Here are a few more pics kids.
As you look at them, ask yourself, what part of the track would I have to be standing in to take these pics... (I'll give the story shortly).
Yeah, we actually do have a racing team sponsored by the Police.
This is part of the reason I got these pics. (Will explain just around the corner)... Oh, notice this kid has Boz Bro leathers. Yup, he is sponsored by the Bostrom brothers (imagine that, racers sponsoring a racer, cool eh.
Well this is the kids mom. Yeah, she is a bit out of my age group, but damn, check out this moma. MILF...
These next two pics are for you Austin (Oooster) E. Boz
Always the fashion statement. B. Boz
Ok, now that I'm kicking it in the suite I can tell you guys the story.
(by the way, that's Ben Bostrom in the TV running off the track)
So did you guess where I was standing to take these pics? Yup, the RACING LINE! With the teams, mechanics, grid marshalls and all that ..... Well, it turns out, me and my buddies saw this this fairly good looking 'older' lady walking in the paddock toward the racing line (the MILF above). 'Damn', I told one of my buddies, 'how would you like to have a mom like that?' We laughed it off, but she looked like she was in a hurry. In the commotion, we noticed her walking with purpose toward the gate to enter the racing-line (grid). Me and my two buddies followed her with Roger in tow. We got past the first security marshall, and so did Rog. Then there were two more security marshalls, this lady walks past me and my two buddies behind her too, but Rog (not being the criminal type) stops as the security guy asks for his credentials badge. Well the guy asked us too, but we paid him no mind, and acted like we owned the place. Rog starts fumbling, and by this time three security marshalls converge on him! ...., he was caught. I looked back for a moment and signaled to him to wait outside. Ah, we ....... made it into the RACING-LINE and walked around the grid like we were part of the teams. Hahahaha. And it all was because we followed this good looking moma (which we later realized was the mom of one of these racers). ....... eh. We took our share of pics. Wished the AMA riders good luck. Padded a few on the back. We snuck into the hospitality suite and looked around to see how the rich view the race. But hey, we had to get back to Rog, we didn't want to leave him hanging. So we said our good byes to the Bostroms, whished them good luck in the race, and off we went back to where the little people hang out.
Fuking Roger! He needs to get with the criminal mind.
(I told you guys we had stories).