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The fact that both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump ruffled feathers in an election setting does not make them analogous.

At least I have 2 functioning brain cells. You'll need a millennium to catch up.


It's like I am the only normal person competing in the special Olympics over here.

I am running at half speed and you crips still can't catch up. I win, but I can't really celebrate because come on now, can one really celebrate beating a crip?
Ive been reading some old threads. You have some massive anger issues. Your not capable of friendly responses. You should think about getting some professional help. I would hate live a life with so much little joy that the only thing that gives you satisfaction is tearing down others. It's obvious your reaction is not because of my supposed "crap opinion," because you have the same reaction to everything and everyone.
If this was a political or football forum I could almost understand the vitriol, but Moto GP is not a sport you should be so polarized about that you attack others, especially coming from someone that doesn't seem to have a liking to any rider. Your sole purpose in watching appears to be so you can exclaim how right you are and everyone else is below you.

I watch GP for many reasons. One of them being the camaraderie is fosters amongst fellow enthusiasts. None of which, I have ever met share your hooligan mentality.
Why don't you try attending a GP. Im guessing you never have. There's no fights, no cursing and name calling amongst fans. It's a circus full of enthusiasts, any of which you could approach, regardless of which jersey they are wearing, and have a great conversation and a laugh.
This pirate in a tea party demeanor you have, is nowhere to be found. Spare me the Rossi fan example, yes they can be boisterous and a tad tacky,but they are not hateful and cruel.

If this sport gives you so much angst than maybe you should back away. Take a hard look at your life and eliminate the negatives. That's a start toward some semblance of a happy life.
Spring is coming. Plant a butterfly garden. Watch the cycle of life all within 28 days. It puts the world in perspective.
Ask yourself, do you want to be beautiful and soar during your brief time on this rock or lurk in the shadows and continue to be ugly and loathsome.

Blah blah blah blah.

You have crap opinions and don't know .... about GP. Post stupid .... and I'm going to call you on it. You can get your panties in a knot over what I say to you but I'm not going to stop. You should also leave the armchair psychoanalysis at the door since it's another subject you're clueless on...notice the trend yet? You don't have any clue about anything you talk about. Your imaginary fantasyland had you thinking Stoner retired because of riding the Ducati.

As for the fans, funny how you leave out the Rossi contingent openly cheering fallen riders and spitting on riders who were deemed the enemy by Rossi. If you don't think that's not hateful or cruel, you're an idiot. All hooligan behavior that you seem to have no awareness of because like I already stated, you're an idiot.

This place isn't where the Oompa Loompas come out and sing their song and a river of chocolate flows so you can feel at peace. So find some other forum to post on if you can't handle it.
Blah blah blah blah.

You have crap opinions and don't know .... about GP. Post stupid .... and I'm going to call you on it. You can get your panties in a knot over what I say to you but I'm not going to stop. You should also leave the armchair psychoanalysis at the door since it's another subject you're clueless on...notice the trend yet? You don't have any clue about anything you talk about. Your imaginary fantasyland had you thinking Stoner retired because of riding the Ducati.

As for the fans, funny how you leave out the Rossi contingent openly cheering fallen riders and spitting on riders who were deemed the enemy by Rossi. If you don't think that's not hateful or cruel, you're an idiot. All hooligan behavior that you seem to have no awareness of because like I already stated, you're an idiot.

This place isn't where the Oompa Loompas come out and sing their song and a river of chocolate flows so you can feel at peace. So find some other forum to post on if you can't handle it.


You really think posting your tough words on the internet can hide the fact that you're some pussy ass little bitch?

Jog on, mate. Ýou know ....... well speaking like this in the real world would get you a knuckle sandwich for breakfast and another one for lunch.

Trust me, you won't be in the mood for dinner after that.
You guys are being way to hard on Albert for being a Cal fan. What do you expect? For Albert to not think highly of Cal? Its not like he was making outlandish claims like Cal Crutchlow makes all the time about himself. Whether or not Dovi and Cal make for a decent debate does not make this dude stupid. It makes him a fanboy and I welcome the differing opinion. Welcome again Albert you dumb ....... Crutch-hole fan.
Blah blah blah blah.

You have crap opinions and don't know .... about GP. Post stupid .... and I'm going to call you on it. You can get your panties in a knot over what I say to you but I'm not going to stop. You should also leave the armchair psychoanalysis at the door since it's another subject you're clueless on...notice the trend yet? You don't have any clue about anything you talk about. Your imaginary fantasyland had you thinking Stoner retired because of riding the Ducati.

As for the fans, funny how you leave out the Rossi contingent openly cheering fallen riders and spitting on riders who were deemed the enemy by Rossi. If you don't think that's not hateful or cruel, you're an idiot. All hooligan behavior that you seem to have no awareness of because like I already stated, you're an idiot.

