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Wow! Sammy steps up to the plate!!! There's really isn't any lie too big for you to tell. With every falsehood you spin here - your credibility goes further
and further down the toilet, which makes you, not me, your worst enemy. You are really in a downward spiral dude.

My time at Slippery Sliders was totally chill. Never a harsh word between me and anyone there. I in fact congratulated Rog for being so egalitarian and we
always treated each other with respect. Which is why I initially I was taken aback when I though Yak was Rog and I copped to it.

When all the crazy vendetta crew got out of hand (on PS) I even tried to start a thread called "The Brilliance Of Rog - Fight Club" so that if a flame war could not be avoided - it could be shunted to a separate thread so as not to .... up other threads, but the loony crew wouldn't do it because you're all such a bunch of narcissists and need to air your grievences in public. I tried this again but all the drama queens here don't get any satisfaction in discretely debating. Noooo.... it all has to be flaunted on a public stage or your pathetic egos aren't fed. You all should go to Hyde Park and get yourselves some milk crates to stand on.

You have no restrain, that's exactly why this whole thing started Kancer. You felt compelled to rubbish a man's family, one as you say returned the favor by showing you kindness. You did not RESTRAIN yourself, just like here and always. The reason Rog deviced a Fight Club was precisely because of YOU genius. YOU'RE the reason!

You then exported the device that was created because of YOU here, opening up a thread to continue fighting. You may have some here fooled, mainly people who just think you're acceptable bases on similar opinions about Stoner and Rossi. If your opinion were different, you'd be their Kancer! Despite this flame war having nothing to do with racing opinions, but rather you being a complete ....... to people you've met and treated you above and beyond. You're shameless in that way. You're a guy that offends a man's kids then invites himself over for dinner.

Barbedwire asked you to take your relentlessly attacks on Synn to the Lounge, a 'fight club' thread, and what did you do? Did you say, hey Barbs, thanks, that's "brilliant"? Of course not, because you have no interest in stopping flame wars, you're at the center of them. You mocked Barbs, the quote is there, and promptly 'lijed' by Bitch Machine. Worse now because you have groupies. The difference is that people like Bitch Machine and little kancer really don't have a dog in this fight except that they felt compelled to join you in a flame war because the target Synn hates Stoner llikes Rossi, so naturally I'm their target too, though only because you say so. Your flame war is different to theirs, but it does the same thing, it klogs every thread because you have no RESTRAIN.

It's your idea of Utopia, flame wars galore, and you were happy, nobody to call you out on the hypocrisy and your lies. Every time you come up with a falsehood it annoys you I'm here to correct the record KayDee.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
You have no restrain, that's exactly why this whole thing started Kancer. You felt compelled to rubbish a man's family, one as you say returned the favor by showing you kindness. You did not RESTRAIN yourself, just like here and always. The reason Rog deviced a Fight Club was precisely because of YOU genius. YOU'RE the reason!

You then exported the device that was created because of YOU here, opening up a thread to continue fighting. You may have some here fooled, mainly people who just think you're acceptable bases on similar opinions about Stoner and Rossi. If your opinion were different, you'd be their Kancer! Despite this flame war having nothing to do with racing opinions, but rather you being a complete ....... to people you've met and treated you above and beyond. You're shameless in that way. You're a guy that offends a man's kids then invites himself over for dinner.

Barbedwire asked you to take your relentlessly attacks on Synn to the Lounge, a 'fight club' thread, and what did you do? Did you say, hey Barbs, thanks, that's "brilliant"? Of course not, because you have no interest in stopping flame wars, you're at the center of them. You mocked Barbs, the quote is there, and promptly 'lijed' by Bitch Machine. Worse now because you have groupies. The difference is that people like Bitch Machine and little kancer really don't have a dog in this fight except that they felt compelled to join you in a flame war because the target Synn hates Stoner llikes Rossi, so naturally I'm their target too, though only because you say so. Your flame war is different to theirs, but it does the same thing, it klogs every thread because you have no RESTRAIN.

