Fantastic, thank you Australia! I am not looking for reds under the bed, or a higher purpose than can justify cruelty There is a "function of government" argument that Rep.Americans in all their Jeffersonian (governed least = best) wisdom have never caught onto. I think it is honestly tragic.
First, the United States has corporations with more members and insurees than the population of Oz and many European nations. Wellpoint, for instance, has over 34 million members and 70 million insurees. That's more members than the population of Canada and more insurees than the population of France or the UK. Imagine if a disenfranchised German was able to opt into the French system. Most Americans have that option by choosing between 5 or 6 major health insurance companies with economies of scale similar to European nations.
What is the moral justification for discarding this system again? The cost overrun is clearly not derived from lack of economies of scale or lack of private competition.
Second, Jeffersonian theory applies to the Federal government. Governor Romney actually instituted the first universal healthcare system at the state level in Massachusetts, but he rejects national universal healthcare on a federal level b/c it infringes on the sovereignty of state voters and it disassembles the competitive mechanism between states. Administering one national healthcare system may not lead to synergies either. It could lead to paralysis by gigantism.
The United States is complicated. I can vote for near anarchy in federal election and near-totalitarian control in my home state. It is a mistake to glean information about how things work in the US without using federalism as a guide.