Marquez feels less pressure than 2016 despite Vinales threat

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The fact that MM says he's not feeling any pressure indicates to me he is otherwise why even mention it.

Perhaps he was asked 'so, are you feeling any pressure?'

Pretty hard not to answer a direct question as to try to deflect the question, or to choose to ignore it may then show another side

If Rossi said his tyre choice was bad advice he'd be pilloried on here for making excuses for a poor performance.

Pilloried ........ maybe, maybe not but then, he would not be the first and nor the last to suffer the affliction of ridicule by armchair experts who know better than riders now would he?
If Rossi said his tyre choice was bad advice he'd be pilloried on here for making excuses for a poor performance.

Most of the pillorying since Michelin's return has been in regard to the poor quality of their tyres, particularly the fronts, and the lack of choice available, rather than riders making poor choices. I and others have argued that Rossi uncharacteristically losing the front on multiple occasions last year was down to a deficiency in his tyre rather than him, and it is well known that some tyres Michelin brought to races last year were unusable by Yamaha, and I have posted to that effect.
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Thinking logically you have just stated two things:

1. Jps does not currently talk out of his arse .....

2. You dont understand him unless he talks out of his arse ...... a true bopper descriptor.

But my statement was logic-proof:cool:
I believe Marc was directly asked if he was feeling pressure and he was responding in kind to it rather than bringing it up unprompted.

Believed, Hmm so its not confirmed. Makes me think its a political evasion type comment :)

I will endeavour to discover if it was.