It's your idea of Utopia, flame wars galore, and you were happy, nobody to call you out on the hypocrisy and your lies. Every time you come up with a falsehood it annoys you I'm here to correct the record KayDee.

If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.

Again - your capacity to fabricate ........ scenarios is undiminished.

Fight Club was already extant when I came to Slippery Sliders.

What was said between me and Rog was in PMs - never on the forum. And what was said was later distorted and hyperbolized beyond recognition. Not what you wildly exaggerate (your special super power) it to be. And this .... was ten years ago. How have you not moved on???

There's no stress between me and Barb-W. Tho it's apparent that this would suit you. Don't hold your breath.

This constant barrage of lies and fabrications is rather in the mold of Goebbels or L Ron Hubbard or David Koresh. Tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth. You want maybe to start a cult of Jum?

I would guess by the sheer number of misspellings etc. that you are deep into your next bottle of 110 proof rum. I suggest you come back and post when your brain has dried out.

By the way Teach, the word is restraint. :rolleyes:
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Again - your capacity to fabricate ........ scenarios is undiminished.

Fight Club was already extant when I came to Slippery Sliders.

Fight Club was created when u started fighting with me. I left SS directly because of that. I warned Roger that u would destroy the forum, and wanted no part of anything your involved in. He let u on anyway. True to form, u quickly started flaming it
Fight Club was created when u started fighting with me. I left SS directly because of that. I warned Roger that u would destroy the forum, and wanted no part of anything your involved in. He let u on anyway. True to form, u quickly started flaming it

Goebbels Jr. with more lies. I never had any arguments on SS. Fight Club was already there. I don’t even recall you being on the forum. Your fevered imagination gets more and more wild by the minute. Grasping at straws much?

All of this is immaterial. It was years ago. Move on.
Again - your capacity to fabricate ........ scenarios is undiminished.

Fight Club was already extant when I came to Slippery Sliders.

What was said between me and Rog was in PMs - never on the forum. And what was said was later distorted and hyperbolized beyond recognition. Not what you wildly exaggerate (your special super power) it to be. And this .... was ten years ago. How have you not moved on???

There's no stress between me and Barb-W. Tho it's apparent that this would suit you. Don't hold your breath.

This constant barrage of lies and fabrications is rather in the mold of Goebbels or L Ron Hubbard or David Koresh. Tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth. You want maybe to start a cult of Jum?

I would guess by the sheer number of misspellings etc. that you are deep into your next bottle of 110 proof rum. I suggest you come back and post when your brain has dried out.

By the way Teach, the word is restraint. :rolleyes:

‘Ten years ago’, and you used it as cover to attack Rog publicly on this forum just weeks ago! This was before I called you out Kesh, I had nothing to do with you typing out those words. You didn’t say, hey, I think Synn might be Rog as your paranoid mind came up with wild theories evoking your preoccupations, you couldn’t leave it at that, and you used synn’s unpopularity amongst your groupies to attack Rog personally. Would you like me to quote you again?

And it isn’t the first time, you’ve been doing this regularly for a while from time to time, I notice it Kesh, just because I don’t respond to it you every instance you must feel free to do it, then claim it was all done out of sight. Your idea of the forum utopia, freedom from any accountability free to flame and attack anybody you wish. Same with Barry, who is now engaged in flame waring because he too “can’t let it go” and uses Rog as the bogyman of his attack. Ten years ago and the first thing that comes to yours and his mind, it must be Rog. Your own mental fixation betrays the real you. You can claim its not an obsession, except of course you can’t restrain yourself from blurting out what is your initial preoccupation. Its Rog! The man who still haunts me, then proceed in saying the most disparaging .... about him. You even object to the car, really what is wrong with your damaged brain? Your hostility is that I’ve called you out, and because I know the history its not so easy for you to weasel your way out, even if all your groupies are ignorant to the facts.

