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Wow, this thread has got way out of control. :( Is there really any need for all this name calling and jeering? Sheesh it's like being back in a primary school payground only with people who should be old enough to know better.


I wrongly thought this was a place to discuss racing, not to tear lumps out of one another!!

Difference between Marquez and the three nice boys is that if Rossi sticks it up the inside to try and break Marquez' perfect lap, Marquez will punt Rossi off into the gravel without a second thought. Look at the dodgy moves he put on Luthi and Espargaro in 2012. None of the Stoner-esque hand-waved apologies for passing, Marquez will deliver a kick in the nuts and a swift headbutt. And the racing will be all the better for it.
:popcorn: Go on.... Tell me more.

God knows i hope this is part of the 98% right part of ur takes, no ......... Im serious.

Krop, do u watch AMA SX? If not u should. Anyway, there is a rider i totally hate named Barcia, nickname Bam Bam. They call him that cuz in the lower categories he Bams and bashed his way onto wins. The theory was, he was going to bash his way in the big boy class. So far we have just seen him override the bike, a few spectacular screw ups but no regular torpedoes or bar bashing leading to results. RCarmichael commented on the absence of the expected carpet bombing and explained it this way. Basically saying the bigger bike required to be written different enuf that the rider had to adapt, saying the smaller bike could be moved around under the rider allowing him to bar bash in a way the bigger bike did not. This may be applicable to GP. Im hoping its not only in Marcs case, as i really do want to witness what u describe above as it made me salivate reading it, and i'll be honest, possibly a woody). I've resigned myself to the bs parity politics and hijacking of the sport (u know, since ur worried about the reasons why i watch and all) and am always looking for drama story lines to hold my interest (other than my unfettered admiration for the feats of the rider/machine).
cliché guevara

dude,let it go. bad enough i make an ass of myself from time to time

btw  .... you stiefel for calling me german :p

the saxons of transylvania are about as german as the scottish are english. we speak a raped version of the language,thats about it


its a sunday funday so it's time to close the thread no?

What are you going to do about it? Fly through my bedroom window at midnight and bite my neck?


By the way, I'm probably going to be in Bucharest for a couple of days this fall. Any tips on how to avoid waking up in some back-alley with a scar on my belly and some precious organs missing?
cliché guevara

its a sunday funday so it's time to close the thread no?

I hope not. Turn ur german side on (which we sited for the awesome deviant sex stereotype not that other one) . I know u have some good kinky creations for porn/rider names under there Clitche. Cum on dude, think.

Collinigus Edwards.
WTF?!? That was a PS first, i replied to Kropo on another thread and it appeared here?!?
Some witchcraft happening here. I had also replied to Angel, but that post is gone. So i'll repeat. No worries darling. Boys just having a bit of school yard fun (and two sockpuppets BJC and his ter ego Zoot who just happened to suddenly appear.. (thanx Sief, tho ur wrong about Deal, hes cool)

Anyway...carry on. :)

And yet you are happy to quote junkie to continue kicking the ants nest? 


Double standards are funny like that - they work both ways.



Did I quote Jumkie on unrelated issues of a continuation of scratch match. 


Now I'm getting dragged in, see you asked me a question about it. 


Leave me out of it, it isn't my battle, I've stated my position. Switzerland. 


I think I clearly stated it's gone far enough and that a moderator should lock it. That isn't a double standard. My position has evolved, not because of the Jumkie -v- newbies battle, because of the other one. The Jumkie -v- newbies battle just adds fuel to the fire. 


Does double standards mean I can be left out of this?


Then I have double standards. 

Wow, this thread has got way out of control. :( Is there really any need for all this name calling and jeering? Sheesh it's like being back in a primary school payground only with people who should be old enough to know better.


I wrongly thought this was a place to discuss racing, not to tear lumps out of one another!!


It is still the off season ;)


No they don't.


That's probably just your upbringing in a country filled with jingoistic, racist bullyboys. Some of us understand it was 78 years ago and he played upon a nation suffering from the ravages of war and some pretty harsh sanctions. They made a lot of wrong choices.


But then, I've found that a lot of Americans have a completely warped view of the rest of the world. It seems you are no different. 


This is coming from a guy who bullied Chopperman about his family and just bullied Jumkie about his

What organ do u consider precious? Ur hair? :lol:

Well, I was thinking about my liver, but I understand how that could be hard for you to understand, you drunk.
I go away for few days. See this thread still going and expect to find pictures of the new sponsers. Instead I find this. You should all be very ashamed of yourselves.

