Talps, im in Vegas now. About to be the best man in Rogers wedding. This is the guy i fought the most viciously on the forum for 2-3 years. Until one day i was tired of hearing his BS and imvited him out, same offer i made BM, 'u get out here, i'll pay for ur 3-day pass.' one day he appears at airport, 'pick me up sweetheart, im here'. Can u believe that ....? So Talps, i'll make u the same offer.
A lesson: we are all friends here, its taken me time to learn. The forum, as great as it is, has one big downfall, u just can 'not' make out peeps expressions and tone coupled with the words typed. People miss the playfull nature of many members. I've wound people up while laughing my ass off, some hav got it, some not (and i admit, i've written lots of ........ too). I know we all wont meet up, thats impossible, but everybody should keep this in mind, the forum is wher we all come to play, ........, and talk racing while imparting 'our' bias opinions--thats what makes it fun!