Regarding Barbs, those are his words not mine. He can take them back if he likes, but that is a quote from him. He said, “You are acting like a 5 year old child.” He said you should “grow up” and he asked for your flame war to stop or be taken to the Lounge. And this was not in reference to me! It was in reference to you chasing your tail around klogging up all the threads. Barbs can take back his words if he regrets it, hell he can even delete his post, it’s not a problem, tell him how to do it, as you know exactly the procedure. I have no beef with him, as he knows. It doesn’t suit me one way or the other, it does however suit you to downplay his words. Again, he said you’re acting like a 5 year old, that means a petulant child. He said you should “grow up”. Your response was to demonstrate his point and reply with exactly what a 5 year old would say, “well he started it” in reference to synn, as if this defense is reasonable and mature for a man of your age. And as if that wasn’t enough you added a mocking crying emoticon. Maybe he regrets typing that, as it would suit you.
Goebbels Jr. with more lies. I never had any arguments on SS. Fight Club was already there. I don’t even recall you being on the forum. Your fevered imagination gets more and more wild by the minute. Grasping at straws much?

All of this is immaterial. It was years ago. Move on.

You really are fried from all the drugs.
The reason why Roger and I dont speak anymore is specifically from the words that were exchanged between him and I after I had issue with him putting you in the fight club,instead of banning you.

It like 50 first dates with you. Every day is a new day without any recollection of the ...... things you said to people the day before.

Thanks for ruining that friendship Kancer
Wow, taken you long enough to get round to that, I thought that you mostly crawled around looking for things to say and you have proven it, yet you didn't even go and look to see if I apologised , which I believe I did.

So your objection is that I ‘took too long’ to call you out on your disgusting wish that Rossi died in a horrific and tragic accident instead of Simonchelli on that awful day?

On another note its a shame that the rider who died in 2011, wasn't Rossi. Maybe then we wouldn't have the antics we see now.

You ‘think’ you apologized? If you did, you did so only after you were called out. Don’t back away now, after all, according to you, “you don’t give a .... what people think about you”. If you didn’t care you would have stuck to your guns then, instead of walking back your obscene wish.

As for having issues with people on here, synn is the only one I can think of, but I'll bow to your (I am right) intelect as to be honest rather like you I don't give a .... what anyone thinks of me, I've been around far to long to take offence, but will reserve the right to have a go when the feeling grabs me OK?

You say I “crawl around looking for things to say”, you didn’t stop to consider why I had not call you out on your wish for Rossi’s death and why then I called you out now? It was because you decided to ‘crawl’ on the back of Kancer and little kancer klone’s piggyback, parroting their ........ indignation about the word “bitch” as offensive to women. You drew attention to yourself Theo, because you expressed ........ indignation, grandstanding whilst wishing a man dead because you’re not a fan, talk about the height of hypocrisy! You should have kept your mouth shut knowing you had expressed something so repugnant referencing Simonchelli’s death wishing it had been Rossi instead. That is when I responded to you. I knew y had said this, three others had voiced their objection as I listed to you, one of them being Synn btw. But you ‘crawled’ to the opportunity of expressing some kind of ........ self-righteous anger at saying “I’m only here for the .......” a reference to a party hip hop song. Honestly Theo, I wouldn’t have replied to me your weak defense only drew more attention to your hideous wish.

As an aside, Kancer has been pointing out misspellings.
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‘Ten years ago’, and you used it as cover to attack Rog publicly on this forum just weeks ago! This was before I called you out Kesh, I had nothing to do with you typing out those words. You didn’t say, hey, I think Synn might be Rog as your paranoid mind came up with wild theories evoking your preoccupations, you couldn’t leave it at that, and you used synn’s unpopularity amongst your groupies to attack Rog personally. Would you like me to quote you again?