There should be smut all over this thread.

I'm very disappointed.
And yet you are happy to quote junkie to continue kicking the ants nest?

Double standards are funny like that - they work both ways.

Did I quote Jumkie on unrelated issues of a continuation of scratch match.

Now I'm getting dragged in, see you asked me a question about it.

Leave me out of it, it isn't my battle, I've stated my position. Switzerland.

I think I clearly stated it's gone far enough and that a moderator should lock it. That isn't a double standard. My position has evolved, not because of the Jumkie -v- newbies battle, because of the other one. The Jumkie -v- newbies battle just adds fuel to the fire.

Does double standards mean I can be left out of this?

Then I have double standards.

Haha this is funny. Zoots trying to bully u into not quoting me. Then has the shameless capacity to call double standard on u? Breathtaking. This guy is as socially inept as a pile of dung. Zoots has made a forum career of lashing out at member's families--by all accounts crossing the line, as im sure u and other members are aware (if not i'd be happy to point u to his quotes so u know who ur friend is buddy). Nonetheless, that hasnt stopped otherwise seemingly decent members from 'carrying on' interaction with the low life. But here hes trying to pressure u not to interact with me. I guess just because BJC is his bitch he thinks u are his bitch too. This guy is a real piece of work and must be a regular old POS in real life. Leave u out of it? No, Zoots wants u to pick his side. Haha ah man, poor critter, he doesnt get enuf positive affirmation, even after creating an alter ego. Thats who ur dealing with buddy.

Haha this is funny. Zoots trying to bully u into not quoting me. Then has the shameless capacity to call double standard on u? Breathtaking. This guy is as socially inept as a pile of dung. Zoots has made a forum career of lashing out at member's families--by all accounts crossing the line, as im sure u and other members are aware (if not i'd be happy to point u to his quotes so u know who ur friend is buddy). Nonetheless, that hasnt stopped otherwise seemingly decent members from 'carrying on' interaction with the low life. But here hes trying to pressure u not to interact with me. I guess just because BJC is his bitch he thinks u are his bitch too. This guy is a real piece of work and must be a regular old POS in real life. Leave u out of it? No, Zoots wants u to pick his side. Haha ah man, poor critter, he doesnt get enuf positive affirmation, even after creating an alter ego. Thats who ur dealing with buddy.



Zoot wanted about 4 rolling fights which (I love you zoot BUT) given the overall atmosphere on the forum I thought was a little inappropriate. 


You will note I didn't interfere whilst you were kicking the newbies freckles  you didn't seem to need that much assistance and I was feeing mellow and peaceful until I was BULLIED by zoot but didn't take the bait,. 


I generously capitulated and it ended there.  


However after my crash I wear so often a shirt titled Benny Sols and if I am forced out of Switzerland I side with Mexico. When I was in hospital for months Jum's emails, calls, get well cards and presents really lifted me. 


When I had a little tiff with Zoot Jum didn't need to back me, when Jum was involved in the tiff with BJC I liked comments on both sides of the scratch match on the merits of their wit and humour. 


I don't need to be involved but I know Jums real name, his email and parts of his real life as he knows mine and I would out of loyalty side with him, he is an excellent person. 


I like the newbies BJC, Deal (who originally sided with Zoot in his initial water pistol fight with me), Mario, Dr No. I have no beef with them. Thus Switzerland  Zoot immediately accused me of a double standard and hypocrisy and this is not true, I am neutral but have the greater loyalty to Jumkie. History created this loyalty.


I didn't buy in. 


I don;t agree with everything Jumkie does, he needs to back Marky Mark who is awesome and discover natural ....s again, they are better. 


For the record I slept with a policewoman named Julie whilst away at this conference and she was as nature intended her (AWESOME) 


The battle between Cliche and JKD is more concerning as I really like both guys. JKD is very funny as is Cliche and Cliche is a fellow musician and I stated irrespective of his views on drugs (and I agree with Cannabis legalisation) do rile some people, however I will always maintain I have felt more honour from people I have locked up than some I have gone to Business Chamber meetings with. 


Cliche is a good guy. I personally don't dig on anti semetic stuff as my ancestors are French Jews. Either way I like both men and I don't want to buy in and nor have I. 


I I am called out to fight I will. On my side. 


My position should be plain but if clarification is required I will provide it. 


But like last time I am seating peacefully in the Zen garden until it happens. 
Go Marky :lol:

Andy, u know u dont have to pick sides, i just thought it was funny that Zoots would require it, and was amused to point it out. All good.

(ur work is done here Andy ;) )

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