Yamak - once you've "contrived to at least add some passing to the mix" you're in for a penny, in for a pound - the whole race is contrived. Remember - contrive |kənˈtrīv|verb [ trans. ] - create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice...
I don't have a problem either with how rossi raced or how stoner raced/races ; both were constrained to some extent by their equipment, tyres etc . Valentino didn't like pushing hard early until his tyres were warmed up and was a master of preserving tyres/riding on wearing tyres at the end of races with the then tyre technology. That he could make up the 10 seconds at PI when presumably rather motivated did reflect his talent but doesn't mean he could have done it reliably in every race. If he also liked to challenge himself that is fine with me also; I remember mick doohan crashing with a 5 or 10 second lead, also at PI. If some of it was to put on a show that is fine with me as well.
This doesn't mean it is reprehensible for stoner to ride differently though, particularly because his options were limited by the characteristics of the ducati when he was on that bike.