Orkney WSBK 2012

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Yea, the pig in .... comment caught my eye too Jum's...now where would Red have heard that before...ha!

Keep going Red...in it to win it.
Before I continue, Because I look a load of pics, I'm going to do the story in pieces and put a link to the specific photobucket album at the end of each chapter so as to save server space on PS ;)




Okay so the night before I never made superpole after a few beers I could not keep awake, the drive had drained me.


So next morning I awake and rise about 8am ish, and look out of the window.

OMG what a stonking view!

I could not believe my eyes, looking out over a bay, lighthouse in the distance and mountains beyond.

I got dressed made a coffee and went into the back garden.

Went back and got the camera and another coffee and spent maybe half hour enjoying the fresh sea air and spectacular view's

Brother Bass lives in a truly beautiful place.

I go back in and Pete's just got up.

We watch superpole chatting all the way through it and had a bite of breakfast,

Mrs Bass joins us and they plan a day of sightseeing for me.

So we get ready to leave.



The view from the bedroom window


Pig in .... ^ :)



Yea, the pig in .... comment caught my eye too Jum's...now where would Red have heard that before...ha!

Keep going Red...in it to win it.


I'm curious, in fact it's been bugging me since I read both post's.

I can only put it down to three,

Arrabb, no much too eloquent.

So it's got to be Chops or Willski???

Where you've heard it before, or is it known in the states? ;)
So we head off out in the car and Pete takes me through Stromness properly.

Jeez in parts the streets are so narrow it would be a tight squeeze getting anything bigger than a range rover down on its own,

It does broaden in places just  to allow a pair of vehicles to pass. Gobsmacking!

The town it's self is very quaint and a lot of the buildings hand worked natural stone. Postcard stuff, but I never took a single pic (sorry)

Then we headed out down country roads, nothing but fields, lochs, the sea and the odd farm building.

Oh and geese, Graylags to be exact, they are absolutely every where. Man was I slavering (think Homer) lol

We go through Kirkwall the islands capital and I spot the harbour with some of the clean energy wave power makers that are been tested there ATM.

Mention I'd seen a program on them and agree to stop by later.

After a short while we come to one of the causeways built by Italian POW's in WW2 to stop the German U-Boats slipping through the islands to attack the allied fleets. Allied ships that were scuppered before the causeways were built to block the channels as a temporary measure are still clearly visible.

Here's  a couple of those




And then another and into a car park.

We were at The Italian Chapel of Lamb Holm.

Guy's this was a beautiful little chapel built out of a couple of mess huts the prisoners used.

Everything yo can see decoration wise is hand painted.

The picture behind the alter is one, one of the prisoners carried with him through out the war and he copied it to the chapel.

I cannot remember accurately but think it took just two men 18months? maybe less to complete.

Truly Awesome IMO and for once I could say very little.

I hope you all enjoy this place as much as I did, and would recommend you go to the last pic and go through the album backwards (stupid uploaders) ;)




More Laters ;)
lil red rocket pilot
lil red rocket pilot

I'm curious, in fact it's been bugging me since I read both post's.

I can only put it down to three,

Arrabb, no much too eloquent.

So it's got to be Chops or Willski???

Where you've heard it before, or is it known in the states? ;)

Red you most likely read that from Rog, I think I recall him using that once or twice....man I miss Rog!

Yea, it's a common saying in the USofA with emphasis in the Southern states...lol

Digging the thread, awesome pictures of the Chapel, it's amazing what you can do with free time huh?
Enjoying the retelling Red. Pics are spectacular. We are bound to have a gay'ol time in Austin. Now if i could only get L8 to join. :)

Red you most likely read that from Rog, I think I recall him using that once or twice....man I miss Rog!

Yea, it's a common saying in the USofA with emphasis in the Southern states...lol

Digging the thread, awesome pictures of the Chapel, it's amazing what you can do with free time huh?


Make sense, I've used it all my life as have my father and forefathers before him,

It's a common phrase in Yorkshire.

I like how it seems to be world wide, makes me sorta cosmopolitan lol.


Cheers man, It was one of the few times I was speechless through beauty. 

A truly special place.


BTW L8 (jedi mind trick in play) "You need to book tix to Austin" ;)
Okay, before I continue thanks to a day off and google maps I've just been retracing our steps so far, and only now I've reallised we visited every interlinked island.

From Kirkwall we had headed south to Lamb Holm to the chapel, 

Just in case any of you folks want to check it out. ;)


So Lamb Holm, from here we headed south over Churchills no2 barrier and onto and over the small Isle of Burray.

South still and onto South Ronaldsay this time over a natural causeway where we could see "The Competition"

Let me explain, The competition is a boat.

Mrs Bass works on a boat,

:wizard: " If ever I go to the Orkney's I will use Northlink Ferries" this is my adopted jedi mind trick icon from now ;)

Hence there been no pic's of the other one

:wizard: L8 Tix for Austin

So we have a cruise on SR and I'm having a brain fart moment but cannot remember if we stopped anywhere,

I'm sure Pete will jump in if we did and fill the gaps.

So we retraced our steps from the southern island back over causeways and passed the chapel and on to the Brough of Birsay Lighthouse.

We are now back on the mainland and on the most north westerly point.

