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Very lucky

Joined May 2005
4K Posts | 0+
Anyone recall this race?????


the guy lying against the air fence very nearly got a bike in his mush there. he was bloody lucky
i can remeber this race! .... world supers rite? ... i saw andy pitt on the blue yamaha so it musta been last year or something?

or im completely wrong and its none of the above....
Time to put the lottery on......................lucky lucky guy, that could have easily been a fatality
okay my bad, lol it not a superbike race, and that isnt Andrew Pitt .... what was i on?

the bike says 89 not 88 ... but come on it does look like the blue yam from last yr...???

im amazed this missed his head...
IIRC it was a Superstock or Supersport race a couple of years ago, what happened is quite obvious, someone broke the engine and spilled oil on the track, all the riders crashed when they got to the oil spill.
Superstock 3000 it was, i'm sure of it.

There were so many lucky riders in that video to be honest, including the one at the end youch that would of hurt. :mad:

That is so insane. That guy should have quit racing that day...I would be afraid I used up all my luck for my life in that one incident.

i cant believe i missed this thread. it looked like that bike clipped the top of his lid. man that was insane.. what circuit is that,doesnt look very safe,there was no where near enough run off looking at how hard he hit the barrier
Now that was one close call. If his head went down a split second later who now what would of happened. The bike could of took his head straaight off with the weight of it.

Lucky though to manage to time it well so the bike just went aboce his head.
This is the world supper sport race at Assen a few years back, i remember watching it live. And boy did i draw a huge breath wen i saw the slow motion re-play.