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Well...that's because they're "not picking sides". Though if I asked them to name the belligerents in the flame wars I have a feeling the list would go something like this:

Flame War belligerents:

Jumkie - guilty
Mdub - guilty
JPSLotus -guilty


Que up chirping crickets

Let me test this hypothesis, Migs, MickD, J4rn0, who have been the belligerents of the flame war lately?

Add me to the list.
I see 2 people being funny about it. One that just can't let it slide and is getting ....... tiresome.
And one that gets involved with the ogs even tho he got nothing to add . Sense of belonging. ..

Ninitas,all of you.
Same goes for you kesh, If you were smart you'd stop replying to them. Stick with your resolutions.
Add me to the list.
I see 2 people being funny about it. One that just can't let it slide and is getting ....... tiresome.
And one that gets involved with the ogs even tho he got nothing to add . Sense of belonging. ..

Ninitas,all of you.
Same goes for you kesh, If you were smart you'd stop replying to them. Stick with your resolutions.

Just needed a context to make it work. Have come to realize there's no point in replying. It's like asking spammers to stop spamming. This works for me.
Well...that's because they're "not picking sides". Though if I asked them to name the belligerents in the flame wars I have a feeling the list would go something like this:

Flame War belligerents:

Jumkie - guilty
Mdub - guilty
JPSLotus -guilty


Que up chirping crickets

Let me test this hypothesis, Migs, MickD, J4rn0, who have been the belligerents of the flame war lately?

Everyone is guilty of fanning the flames ... and the fact that you guys keep going at it and getting nowhere shows the futility of the war....and who started it stopped mattering about 10 minutes after it started... But since none of you are interested in ending it since you are too 'proud' to lose and don't want others here to think less of you....you will keep going and keep ruining racing threads with your argument...and none of you 5 involved need to worry cause the rest of us couldn't think any less of you anyway....
How did you circumcise that cat, Prop?
Barbed cock cause any problems?
Because what this forum needs most is another way of sowing discord.
Krops, in an attempt to sow accord, there's a couple of threads opened up in the Lounge just for you buddy.

WAIT! Edit to add: I'm talking about the Cycling thread. ...., ....no, NO, that was gross.
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Everyone is guilty of fanning the flames ... and the fact that you guys keep going at it and getting nowhere shows the futility of the war....and who started it stopped mattering about 10 minutes after it started... But since none of you are interested in ending it since you are too 'proud' to lose and don't want others here to think less of you....you will keep going and keep ruining racing threads with your argument...and none of you 5 involved need to worry cause the rest of us couldn't think any less of you anyway....

Thanks for sane words - but really, don't waste your time. They'll turn on anyone who plays their game. Just don't play it. Best you can do. Remember it's just another kind of spam.
Thanks for sane words - but really, don't waste your time. They'll turn on anyone who plays their game. Just don't play it. Best you can do. Remember it's just another kind of spam.

Kesh, is this what you mean by advocating for civil discourse around here...painting people with your broad brush?
Kesh, is this what you mean by advocating for civil discourse around here...painting people with your broad brush?
I think there is a simple explanation. Kesh doesn't understand, recognize, or is incapable of recognizing, and or refuses to accept that Migs was talking to ALL of US. Partly perhaps because Migs can't get himself to spell out 'Keshav', despite several attempts now by Migs at taking a stake in this argument.

Everyone is guilty of fanning the flames ... and the fact that you guys keep going at it and getting nowhere shows the futility of the war....and who started it stopped mattering about 10 minutes after it started... But since none of you are interested in ending it since you are too 'proud' to lose and don't want others here to think less of you....you will keep going and keep ruining racing threads with your argument...and none of you 5 involved need to worry cause the rest of us couldn't think any less of you anyway....

Migs understand, realize all of 'us' includes you. So friend, get off the fence, there is a right and wrong here, trying to garble it all up and make blank statements is weak because its useless, but worse, disingenuous. If you're gonna make a stand, make it. You (and Mick) wholely ignored the same basic point I'm making here. Allow me to remind you how we got here. Kesh tried to nanny the forum by identifying members who in his delusional mind were not worthy, members who he identified as "ruining the forum"! In doing so he has employed the ugliest tactics to advance his delusion! Repeat this to yourself until u get it. Does it matter? Yes it does! Your stake is to want it all to go away. That's weak, take a stand. Watch the movie Bully, stop being the principal that is urging the bully and the bullied to just get along. If you're gonna take a stand, take the right stand. This thing is not complicated nor indiscernible.

The only person who has repeatedly promised to stop is Kesh, even in this thread again, which is comical, but understand, he does this because in his delusion he perceives himself thee better person. I have not yet read others make such a claim or promise. I am happy to continue, I've made no promises, or self righteous commitments based on insults and conditions. I have made no resolutions, despite knowing I should! Friends I admire and respect have genuinely advised me better, I haven't listened to their respectable and reasonable advice. I know it's useless to ever reason with an insane person like Kesh. I get it. Have you ever done anything that doesn't make sense?

This is not about Internet honor, no way, it's about something far more silly. Nobody of the Gang of Four+1+1+1 is butt hurt, they all have a very healthy self esteem. For me specifically it's about enjoying watching someone like Kesh continually hang himself with his words. I enjoy it because I believe (right or wrong) that Keshav deserves to be exposed for the person he is or at very least has become. Oh, I get he doesn't see it, but I think some others do, and that's good enough for me.
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Just curious...why do you, Mick, and Migs not ask the same question of Kesh? :eek:

"You guys" included all involved.

This kind of things should not be allowed to go on forever.

Why? Because the rest of us in the forum couldn't care less about who started or who lied and and whose fault it is.

Interest <= 0

There are more interesting things to discuss.
"You guys" included all involved.

This kind of things should not be allowed to go on forever.

Why? Because the rest of us in the forum couldn't care less about who started or who lied and and whose fault it is.

Interest <= 0

There are more interesting things to discuss.

Interest =0

Perhaps you should get acquainted with the concept of zero.
"You guys" included all involved.

This kind of things should not be allowed to go on forever.

Why? Because the rest of us in the forum couldn't care less about who started or who lied and and whose fault it is.

Interest <= 0

There are more interesting things to discuss.

I don't post anything relating to Kesh, he still makes comments.

I post something, he still makes comments.

See it doesn't matter what I do because Kesh cannot help himself, and he has to make unnecessary comments all while pretending to be about civility.

Why don't you address him directly?
Just curious... Are you guys going to drag this on forever? :eek:
"Interest <=0"

Check the time stamps homie. You devil you. This thing had died down until Migs and YOU started up. Kesh had made another promise to shut up, guess who brought him out of his brief hiatus? You and Migs! Fact. Check the time stamps buddy.

You guys keep talking like u guys don't care, but actually the truth is 'you don't care to know' what's really going on.

Here is what's ironic about this thing. Kesh started this .... by berating and bullying the members he identified as "ruining the forum" and "driving people away". Fact, easily verifiable. When he hat his utopian forum practically nobody was here! This forum has become increasingly vibrant when his Gang of Four +1+1+1 RETURNED! FACT, easily verifiable (compare the metrics to when no posts were made for weeks at a time). The only thing Kesh has managed to do is grenade threads, alienate new members (two of which became part of this awful "Gang"), he's participated in banning, and thwart the participation of people like Geo, Mick, and for a while Migs (because there were "flame wars"--of which KESHAV started)! All verifiable facts.

You see the problem staring you in the face but prefer to ride the fence as if miraculously this means your hands don't get dirty. You and Migs (and MickD) already took a stake, make a stand and see it through.

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