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Jul 23, 2006
hey all, checking in here.

It's sweltering here in Los Angeles with record breaking high temperatures. I'm watching the pre-race at Laguna Seca on Speed TV and due to the heat and deteriorating track conditions, they have postponed the AMA races and extended the pre-race show. kinda embarasssing about the track but who knew the temps would be this crazy? I know all the folks at Mazda raceway have done the best they could for this event.

can't wait to see who wins.
Welcome to the site, hope you enjoyed the race. It's been wicked hot all across the country, it's rarely been below 90 degrees F the past two weeks here in Minnesota.
welcome to the site! hope you enjoy. even little ol' england has been experiencing record hot temps recently.. global warming, whats that then eh?
Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy yourself over here

thanks for the welcome everyone! there was exciting stuff today in the race! too bad Stoner low-sided and really tough luck for Rossi with his engine going kaput. Great win for Nicky though.

yeah this global warming really does seem to becoming a reality. better buy some inland real estate!