Ben Spies Best Rookie 2010

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C'mon, say it with me brother..

Say it loud, I'm a bopper and I'm proud !!

Ok .... but I don't know what its achieving for you .......... here goes:



Was that cos you needed a "feelgood"?
And very honest. Wow dude, I read your post several times and really couldn't believe it. I don't think in the scope of real life this stuff really matters, though we argue to the hilt around here. Respect to you for admitting it.

About the topic. While Spies was in the AMA, I can't really say I was a fan. But I admit I disliked Mladin quite a bit, and it gave me pleasure that he lost to Ben, because seeing Matt frown was hilarious. I only started to warm up to Spies in WSBK. First, I started rooting for him simply because he was American. But then I started paying more attention to his skill and character. His personality can be compared to cardboard, bland as hell, but the man has integrity of character and his skill was really quite amazing. I sill have all 09 WSBK races recorded. Perhaps my favorite is race one Assen (but this is not the only one that showcases Ben's skill). Being that Haslam is my 2nd favorite rider, seeing them race close in a series of turns, in perfect synchronicity was poetry. He goes on to put a clean pass on Haga for the win. It was here I think that I became an instant fan. Since then I think Edwards has really helped him in the personality department. Another thing that Spies has impressed me with is his willingness to be friends with his rivals. Him and Haga were good friends off the track and fierce rivals on it, I respect that.

Yeh. Totally agree. It dosent really matter at all. But we all have our passions.

As for Spies, Ive not really thought of him as bland or boring. He's just struck me as a guy that is just not big-headed in any way.

Thing is, he's got the talent and the results to be a bit big headed if he wanted to be, but he isnt.

He came into SBK and kicked ass, but was always humble about the guys he was racing. I liked him for that.
C'mon, say it with me brother..

Say it loud, I'm a bopper and I'm proud !!

Lets hope your attitude is infectious. Usually when you call a Rossi fan a bopper, you get this

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When a Rossi fan calls a non Rossi fan a hater. you get this



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I was going to say its an American thing, but the more i thought about it, it is a bike racer thing. Until Rossi started riding around in costumes, and now Jorge copying him, who, before the last 10 years, was the bombastic, look at me self promoter in bike racing. When you think of it,besides those 2, they are all pretty much the same. Some are a little more self indulged than others, but do their thing on Sunday and are very comfortable out of the spotlight. If your looking for entertainment off the bike,all but 2 are going to be boring. I would venture to guess that the majority of riders find Rossi and Lorenzo's skits and costumes silly

Well you should be flogged for first thinking its a cultural thing, being American is a bad word. Oh wait, MigsAngel is not around...

BTW, why do you hate Rossi so much?

Actually, I personally was never a fan of the production celebrations. Only one guy was doing them in the big boy class, but when I saw Lorenzo do similar .... in 250s, it instantly turned me off. The problem is that one you critic even in the slightest Rossi, peeps go crazy thinking you "hate" the guy. But there are many redeeming qualities these riders have, and dressing up like a clown after you win isn't enough for me to dismiss them totally. The reason they irk me is because I think its intended to rub it in their competitors face, and I hate unsportsmanship. But some people don't see it like that; some just see it as entertainment. I think some of us can decipher who thinks its just lighthearted funny vs those that relish it as part of their cult ritual; the latter being the ones militant about the concept-you're either with us or against us, no in-between.

Anyway, I've since accepted the production celebrations. Actually, I think it was Chops that softened me up on this idea as he sees it purely entertainment. But it’s the look at me that I still have a problem with. For example, its bothered me that Rossi didn’t take on the #1 plate, why? Because I felt it was disrespectful toward the traditions of the sport and it speaks to the “I’m above the sport” mentality. (Yes, I know, I must like all things otherwise I’m a “hater”, that’s the reasoning). But being a fan of dirt track, not taking the number one plate is tantamount to slapping its tradition in the face. Perhaps I simply need to learn that this is not the case in GP and I’m simply ignorant to the nuance of European culture. BTW, I don't think Lorenzo's celebrations are any more outrageous or dumb than Rossi, both are equally lame; the difference is I've since warmed up to both riders because of their amazing skill, precision and fortitude to come back from serious injury. Oh wow, did I just compliment them? Yeah, believe it or not, we can dislike certain aspects while still admiring the rider, unbelievable, eh? But honestly, its only a few that can't really understand and accept this not so complex concept. It also helps that when you meet them they don't act like some cartoon character.
Well you should be flogged for first thinking its a cultural thing, being American is a bad word. Oh wait, MigsAngel is not around...

