According to Krop, Kent

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This is something I do agree with you on.

People at large really have no clue as to the number one determining factor for success or lack thereof is the environment in which one grows up in, not genetics.

At it's core, Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.

If you truly believe in the idea and concepts of America at heart, then you by definition subscribe to a political philosophy of liberalism. As you rightly state, the modern world came into existence due to liberalism. It was the driving force behind the upheaval in England in the 17th century and the upheaval in the colonies in the 18th century.

Too bad it's been reduced to an insult by supposed higher-minded conservatives/Republicans.
I am sure they will get around to abolishing everything back to and including the Magna Carta as an impediment to business if given time to do so.
45 (and apparently Priebus) think the first amendment should be scrapped or altered so the media cannot publish anything which butt-hurts him... retarded lib snowflakes that they are.
Kents a world champion, so to question his dedication because of a crap year in Moto2 is a bit of a joke, he's already proven if you put a good bike under him he's a class act.
Kents a world champion, so to question his dedication because of a crap year in Moto2 is a bit of a joke, he's already proven if you put a good bike under him he's a class act.

He was in moto 2 before and wasn't much good then, perhaps he just doesn't suit heavier bikes.
Given that it may make sense for him to return to moto 3 and see if he can win races and championships there.
He was in moto 2 before and wasn't much good then, perhaps he just doesn't suit heavier bikes.
Given that it may make sense for him to return to moto 3 and see if he can win races and championships there.

Yeah but he was riding a Tech 3 in 2013, not exactly the best bike.
Haha, fake outrage is something the Republicans/conservatives would know all about. They've spent years manufacturing and disseminating it via outlets like Fox News, Breitbart, and untold other scores of ...... right wing outlets.

Fake outrage gave us an unwinnable drug war that has cost us untold billions upon billions of dollars.

Fake outrage gave us Dubya's Middle Eastern Adventure complete with fake WMD's.

Fake outrage gave us a culture war and a purported war on Christmas that now sees idiots driving around in cars with stickers that say, "Keep Christ in Christmas" even though Christmas' origins are rooted in pagan tradition.

Fake outrage gives us the perfect hypocrisy of protesting abortion while advocating people be put to death for crimes...all while railing about the backwards way of thinking and beliefs of the Middle East when it comes to how they punish people. Oh let's not forget the conservative fear of SHARIA LAW COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU!

Fake outrage gives us a party that talks about the government needing to mind its own business all while ignoring that more than half the country favors marijuana legalization and continues to sell a myth that weed is bad. To say nothing of the constant intrusion into everyone's daily life with unwarranted and unnecessary surveillance.

Fake outrage gives us the belief that violent crime is at an all-time high so we need as many guns as possible to prevent us from the hordes while ignoring violent crime has trended downward drastically since 1991.

Fake outrage has been used to convert Republican voters into sheep that think it's perfectly normal to treat corporations as people and to ignore that Republican policy is designed to enrich the wealthy at the expense of the voters. I've always marveled at how the Republicans have convinced their base for decades now to vote against their own best interests like clockwork because of terms like snowflakes and culture wars, using black people and people of any color as a scapegoat for the party's own failed policies.

Hell they even managed to get untrained idiots to think they somehow know something about science and that they are somehow qualified to make assessments about how true climate change is.

The Republican party has excelled at creating boogie men that distract their retarded base from seeing the wool has been pulled over their eyes. Look at all the morons who actually were planting HILLARY FOR PRISON 2016 signs in their lawn.

The modern Republican party's entire existence is predicated on using covert racism as a strategy to woe inbred ..... like povol who eat up that .... like no tomorrow.

Don't believe me? Vaunted Republican strategist Lee Atwater said the following in 1981:

Povol hears things like states' rights and walks around with a tented erection looking for the nearest voting booth. "YEEHAW BOYS! MUH GUNS, MUH CONFEDERATE FLAG, MUH PRESIDENT, MUH FREEDUMB! VOTE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN, WE GOTTA TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!!" /weeps tears of FREEDUMB.

What a ....... joke.

I liked it but don't agree with all of it :)
FYI, you don't actually know anything about the roots of the modern Republican party that came into being in 1964 to the present day.

