I still can't believe your level of RB fanboyishness. They can't afford to build a negative image? This shitstorm is considered good publicity? I'm sorry dude but you are as blind as a bat when viewing F1 from through your RB beer goggles, like this gem from you:
theres still a big difference. if they started doing dodgy moves like ferrari do regulary they would be the most hated team in an instance and red bull would be better off investing the couple of hundred mill. per year in tv spots or whatever.
i think you get what i'm alluding to.
spot on post pov.
i think every sensible race fan should applaud it when drivers decide to actually race and be consistent in their take on team orders.
even as a vettel fan i would never want webber to just roll over if blatant orders were in place, so why should i be mad at vettel for giving us a good race finish!? am i the only one who enjoyed the battle for the lead in the closing laps?! kept me a bit distracted from the mercedes atrocity
@geo: we,or at leat i, ""hate" (but lost respect would be much more fitting here) alonso not for being spoilt.
following the logic i'd have to hate hamilton,vettel,lorenzo... you get the picture.
just a few things that come to mind : consciously putting other drivers safety on the line for a win (now please don't compare the danger and race sabotage of singapore 08 to the brain fart that was stupidly turning into a wide running jv in 07) , blackmailing his own team (which is something else entirely than the super sympathetic action of telling your boss to go shove it and go racing), being disrespectful towards his opposition and arrogant, oh and hungary 07 was a good one as well.
whereas in moments of shame so to speak even a guy like schumacher can't hide being uncomfortable and at least acknowledges the sacrifice and shows the utmost respect, alonso laughs all the way. i guess for me at least thats the fine line between not liking a guy over the next one but still admiring his skill and effort (think motogp) and just being too much of a psycho.
oh and he accepts racism among his fans if they disrupt his opposition, lets not forget that.
not the biggest deal given the situation of the time, but i thought his reaction and behaviour in general at the time was the most sickening behaviour i've ever seen in racing.i really hope he gets the 1-or-2 years of being uncompetitive on a
red vehicle experience, maybe that will make him more humble and in the
end likeable again.
+ he won't tell us despite the repeated pleas how mansells moustache ended up on his forehead.