BTW, why do you hate Rossi so much?

Actually, I personally was never a fan of the production celebrations. Only one guy was doing them in the big boy class, but when I saw Lorenzo do similar .... in 250s, it instantly turned me off. The problem is that one you critic even in the slightest Rossi, peeps go crazy thinking you "hate" the guy. But there are many redeeming qualities these riders have, and dressing up like a clown after you win isn't enough for me to dismiss them totally. The reason they irk me is because I think its intended to rub it in their competitors face, and I hate unsportsmanship. But some people don't see it like that; some just see it as entertainment. I think some of us can decipher who thinks its just lighthearted funny vs those that relish it as part of their cult ritual; the latter being the ones militant about the concept-you're either with us or against us, no in-between.

Anyway, I've since accepted the production celebrations. Actually, I think it was Chops that softened me up on this idea as he sees it purely entertainment. But it’s the look at me that I still have a problem with. For example, its bothered me that Rossi didn’t take on the #1 plate, why? Because I felt it was disrespectful toward the traditions of the sport and it speaks to the “I’m above the sport” mentality. (Yes, I know, I must like all things otherwise I’m a “hater”, that’s the reasoning). But being a fan of dirt track, not taking the number one plate is tantamount to slapping its tradition in the face. Perhaps I simply need to learn that this is not the case in GP and I’m simply ignorant to the nuance of European culture. BTW, I don't think Lorenzo's celebrations are any more outrageous or dumb than Rossi, both are equally lame; the difference is I've since warmed up to both riders because of their amazing skill, precision and fortitude to come back from serious injury. Oh wow, did I just compliment them? Yeah, believe it or not, we can dislike certain aspects while still admiring the rider, unbelievable, eh? But honestly, its only a few that can't really understand and accept this not so complex concept. It also helps that when you meet them they don't act like some cartoon character.

I've never thought of the celebrations as an act of unsportsmanship actually. I can see where some may get that but for me its just for the entertainment of it. Also, IMO it really shows how the rider really loves to be a motorcycle racer, and loves to win. It's like each win for them is a great moment in their lives. I couldn't stand Pedrosa when he used to win and not even crack a smile. It makes things fun to celebrate after instead of just waving to the crowd and going straight to parc ferme.

About the number, yeh its against traditions but for some people a # represents an important thing in their lives. I know this doesnt really compare but I had the same football number for 7 years. I got to high school and was so upset I had to change my number from 57 to 27 because I was a half back not a linebacker. Wearing the number meant alot to me bc it was also my dad's number. I won the equivalent of the Heisman trophy with that number. Just like Rossi had achieved alot with his, so I can see why he never wanted to switch to the number 1 plate.
I liked Spies in 2006 because he seemed like an enthusiastic, happy young guy. But starting in 2007 he chilled quite a bit and came across as a jerk. His interviews and Road Racer X pieces at the time added to my perception of his character. When he moved to WSBK he went back to that '06 personality a little more, and through interviews I learned that Mladin's childish bullying really got on Ben's nerves. I think it speaks to his strength that Maldin could make him so miserable, yet he could still win. This guy held up under the 40-year-old bully's pressure, his success causing Mladin to adopt an "I don't care about the championship" attitude.

As for Rossi's refusal to use the #1, I think, through his hard work and achievement, he has made the #46 nearly as valuable for a factory as the #1.
I'm not sure but isn't Rossi a pretty superstitious person? Maybe he saw changing his number plate as a jinx initially and then, after he won with that number again it turned into a marketing tool..
I'm not sure but isn't Rossi a pretty superstitious person? Maybe he saw changing his number plate as a jinx initially and then, after he won with that number again it turned into a marketing tool..

News, first of all, thanks again for bringing much needed humor to that other thread.