The Dems who opposed Civil Rights prior to 1964 were part of the infamous Southern Bloc led by Senator Richard Brevard Russell of Georgia, a noted racist piece of .... to say nothing of the rest of his crew. Dick Russell was a master of parliamentary procedure and the South had successfully opposed every piece of Civil Rights legislation prior to the act that was passed in 1957 due to LBJ. LBJ's greatest trick was convincing that entire contingent of Southern Senators along with his backers in TX that he was not for Civil Rights. He was able to get the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed in spite of the Southern opposition which led to his famous quip that the Democrats had lost the South for a generation.

The entire Southern bloc that became disillusioned quit the Democratic Party and became Republicans, hence the onset of the Southern Strategy in 1968 by Nixon. The Southern Strategy's entire basis is rooted in covert racism which was only made possible when the Southern Dems fled to the Republican Party.

So as illustrated you don't have any real understanding of the political shift of Republican/Democrat within the last 60 years of this country nor what the modern Republican Party actually represents.

The rest of your post is horse .... and as ill-informed as your quip of Republicans voting for Civil Rights.
Robert Byrd must not have gotten the memo
Listen up Marky Mark, no media outlet is without bias, but the NY Times is one of the best outlets in this country period. Yes they are a little left of center, but they've long been invaluable for high quality information.

Trouble with people such as yourself who squawk about media bias is your inability to ascertain the difference between high quality information and low quality information. No media outlet is fully without bias, but some are far worse in their bias than others. The Times isn't one of them.

This is truly one of the funniest things I have ever heard unless it's your attempt at satire. If that's the case, then bravo.
This is truly one of the funniest things I have ever heard unless it's your attempt at satire. If that's the case, then bravo.

I doubt you cupcakes have ever read the NYT and formulated your own opinion. Your just repeating cupcake talking points.
I doubt you cupcakes have ever read the NYT and formulated your own opinion. Your just repeating cupcake talking points.

This is what Povol and Marky Mark vote for.

who is krop? the writer of the article was emmett so being sort of new here who is krop.

johnny - snowflake is a perfect liberal description. fake outrage and so delicate they melt if something doesnt go their way.

get your safety pin to identify all the snowflakes and go to your safe place so you can get a participation trophy.

Really, no reason to create discord here with partisan politics. There's plenty of blame to go around on both sides of the isle. I could sit here for an hour and list all the fake outrage, ala Ben Ghazi, email servers, angst over same-sex marriage perpetrated by Senators later caught huffing cock in airport mens rooms, alt-right evangelist outrage over family values laid on thick by congressmen who habitually cheat on their spouses and re-marry every 6 years. Politicians are as a rule, scum. People need to step out of the comfort of their echo chambers and bubbles long enough to see that neither party is blameless. Politics and religion really poison this forum.

Y'know, if you really feel the need to spew hate and disinformation, no reason you can't do it in the privacy of your own home of FB. Nobody here wants to listen to you rant.
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One of the best hahaha you just proved you know nothing. They are among the worst have been bleeding money and are very close to failure. The ny slimes is hard left propaganda arm of the Democrat party. U can throw that in with the Washington compost the LA slimes. Actually the nyslimes which was owned by a Jewish family actually questioned the holocaust. Look it up.

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Wow... Klantastic!

No, you look it up. Try fact checking any of your positions. You won't do it because - you know they won't pan out.

I love how alt-right types throw the word "Liberal" around. You would in fact be hard-pressed to find any Dem who actually refers to himself as "a Liberal". Most are in fact Progressive - but Fox-Fake-News and their team of brain-dead dog whistlers never attack anyone for being a Progressive. Why? Duh! Because that would too blatantly expose their agenda; which is anti-progress. Anti Civil Rights, Anti Women's Rights, Anti-Labor, Anti-Environment, Anti-Semitic, Anti-First Amendment, Anti-Free Press etc..
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To get this thread back on topic. Danny Kent is going to test KTMs moto3 bike for Aki Ajo and will possibly wildcard at LeMans
Easy to say what to do with someone else's money libtard why do you care who gets a tax cut doesn't affect you at all. Oh you want a hand out. Get a job.
Liberalism is all about pumper stickers and slogans amounts to 0.

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Don't have Facebook so I'll do it here don't tell me what to write and if you don't like it don't read it got it keshav

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Just so you know your boy jps started all this by spewing politics. Calling sessions raciest. The man put the head of the clan in the chair while your boy Clinton loves a segregationist Obama sat in a black liberation theologian church ( I know blacks can't be raciest) and the Democrat party had a clans man as its leader. But I'm spewing stuff. The retard is strong with this one

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