And it isn’t the first time, you’ve been doing this regularly for a while from time to time, I notice it Kesh, just because I don’t respond to it you every instance you must feel free to do it, then claim it was all done out of sight. Your idea of the forum utopia, freedom from any accountability free to flame and attack anybody you wish. Same with Barry, who is now engaged in flame waring because he too “can’t let it go” and uses Rog as the bogyman of his attack. Ten years ago and the first thing that comes to yours and his mind, it must be Rog. Your own mental fixation betrays the real you. You can claim its not an obsession, except of course you can’t restrain yourself from blurting out what is your initial preoccupation. Its Rog! The man who still haunts me, then proceed in saying the most disparaging .... about him. You even object to the car, really what is wrong with your damaged brain? Your hostility is that I’ve called you out, and because I know the history its not so easy for you to weasel your way out, even if all your groupies are ignorant to the facts.

Regarding Barbs, those are his words not mine. He can take them back if he likes, but that is a quote from him. He said, “You are acting like a 5 year old child.” He said you should “grow up” and he asked for your flame war to stop or be taken to the Lounge. And this was not in reference to me! It was in reference to you chasing your tail around klogging up all the threads. Barbs can take back his words if he regrets it, hell he can even delete his post, it’s not a problem, tell him how to do it, as you know exactly the procedure. I have no beef with him, as he knows. It doesn’t suit me one way or the other, it does however suit you to downplay his words. Again, he said you’re acting like a 5 year old, that means a petulant child. He said you should “grow up”. Your response was to demonstrate his point and reply with exactly what a 5 year old would say, “well he started it” in reference to synn, as if this defense is reasonable and mature for a man of your age. And as if that wasn’t enough you added a mocking crying emoticon. Maybe he regrets typing that, as it would suit you.

Type type type!
You really are fried from all the drugs.
The reason why Roger and I dont speak anymore is specifically from the words that were exchanged between him and I after I had issue with him putting you in the fight club,instead of banning you.

It like 50 first dates with you. Every day is a new day without any recollection of the ...... things you said to people the day before.

Thanks for ruining that friendship Kancer

Wow!!! I mean really... wow! I don't know what to think. I mean you've really outdone yourself son. That is . . . just one of the most breathlessly psycho bits of rationalization I have ever encountered.

You had a hand-bag fight with Rog over something that wasn't any concern of yours, and now he won't talk to you because you were such an ........

But it's my fault. Do you ever listen to the schizo .... you say???
So your objection is that I ‘took too long’ to call you out on your disgusting wish that Rossi died in a horrific and tragic accident instead of Simonchelli on that awful day?

You ‘think’ you apologized? If you did, you did so only after you were called out. Don’t back away now, after all, according to you, “you don’t give a .... what people think about you”. If you didn’t care you would have stuck to your guns then, instead of walking back your obscene wish.

You say I “crawl around looking for things to say”, you didn’t stop to consider why I had not call you out on your wish for Rossi’s death and why then I called you out now? It was because you decided to ‘crawl’ on the back of Kancer and little kancer klone’s piggyback, parroting their ........ indignation about the word “bitch” as offensive to women. You drew attention to yourself Theo, because you expressed ........ indignation, grandstanding whilst wishing a man dead because you’re not a fan, talk about the height of hypocrisy! You should have kept your mouth shut knowing you had expressed something so repugnant referencing Simonchelli’s death wishing it had been Rossi instead. That is when I responded to you. I knew y had said this, three others had voiced their objection as I listed to you, one of them being Synn btw. But you ‘crawled’ to the opportunity of expressing some kind of ........ self-righteous anger at saying “I’m only here for the .......” a reference to a party hip hop song. Honestly Theo, I wouldn’t have replied to me your weak defense only drew more attention to your hideous wish.

As an aside, Kancer has been pointing out misspellings.