Ngads got me thinking why I think the celebrations and the number plate bothers me. I think it has to do with my first love of sport, which was baseball. Of the ball and stick sports, baseball in American culture values continuity and tradition as part of its lore. Perhaps its this that has influenced me into thinking Rossi not taking the number one plate was disrespectful. BTW, I cannot think of any other sports athletes more superstitious than baseball players. In baseball, outward celebrations are also taboo, though we see it more and more, but still not at the silly level of football. Traditionally, even when a batter hits a home run, you don't make a big dance about it, because even if you sit and admire it from the plate, rest assured the pitcher will hit you next at bat, and most players will agree (on both sides) the batter had it coming. So being influence from this is how I view the "look at me" celebrations. Its a snub, its self aggrandizing, and I don't like it. I think we all know the spontaneous joy of accomplishment. Those productions and calculated break from traditions of the sport are NOT one of them.

Yes, I agree, he used his number for marketing. And that's the problem I have with it. It says, traditions be damned, it’s all about ME. I hope Lorenzo doesn't go with this option, I'll be surprised if he does take the #1 plate.
I was going to say its an American thing, but the more i thought about it, it is a bike racer thing. Until Rossi started riding around in costumes, and now Jorge copying him, who, before the last 10 years, was the bombastic, look at me self promoter in bike racing. When you think of it,besides those 2, they are all pretty much the same. Some are a little more self indulged than others, but do their thing on Sunday and are very comfortable out of the spotlight. If your looking for entertainment off the bike,all but 2 are going to be boring. I would venture to guess that the majority of riders find Rossi and Lorenzo's skits and costumes silly

Mamola, sheene
You're welcome Jumkie..
sometimes people on here don't know when to lay down the weapons and just have fun with it..

Although I thought Lorenzo already hinted at not switching his plate to the no1..
It definitely says something about Rossi's character and self love, but I think the number thing is a brilliant marketing move and besides the number, he's got all kinds of little 'gimmicky' things about him, like his dog sticker, the 'doctor' name, his yellow color..ect.

The thing is, if he weren't so ....... successful at racing all that .... wouldn't mean anything to anybody, meaning it wouldn't be so iconic.

But all the riders have their little gimmick things to stand out from the rest, some more than others..
No you boppers could neve get enough, but to the unbiased eg. my son, the reaction was " gee he's an attention whore isn't he"

I'm amazed that someone can have anal sex with themselves for as long as you have............

Sphincter must be sore by now surely, give it a rest Baz
Oh ...., there is more than one of you.

This bit made me laugh "unbiased eg. my son"
can you imagine the crap bm bould bang on about rossi and his fans and where expected to believe his son who no doubt looks up to his dad would remain unbias
This bit made me laugh "unbiased eg. my son"
can you imagine the crap bm bould bang on about rossi and his fans and where expected to believe his son who no doubt looks up to his dad would remain unbias

Any other Rossi fans in your house hold?
Spies has had a very good year, but to be honest, i was expecting a little more. I thought 5th was achievable, and still is, but i dont think he gets there. Next year on the factory bike, i expect he will run more towards the front and supplant Dovi on sheer performance, but will find those last 4, tough nuts to crack. He has shown 2 qualities that are very good and one that isnt. He is very late on the brakes, good, and turns very good times on used up tires, good. His 1st 4-5 laps , bad , he doesnt seem to get going and thats a problem. You can be out of contention in a half a lap in this series. Will a factory bike make that go away.i certainly hope so

Yes I agree that 5th was probably where he could have expected to finish in his first year if he had a great year however once Dovi received the Pedropack for his Honda, it really wasn't achievable (I do acknowledge that he can still get there).

Spies is good under brakes, good on old tyres, good in a battle, the first 4-5 laps will come to him. That's really just a bit more experience and being on the right equipment to push hard enough at the start.

The important thing is that he has been head and shoulders ahead of Colin Edwards when both have been injury free and on the same equipment.
Yes I agree that 5th was probably where he could have expected to finish in his first year if he had a great year however once Dovi received the Pedropack for his Honda, it really wasn't achievable.

Yes. Too bad they forgot to take off Pedro's steering dampener and replace it with Dovi's eh.
Any other Rossi fans in your house hold?

Doesn't matter, im not the one trying to spout .... then to try to give it some value by claiming it was said by someone we don't know .Then believe there unbiased when there (supposed father) is the most out spoke bias prick in the eponymous internet troll syndicate