MotoGP Jerez Race 2005

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although i do like rossi a lot(not half as much as the rossi child bearing 'rossi_rules_46') i don't think you could honestly say that rossi shouldn't get some flack for his 'manouver' on sete.rossi reckoned that he was half way up the side of sete's bike so should not have had to worry about what was going on but when has being in second place earned you the right to barge past the leader?he clearly wasn't leading going into the corner-what if it had been you?it might have been ok by the rule book but if you can't respect your fellow riders inches off your handle bar then you ain't same to be with in a race!
Got to agree gsxr mate,also about the rossi groupies on here,i love to watch good racing,but as i have said rossi is having to race this way, to win so as the good book say's "do unto them as they do unto you"?this will keep coming up Tamada last season was penoalised for for a lesser move,on Gibenau,but for a similar incident but more forceful rossi get's away with it,this need's to be sorted now either you can barge some one or not,and no more double standard's !
cant you lot move on
1 incident 1 corner
answer this who was gaining on slicks in the wet and who was sat on his ass in the mud

what a stupid rule that turned out to be they waved the white flag about 10 laps before the rain got there it was only introduced to stop the programme over running its tv schedule
g lover, when i first saw the move rossi made on gibs i thought it was hard on gibs but the more u see it the safer it looks, winners r winners and the rest rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ? u got it who that in 2nd....
Winners are indeed winners, no doubt about that. But can you tell me who won the Jerez round in 1992? Because I can't. I can tell you who won the title that year though, Wayne Rainey. Despite the fect that he had a rivalry with Schwantz much bigger than Rossi and Gibernau, he still made the classy moves and didn't push riders into the sand. I'm not saying Rossi isn't legendary, but moves like that don't reflect his legendary status. Instead they make him look like Biaggi in "The Elbow Incident" at Suzuka. And Rossi 46 Winner, by no means was the overtaking maneuver safe. The nature of the sport itself is hardly safe when you take all the precautions. Throw those procautions to the wind as Rossi did, the risk involved increases tenfold.
all i can say is rossi will do it again if given the chance, this is a winners sport not oooh ok u can have that line and i will follow u home, last corner last chance, if sete was ona tighter line it might have helped.
it looks as if rossi 46 winner is another friend of rossi rules 46!if i was racing against u and pulled the same manouver on u what would u do?"oh its ok,u knocked me out of the lead at the first race of the season on the last corner of the last lap when there was no valid reason or logic behind it but thats ok"?this is moto gp-racing not rollerball on the track!
I think we all know everyone's thoughts and feelings on the manouver because we all have given our two cents at least once now. My point is this, I understand MotoGP is not a place to make friends, but by all means Rossi is burning bridges. We all know how Rossi and Biaggi had their thing from 2000 on and then this whole Jerez '05 incident and now Julian Ryder just wrote an article in which Rossi was disrespecting other riders in a press conference at Estoril and Nicky Hayden took exception. The way I see it the last three guys you want to piss off are the top three Honda riders.
GSXR Lover :
i not been funni or anything but u hav got no rite 2 judge me and hu my friends r and yes he is my friend.

there is to thing tht all u ppl (aprt frm rossi winner 46) hav in common, sete cudn't except he got bet and all urz can't except tht wht happen happen and u need to move on we r cummin up to the three round in a day so i think it shud b left in the passed and we shud all look forwrd to china. The way rossi will kik sete's arse.

loave ya loadz rossi x x x xx
loadz of love me x x x x x

me 2 cause i shud no
rossi gets more speed out of bikes than most so hes always gunna b in with a chance to run up the inside of people, a lot has been said about the last corner in jerez but there must b harder riders over the years who have done stuff like rossi did, and why to win i bet..
Ryder Notes: Nick's Steel Gaze
by julian ryder (on the ground in portugal)
Friday, April 15, 2005
(Julian wrote this last night--Editor)

Two interesting little snippets from the Thursday afternoon press conference: first Valentino Rossi showing a little contrition, and second Nicky Hayden showing a little steel.

Rossi said that he'd now watched the Jerez video and his brake lever did indeed spear Sete's shoulder. As he knew Sete had had an operation on it, he was sorry if Sete would not be 100% fit for the weekend.

Sete has actually suffered multiple dislocations of that shoulder and has had two operations on it. Note that in no way did Valentino apologize for the pass at Jerez, but it was nice to hear.

The last man of the four-man panel to speak was Nicky Hayden, who wasn't in the mood to apologise either. He wasn't going to say sorry for trying to race with Valentino and Sete. Then came a fascinating little cameo. As usual, Valentino got a little bored and started showing something in a magazine to Alex Barros. Nicky stopped talking, stared hard to his left, then when he got silence took up his theme again. My old French teacher couldn't have done it better. I am not alone in detecting the odd glimpse of steel in Nicky that we haven't seen before.
People who say "racing is racing" grew up in the southern US on NASCAR who are spectators, those who watch motorsports events to see crashes. I've said it all along and I'll say it again, I enjoy Rossi's racing because he is the most gifted and exciting rider to watch in this day in age. However what upsets me is the disregard for safety by his following and himself. If he wants to use riders as berms, talk to Kevin Windham about joining up with the AMA Supercross guys. He'd be a welcome addition.
ooost69 u mean 2 tell me u havnt seen riders do wot rossi did at jerez b4? cus it happens nearly every meetin in british superbikes, and will continue to happen,
its like football contact will happen when u have to win..
Yes I see it all the time, I watch AMA road racing where positions 15-45 are 3 seconds a lap slower than the leaders and the guys can barely keep themselves on the track. I'm not saying I don't see it. I'm saying it is unsafe and in this particular instance unfair. I will again bring up the incident at Motegi 2003 when Tamada passed Gibernau under breaking at the end of the straight and subsequently pushed Gibernau off track. Tamada had his podium taken away and exchanged for a DNF and had points taken away. Dorna considered it a "dangerous manouver". I saw the pass, I saw Rossi's pass on Gibernau at Jerez. Rossi's manouver showed much more disregard than Tamada's however Dorna and the powers that be are unwilling to punish Rossi because he is the most talented man the sport has ever seen and if they don't let him play by his own rules he will leave the sport for rally or f1.
we dont agree on this 1 m8 but its not as if rossi is like nori haga who was a
nutter.. we all have our fav riders and we know who mine is
I will agree with you on that one. If there was one rider I could go without having to overtake or be overtaken by it would be Nori Haga. The guy could get off on something as simple as a trip to the pits, how embarrassing would that be? I guess we could always ask the boys at Repsol Honda about that.