you ever been with a man?
R: No (personal note: Don´t cry Uccio ...)
B: No
I: Is there dopping in bike racing?
R: Yes
B: Yes
I: How do you do with joints?
R: I don't do them
B: I haven't yet started to smoke them
I: Natural but imperfect or perfect but ????? ?
R: Hard choice,
B: If possible natural, if also perfect better
I: Your 7-40 ? (no ....... idea what´s that someone Italian here to help out?)
R: Beautiful/Nice
B: So far not declared
I: Will you accept advise?
R: Yes, sure
B: It's never an error.
I: A proverb?
R: Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.
B: Who does it, should expect it
I: Bad word you say more often?
R: Cazzo (personal note: literally Dick, yeah Italians say it all the time)
B: Cazzo
I: The bad word you get called most?
R: Merda! (literally ....)
B: Rossicone (literallty one who gnaws)
I: One of your perversions?
R: Watch porn movies
B: Do it with my girlfriend wearing culottes
I: Are you faster when you race or when you make love?
R: When I make love unfortunately.
B: When I race most likely ... making love I'm incredibly slow.
I: What do you think about Euthanasy?
R: I don't know I don't think anything, anything at all.
B: Next question?
I: and about abortion?
R: I think if someone is not ready to have a kid it's the right thing to do.
B: Can solve so many problems but it's not a very nice thing.
I: Last book read?
R: The book by Fabio Bolo
B: The alchemist by Paulo Coelho
I: What was it about?
R: About him doing himself "big cannons" (again Italian help needed)
B: So many nice things
I: Favourite position for sex?
R: I like them all
B: Always above
I: 3 adjectives to describe Max Biaggi
R: Great champion, non sincere, the third I cannot say (and laughs)
B: Nice, honest, friendly
I: 3 adjectives to describe Valentino Rossi
R: Entertaining, Sincere, not trustworthy
B: Nice, honest, nice
I: What is globalization?
R: Rich countries getting richer and poor contries getting poorer
B: It's the reason why they've blown up half a city, a lot of people have died, IMO they could do it better
I: With how many women at the same time have you been with?
R: Two at the most
B: Always with the same one
I: How much do you lift (weights)?
R: I don't know I don't lift, so not much.
B: 85Kg
I: The oldest women you've been with?
R: 28y old
B: 35 y old
I: The youngest?
R: 20 y old? I don't remember
B: eeeeeighteen
I: Weak point?
R: Assonato (whatever that means)
B: I say too often what I think
I: A newspaper?
R: La Gazetta dello sport
B: Maxim ... they hot women in it!
I: A TV news program
R: They don't tell the whole (strisciare??) news if it's TV news
B: TG5
I: A sports TV program
R: I don't know
B: La Domenica Sportiva
I: Someone you care about?
R: Ronaldo
B: Biagio Antonacci
I: An .......?
R: There's enough of them
B: there are too many, maybe I'm one of them.
I: Favourite song?
R: Siamo solo noi by Vasco Rossi
B: The one Biagio Antonacci dedicated to me, titled, the Champion
I: Sing it
R: "Siamo solo noi ... che andiamo alla matina presto al letto ... " Wait I'll even imitate Vasco's face! " ci svegliamo ancora con male di testa ..."
B: "Il campion vo .." It's too hard!!
I: Do you say bad words?
R: From time to time unfortunately yes ... but I understand it's something wrong.
B: Almost never.
I: Are you in favour of organ donations?
R: Yes
B: Why not?
I: Do you donate blood?
R: No, I'm very scared
B: Yes
I: Last time you cried?
R: I think las time was with The Gladiator
B: 3 years ago when my little cousin passed away
I: Do you speak English?
R: Ehh... a little
B: Enough
I: Present indicative tense of "mangiare" (to eat) in English
R: Pres... what? I don't know even in Italian ...... I eating? I eat? .... I don't know! ... I eating!!
B: I ... 'm I'm eating ... I'm eat? ... eat?
I: The most beautiful woman in the world?
R: Angelina Jolie
B: Sandra Bullock
I: Superstitious ritual
R: I touch my balls every time says "auguri" to me
B: I always wear the same socks and undies everytime I ride a bike .... hey but I wash them!
I: Have you been molested as a kid?
R: No
B: No
I: With how many women have you been with? 10, 100, 1000?
R: More than 10 but much less than 100
B: Around 10
I: With how many women have you been with because you were famous?
R: all of them
B: I can't tell ... probably it helps
I: What does your bike miss?
R: Better handling
B: Horsepower
I: What does Max Biaggi miss?
R: Honesty
B: Horsepower
I: What does Vale Rossi miss?
R: Obstinacy
B: Nothing
I: Why are Rossi and Biaggi rivals?
R: They are two very strong riders in the same moment
B: Both want the same thing
I: Why is he picking on you?
R: Because without me everything was easier for him
B: Because I'm the one that has won most ... he wants a leadership that so far belongs to me
I: How does your bike sound?
(I'm not writing weeeeny noises, you hear it yourself in the video)
I: When your rival(Max/Vale) falls, what do you think?
R: I'm not happy at all, I have tried it myself so many times it's not a nice feeling
B: It happened to him, let's hope it doesn't happen to me.
I: What do you feel for him?
R: Nothing deep
B: I leave feeling for the people I love.
I: Have you ever seen him naked?
R: Hehe no
B: I don't think it would be a nice show
I: Size of your penis?
R: It's been a while I don't measure it, last time ... 16cm.
B:Enough to be good
I: Who of the two has it longer?
R: We would need to measure
B: Maybe you should measure them
I: We've finished, say hay to each other
R: Ciao
B: Hola