That's actually a possibility every single time Marc takes the track. I cringe at every crash because I still painfully aware what can happen on some unsuspecting day in a totally unsuspecting crash. Marc's crash rate is only matched and often surpassed by Crutchlow. That's a lot of crashing, and a lot of bullet dodging I'm afraid.
That's exactly what Rossi is banking on, that Marc will get injured (I'm not saying he hopes, but at this stage in his rage, I wouldn't doubt it). It's practically as I've said often, a 1:3 proposition for VR to win. There are 4.5 bikes that can reasonably win the title, the question for me is always, who cannot win the championship. Zarco on a RCV factory works bike and team would have been 1:4 chance from the git go.
On KTM, the chances are 5000 to 1.
If you live in a glass house don't throw rocks.
Not something I should have raised I guess, but while MM has had massive crashes in the past, he doesn't so much now, and seems to know what he is doing when exploring the limits in practice.