This place isn't where the Oompa Loompas come out and sing their song and a river of chocolate flows so you can feel at peace. So find some other forum to post on if you can't handle it.

You've replied to four of my posts. All of which used the verbage of an adolescent bully. Everyone else here seems to be capable of conjecture without hostility. I don't know if you are an adolescent but conversation in life is not always about winning, despite what Rupert Murdoch's network would have you believe
A lot of your posts are very repetitive. They start with insulting someone's IQ, followed by stating your prowess of MotoGP knowledge while questioning others and ending it by telling them they should leave.
You didn't get my Stoner quip, I'm not one to admonish others for not understanding my attempt at humour, but why you choose to cling onto that as if it was a literal statement does not shed your comprehension skills in the greatest light. I suppose you didn't get my Cal TT joke as well, as it's clear there is no mirth in your life.
Your lack of response regarding attending a GP tells me that I was correct and you have never attended one.
I suggest you take a trek to Austin, so you can see for yourself, these hordes of pitchfork wielding miscreants.
You might find in your search for these debased low life's, a lot of decent motorcycle people and a few of those Texas hotties with that down home charm you'll find nowhere else.

I'll even have a drink with you, but only some sweet tea or lemonade, because the only thing worse than angry person is an angry drunk person
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You guys are being way to hard on Albert for being a Cal fan. What do you expect? For Albert to not think highly of Cal? Its not like he was making outlandish claims like Cal Crutchlow makes all the time about himself. Whether or not Dovi and Cal make for a decent debate does not make this dude stupid. It makes him a fanboy and I welcome the differing opinion. Welcome again Albert you dumb ....... Crutch-hole fan.

Same old .... from the ones that claim to be the adults in the room, until someone shows up that doesn't fit into their clique.

You really think posting your tough words on the internet can hide the fact that you're some pussy ass little bitch?

Jog on, mate. Ýou know ....... well speaking like this in the real world would get you a knuckle sandwich for breakfast and another one for lunch.

Trust me, you won't be in the mood for dinner after that.

Think whatever you'd like. :D
You've replied to four of my posts. All of which used the verbage of an adolescent bully. Everyone else here seems to be capable of conjecture without hostility. I don't know if you are an adolescent but conversation in life is not always about winning, despite what Rupert Murdoch's network would have you believe
A lot of your posts are very repetitive. They start with insulting someone's IQ, followed by stating your prowess of MotoGP knowledge while questioning others and ending it by telling them they should leave.
You didn't get my Stoner quip, I'm not one to admonish others for not understanding my attempt at humour, but why you choose to cling onto that as if it was a literal statement does not shed your comprehension skills in the greatest light. I suppose you didn't get my Cal TT joke as well, as it's clear there is no mirth in your life.
Your lack of response regarding attending a GP tells me that I was correct and you have never attended one.
I suggest you take a trek to Austin, so you can see for yourself, these hordes of pitchfork wielding miscreants.
You might find in your search for these debased low life's, a lot of decent motorcycle people and a few of those Texas hotties with that down home charm you'll find nowhere else.

I'll even have a drink with you, but only some sweet tea or lemonade, because the only thing worse than angry person is an angry drunk person

You can't convey humor because you have no ability to do so.

Rupert Murdoch's networks? Never watched them. But you seem quite well-versed in them.

So you deny Rossi fans cheering fallen riders and spitting on riders? Clueless to boot. There's multiple instances of it going on for years.
You've replied to four of my posts. All of which used the verbage of an adolescent bully. Everyone else here seems to be capable of conjecture without hostility. I don't know if you are an adolescent but conversation in life is not always about winning, despite what Rupert Murdoch's network would have you believe
A lot of your posts are very repetitive. They start with insulting someone's IQ, followed by stating your prowess of MotoGP knowledge while questioning others and ending it by telling them they should leave.
You didn't get my Stoner quip, I'm not one to admonish others for not understanding my attempt at humour, but why you choose to cling onto that as if it was a literal statement does not shed your comprehension skills in the greatest light. I suppose you didn't get my Cal TT joke as well, as it's clear there is no mirth in your life.
Your lack of response regarding attending a GP tells me that I was correct and you have never attended one.
I suggest you take a trek to Austin, so you can see for yourself, these hordes of pitchfork wielding miscreants.
You might find in your search for these debased low life's, a lot of decent motorcycle people and a few of those Texas hotties with that down home charm you'll find nowhere else.

I'll even have a drink with you, but only some sweet tea or lemonade, because the only thing worse than angry person is an angry drunk person

Endless bollocks.

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Love how much class and mature debate you bring to the forum.

You wanna cry about it a little bit? Maybe have a little sleepover with the pussy ass bitch and exchange sob stories about how meanies have taken over your safe space.

None of you ..... want to have a decent conversation about racing, so I will talk to you from your level.