Haha, fake outrage is something the Republicans/conservatives would know all about. They've spent years manufacturing and disseminating it via outlets like Fox News, Breitbart, and untold other scores of ...... right wing outlets.
Fake outrage gave us an unwinnable drug war that has cost us untold billions upon billions of dollars.
Fake outrage gave us Dubya's Middle Eastern Adventure complete with fake WMD's.
Fake outrage gave us a culture war and a purported war on Christmas that now sees idiots driving around in cars with stickers that say, "Keep Christ in Christmas" even though Christmas' origins are rooted in pagan tradition.
Fake outrage gives us the perfect hypocrisy of protesting abortion while advocating people be put to death for crimes...all while railing about the backwards way of thinking and beliefs of the Middle East when it comes to how they punish people. Oh let's not forget the conservative fear of SHARIA LAW COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU!
Fake outrage gives us a party that talks about the government needing to mind its own business all while ignoring that more than half the country favors marijuana legalization and continues to sell a myth that weed is bad. To say nothing of the constant intrusion into everyone's daily life with unwarranted and unnecessary surveillance.
Fake outrage gives us the belief that violent crime is at an all-time high so we need as many guns as possible to prevent us from the hordes while ignoring violent crime has trended downward drastically since 1991.
Fake outrage has been used to convert Republican voters into sheep that think it's perfectly normal to treat corporations as people and to ignore that Republican policy is designed to enrich the wealthy at the expense of the voters. I've always marveled at how the Republicans have convinced their base for decades now to vote against their own best interests like clockwork because of terms like snowflakes and culture wars, using black people and people of any color as a scapegoat for the party's own failed policies.
Hell they even managed to get untrained idiots to think they somehow know something about science and that they are somehow qualified to make assessments about how true climate change is.
The Republican party has excelled at creating boogie men that distract their retarded base from seeing the wool has been pulled over their eyes. Look at all the morons who actually were planting HILLARY FOR PRISON 2016 signs in their lawn.
The modern Republican party's entire existence is predicated on using covert racism as a strategy to woe inbred ..... like povol who eat up that .... like no tomorrow.
Don't believe me? Vaunted Republican strategist Lee Atwater said the following in 1981:
Povol hears things like states' rights and walks around with a tented erection looking for the nearest voting booth. "YEEHAW BOYS! MUH GUNS, MUH CONFEDERATE FLAG, MUH PRESIDENT, MUH FREEDUMB! VOTE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN, WE GOTTA TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!!" /weeps tears of FREEDUMB.
What a ....... joke.