they were booing lorenzo and MM even before the race started, so im pretty sure that(thumbs down) was not the reason.
i dont know how to put this delicately but they are stupid, ive lived there few years back for about 18 month,(i was actually studying a course & and doing some research) and i was in contact with the more sophisticated group of young ppl there, but all i remember is that i couldnt even make a simple argument with any of em, maybe i just didnt get their culture(if they have any),
lol,the simplest thing i just remembered now is that for instance i go to the supermarket and buy 15 rin item, give the guy 20 but he didnt have 5 rin to give me the change, so i would tell him ok, i give you 5 and you give me 10 rin back, then he would bring out the calculator.!!