Perfectly timed we arrive at low tide as the Brough's only access is a causeway revealed as the tide goes out.

And it is bloody slippery so beware if you visit!!!

On the Brough there were Pictish and later Norse settlements. the outlines of the latter's are still clearly visible.

These are just as you rise from the causeway.

The Lighthouse as you would expect on the top of the Brough so we choose a path and up we march.

It's still a nice day but the wind makes it fcuking cold! I mean f'f'f'f'freezing cold.

This was emphasised as we dropped into a little valley half way up. on the pics there are some of a gap down to the rocks at the sea edge,

To get down would have been quite manageable but not with trainers on so passed on that one ;)

Out of the valley up into the wind and to the lighthouse.

Some shots to the far side of the bay shows how the sea was been roughed up with the wind.

Sorry I didn't get more of the settlement but was supposed to on way down but too cold lol

And FWIW The two gulls and stormy seas has to be my favorite ;)


So here you go pics of, on and all around the Brough of Birsay




TBC ;)
Spectacular.....Pete you live in a truly Spectacular place my man.

You don't know how bad I've been wanting to meet the PowerSlide Traveling Team, sadly I don't think it will happen this year.
Good stuff Philip ! Don't think I'm responsible for juNkies " pig in .... " comment...

If he uses " bag of ..... " that's a different matter !

Austin whoop whoop
So we are 


Good stuff Philip ! Don't think I'm responsible for juNkies " pig in .... " comment...

If he uses " bag of ..... " that's a different matter !

Austin whoop whoop


Oi it ain't Sunday! 

Phill please ;)


It won't be long mate, yeee haaa! lol
It's only Phillip if you're cross,  if you're really cross you use the middle name and last name too,  if you know it of course. ;)


They are amazing pictures of a beautiful area. You can see it feels cold, if that makes any sense, probably doesn't but I know what I mean. Looks like a gorfeous place to live, Pete you're a lucky man. I'm sure like anywhere it has its downsides, but you'd be willing to put up with a lot for views like that wouldn't you?
So we are all back in the car and thankful for car heaters as we travel back to Kirkwall,

As we approach Pete takes a quick detour and onto the harbour wall for me to take a peek at the wave energy power machines that were there.

Scapa flow is a perfect place to test these machines as it has one of the highest movements of water between the tides anywhere in the British Isles.

And I honestly don't know why we do not persue it more because of the predictability of wave power

So I grab a couple of pics of the two on the quay side and we head into town for Mrs Bass to get supplies for sunday lunch.

Oh Willski did you miss out in more ways than one ;)

We park up right beside St Magnus Cathedral, so take a wander in for a look around,

I'm not religious but do have a fascination with churches cathedrals and gothic construction.

This place was no disappointment, Stunning arches, stone carvings, and magnificent stained glass.

Stunning place.

In the pic's there are some stone slabs that have been carved against the walls,

We deducted these must have been in the graveyard and brought in to save them from the elements, as the consrtuction methods attaching them to the walls were not in keeping to methods that would have been used in that era. Possibly tomb lids after trying to decypher one of them.

And then The Huge Shock

John Rea's Tomb!!!

Quickly realised it was John and not Jonny, Phew Cliche would still be happy, Jumks less so lol ;)

So we head back out for what we think is a well deserved pint,

Mrs Bass nips to the butchers and Pete and I wander to the well erm Bar, Coffee bar, Cake shop and music shop combined, Oh and they give music lesson

too  :eek:

Very busy place.

We enjoy our drinks and head off back to Bass HQ for a bit of quiet time before Pete plays that evening.


Doh Just gone to link the pics but ain't uploaded them to photobucket yet.

Will post shortly when upload complete ;)
plz don't try to give me a heart attack.


great pictures and story telling,as always :) keep the good work up
Thanks for the kind comments guy's ;)


So it's saturday afternoon and were back at Pete's. We have  a sarnie for late lunch,

Pete has a nap, and I don't get it, he was on the sofa and didn't snore once. 

Pete silvo 2011 bud I think some one or they were yanking your chain mate ;)

Mrs Bass went upstairs so I watched good ole blighty give the french an education in the six nations :D


Mrs Bass appears wakes Pete (he's playing in an hour) who promptly disappears into the shower.

A flurry of activity and half hour later were walking out the door.

Back into Kirkwall to the Chapel been used for a venue, no bar :(

So we catch a few acts, Pete plays with the D Chords (don't panick vids to follow ;) )

And then we leave to go to The Shore for a meal, absolutely devine food. Scrumdidillyumptious even ;)

It's been a long day, we've covered all four corners of the Islands,

Pete's played and we all have full bellies,

So it's back to Bass HQ where we drink and be merry waiting for the WSBK to start.

I watch race one and can take no more, need sleep.

Pete's going for it,

See how he gets on in Sundays adventures ;)


A talented young man in the first couple,

A brother and sister from Shetlands singing traditional Shetland verse, I could make out four words maybe, see how you do!

Pete sure wasn't kidding when he said they have a language of their own!

The D Chords featuring brother Bass ;)


This is the first time I've ever shot vid so sorry for the wayward glances sometimes.

Hope ya'll enjoy, all constructive criticism to Pete please lol ;)


Having problems uploading vid's

Will post them shortly once figured out what's wrong ;)

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