Hack MotoGP journalist David Emmett/Kropo of Motomatters discussion

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I dont enjoy his site .... I dont enjoy any journalism sites. But I take them for what they are, just someones opinion.
But I certainly dont give a rats arse what they write. Nor do I begrudge them to write whatever they wish. I certainly dont sook over what they write .... life is way too short.

But Kropo was a good poster here.

Barrys Amazon review of Mein Kampf

A profound philosophical query posed in this well loved classic by Germanys polarizing mid century leader.
While many of Hitlers philosophies are appalling and dangerous, his intention is clear, to preach hate and division in a way that is highly entertaining and educational
Children today will be amused and enchanted by Hitlers diabolical puff piece.
Some may disagree but who cares, I dont sook. Life is short and even shorter for the jews.
Hitler was good entertainment on the history channel !:furious::happy::giggle::unsure::spin::eek::)D:p;):angel::ninja:
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I dont enjoy his site .... I dont enjoy any journalism sites. But I take them for what they are, just someones opinion.
But I certainly dont give a rats arse what they write. Nor do I begrudge them to write whatever they wish. I certainly dont sook over what they write .... life is way too short.

But Kropo was a good poster here.

Then why are you even posting if none of it matters to you?

Maybe lay off the alcohol there.
I gave you my view on Kropo ..... it doesnt suit you ..... so you sook at me.

Perhaps you need a forum where folk only agree with you.

Like the one rog started. :wink:
I gave you my view on Kropo ..... it doesnt suit you ..... so you sook at me.

Perhaps you need a forum where folk only agree with you.

Like the one rog started. :wink:

As usual you shoot your mouth off because you can't think.

You have no rebuttal to offer and think character assassination is acceptable. Your response is that you don't read journalism sites. So if you don't read them then shut the .... up because your opinion is irrelevant.
Barrys Amazon review of Mein Kampf

A profound philosophical query posed in this well loved classic by Germanys polarizing mid century leader.
While many of Hitlers philosophies are appalling and dangerous, his intention is clear, to preach hate and division in a way that is highly entertaining and educational
Children today will be amused and enchanted by Hitlers diabolical puff piece.
Some may disagree but who cares, I dont sook. Life is short and even shorter for the jews.
Hitler was good entertainment on the history channel !:furious::happy::giggle::unsure::spin::eek::)D:p;):angel::ninja:

Johnnie's gumming up the thread! :furious::furious::furious:

Meantime, I've been quietly wagering with another member as to who would be the first to invoke Hitler. I win. :1a:
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I gave you my reason ..... you just cant handle it.

In fact you are lying about what I said.

It was clear you have no problem with character assassination by Kropo since you openly stated: "But I certainly dont give a rats arse what they write. Nor do I begrudge them to write whatever they wish."

So it doesn't matter to you as you specifically state you don't give a rats arse what they write.

Admitting you don't care, but then posting in this topic is laughable.
Enjoy? Read? Same word? I think not. But hey whats in a lie for the current "gang agenda". Lol

Its all there in print. Its easy to see the real weasel.

All in print to see what a weasel you are Barry.

You're not foolng anyone with your .........

Aww... come on guys. This is a ........ argument. Sing some cumbaya and get together for a chorus of 46 Tears. Three part harmony. :band1:
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Kracpothinking & his butt buddy Hack Oxley has this title going> Guest Blog: Mat Oxley - Rossi is a poet, Márquez is Hendrix https://motomatters.com/blog_entry/2018/05/01/guest_blog_mat_oxley_rossi_is_a_poet_m.html

The article calls out the booing, which is good, but he (Oxley) omits the fact he is in great part responsible for creating this dynamic from years of making Rossi into some untouchable deity. The title is obvious clickbait.

It would be nice of he mentioned that during the golden era we didn't have the most popular guy melting down and whining about rivals saying they "destroyed the sport" over a racing incident, energizing fans to behave in the way Oxkley is now trying to distance himself from blame. But hey, its our fault, isn't it" Isn't that what he said about the rampant run-away reckless riding? The fans are to blame, right Hack Oxley?
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Agree! But there is hypocrisy within that article.


Oxley is employing a very common tactic, calling out something that he decidedly helped create. Naive people will thank him for calling out the booing, not recognizing he IS part of the problem.
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Oxley is employing a very common tactic, calling out something that he decidedly helped create. Naive people will thank him for calling out the booing, not recognizing he IS part of the problem.

Yes, there has been quite a deal of hand-on-heart we are responsible for Márquez stuff as well, without consideration they are also responsible for Rossi and have contributed significantly to the attitude of his fans in particular.