Here is another entry into this thread to keep it alive. Not sure if you guys are already bored, but as I think back on the great times we had, things keep cropping up in my memory that make me laugh.
As I had mentioned before, it really is amazing what fans will do to get a shot at those athletes we admire. I'll admit, I wasn't a "fan" in the classical sense of Rossi or Stoner, but I found myself waiting in the hot ass sun trying to get a glimpse of them as if I was one. Of course, after that weekend, I found a renewed admiration for not just them, but all the competitors that
made the grid.
Anyway, as I was saying. Here are a few pics to illustrate what I'm talking about.
Take a look at the crowd on the far side of this pic. Now imagine we are in a similar crowd where I'm taking the pictures. People shoving and posturing for the best position to take a picture. Everybody wants the same thing...
the money shot.
Can you see the front of what appears to be a vehicle? Well that thing is the SUV for Rossi. Can you see now where I was standing to take these pictures? Oh, and did I mention, the ....... thing was running? We were standing in this position for about a good 25 minutes. Keep in mind, we were standing outside the media center waiting for the podium finishers to come out.
Finally after sweating my balls off standing in front of the hood of the SUV (they keep it running so that when Rossi gets in, he will walk into a nice cool car with the AC on, which translates into a very hot hood). Anyway, no worries because our wait has paid off and out comes Stoner.
We get a couple shots and they whisk him away. Then its the waiting game again.
Bam, comes out Rossi. The crowed moves and shifts to get a good shot. The security shove and yell at us to get back.
I get the money shot! Just look at that smile. (feel free to click on the pic to enlarge, I think you'll agree, that's a pretty good shot. With that smile Rossi has, he looks more like he belongs teaching school children then playing chicken at 200 mph+).
And just as quick as that, one step, two steps....
three steps and into the SUV he goes.
By this time its been half an hour. In the hot sun, I'm intimately close to the hot ass front end of a running SUV spewing hot ass fumes while my bare arms straddle the metal of the hood....
Ah, but look at this smile it produced!
......., eh. What a weekend.