Colin's Agent: (to Suppo) Hey Colin's on the podium, do you guys need any advertising?
Suppo: Yes, I'm thinking the Ducati will not be as good as we had hoped, but we need to stay in the press above Rossi.
Colin's Agent: Colin will say your bike is " the Italian Red Rocket" for $50,000.
Suppo: We are a small factory, how much can we get for $25,000
Colin's Agent: he'll say "fast as hell" for 25,000.
Suppo: Okay, is a deal
Colin's Agent: (to Colin) Hey, we only got 25 large out of Ducati.
Colin: What?! Those cheap Italian .......s.
Colin's Agent: Yeah, Livio is a tight .... 25 isn't bad, but you need to be mixed up in the press for a while, call Stoner a liar too.
Colin: Naw, that boring. How bout I call him an ........
Colin's Agent: You could, but the fine is 25 for saying it in a press conference.
Colin: But if I call him a liar he might take it the wrong way. How about I call him yellow?
Colin's Agent: This isn't the wild west, nobody will know what the hell you're talking about. Besides, if he gets pissed we'll just tell him and the press that you weren't call him a liar, you were calling him a lire---because he rides a motorcycle like he's playing a harp. Smooth and beautiful.
Colin: That's so gay......but I do need the money.
Okay, I'll do it.
Copyright 2007: Mylexicon productions