All I can say is Theo - if Judge Dread gets to be too much, please don't leave the forum as have so many others who became weary of his encyclopedic volumed fire and brimstone screeds. Just put him on ignore, as many do. :happy:
All I can say is Theo - if Judge Dread gets to be too much, please don't leave the forum as have so many others who became weary of his encyclopedic volumed fire and brimstone screeds. Just put him on ignore, as many do. :happy:

Great advice from a man that can't ignore the urge to flame war and lie compulsively.

Theo, will you put me on ignore?

Since you are defending Theo, lets examine this a bit further.

On another note its a shame that the rider who died in 2011, wasn't Rossi. Maybe then we wouldn't have the antics we see now.
.... Theo you are soooo classy...NOT,
A very sick thing to even have in your head never mind say.

Theo, I ‘crawled’ back to look at your “apology”.

Neither do I as I liked Marco Simoncelli , yet Rossi milked it for all it was worth, which IMO was disgusting.
I'm sorry if it offends, but I have taken a real dislike of Rossi and he should be pushed out.

You didn’t apologize for wishing Rossi dead, you “apologized” in case it might be offensive to others. You think that might be offensive?? “if it offended people.”

Three people called you out, Barbs, Daniboy, and Synn. You don’t give a .... what people think of you, clearly; BUT you tried to walk back your comments and failed even to do that. You’re upset that I didn’t pile on you, ‘until’ you opened your mouth to express indignation over the word “bitch”. I’m the bad guy? I didn’t compel you to type your words Theo.
You didn’t apologize for wishing Rossi dead, you “apologized” in case it might be offensive to others. You think that might be offensive?? “if it offended people.”

Id like to know how you see the difference, but to be honest if you want to twist things thats your prerogative.
Again - your capacity to fabricate ........ scenarios is undiminished.

Fight Club was already extant when I came to Slippery Sliders.

What was said between me and Rog was in PMs - never on the forum. And what was said was later distorted and hyperbolized beyond recognition. Not what you wildly exaggerate (your special super power) it to be. And this .... was ten years ago. How have you not moved on???

There's no stress between me and Barb-W. Tho it's apparent that this would suit you. Don't hold your breath.

This constant barrage of lies and fabrications is rather in the mold of Goebbels or L Ron Hubbard or David Koresh. Tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth. You want maybe to start a cult of Jum?

I would guess by the sheer number of misspellings etc. that you are deep into your next bottle of 110 proof rum. I suggest you come back and post when your brain has dried out.

By the way Teach, the word is restraint. :rolleyes:

Jim Jones meets Jim Beam = Jum Jones?
Id like to know how you see the difference, but to be honest if you want to twist things thats your prerogative.

Theo, how am I "twisting" things if I'm quoting you? Those are your words man. I could understand if this was a verbal conversation, and we forget what you say, then you try and walk it back by saying, oh, you heard me wrong, I really meant, bla bla. Ok, but dude, I'm quoting you.

I didn't even pile on when I first read it, I figured what for, though I did notice your original post and noticed Barbs had said, he didn't like it (his disapproval). But when I saw that Daniboy admonished you for such a ...... thing to say, I thought, ok, I'll just like his post too, and move on. Why pile on? But then you decided to parrot the ........ indignation Kancer and little Klone expressed over the use of the word "bitch". Really, you wanted to plant your flag here? That was you parroting them, naturally remembering that you had wished death on a rider was far too hypocritical for me to let your comment stand. You drew attention to yourself when you decided to align yourself with two ....... ........ that made a very weak point, laughable really when you consider 1. "bitch" isn't gender specific. (Here is an example you might appreciate: "Rossi is a bitch".) 2. "I'm only here for the ......." was in reference to a hip hop party song. Theo, you should have taken a step back and thought about it a bit before you stuck your foot in your mouth to prove your loyalty to the ........ on this forum.

I didn't type your words.

On another note its a shame that the rider who died in 2011, wasn't Rossi.
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Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

It seemed to work before.

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