The following is a quote from the article:
For gods sake this quote also backs me !!!!!
Whats wrong with you guys! You are argueing with me and throwing evidence at me that supports my case!
I ask you of your quote ............
do they use Gyros
to ascertain their position on traack!!
That was what the argument was,!
Understand that and you will likely see that
YOU are
agreeing with me
You are missing a point, I am not pro GPS, I am anti-Gyros operating alone ........ with no reference checks. Whatever those reference checks ....... eg. be they visual ( line of sight such as past space travel required ), transmitted signals, triangulation, etc. etc.
If you are falsifying/misinterpreting my argument, then you have little ability to declare me "wrong"
I worked for a few years in a gov. lab testing and
very most often debunking many technical myths and sales pitches ( amazing how much faith folk who sell a product put in that product ) ......... the gear had to do what was required, not what they believed, or even in many instnces, what it was designed to do.
It was not a popularity contest as to whether the EUT did a job or not, it was cold hard tested fact, repeatable for all to observe.
If you have something to add, other than a popularity opinion, please do so, otherwise understand that for 20 years I found the popularity vote, or even individual sales pitches, had very little to do with the reality of operation of said systems.
I think I've made it quite clear Michael, whether you vote me wrong or not, I am no "tribe dweller" ( always been a bit like that ). What you think of me matters ......... zippo.
Perhaps you have been around Jumkie's "kumbayah sessions" once too much
. Understand, that your opinion of me, has little sway on years of experience I have ......... you, mysteriously, have not managed to add to my past experience yet. I would suggest that it would take some technical evidence rather than a popularity vote
Again, my point: can anyone come up with a system for mapping a track ( not maybe I could program one ), that does rely on Gyros ALONE with absolutely no reliance on another reference.
( You are asking say ..... a sailor to set off across the pacific, on clouded skies and navigate to a set destination using a gyro device alone ........ I wouldn't, would you? Even a compass would be a lifesaver
) ( Gee Yamaka!!! if your do reckon you can program a system .......... WTF are you doing here arguing with mere mortals like me!! Your system would make billions just on sailors alone!! If you reckon you can do it for bikes the task for a sailboat should be simple!!
It has been my experience that Gyro devices have an intrinsic flaw for such a task.
Even you Yamaka have said the exact same
and then you go on to tell me you are taking an opposing view ........ fruity!