best sites?

MotoGP Forum

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I like the design and style of:

They seem to report most news.

Crash obviously reports everything.................I just dont like the site though, naff design imo.

I get google alerts too, which auto emails new motogp stories to me......and I have a few rss feeds on my google homepage, so I can see any new news.

Pretty sad all that!

Imuch prefer talking about the lastest news etc with you guys though!

Any sites that are mentioned, I'll add them to the links page
I visit dutch sites, like racesport and eurosport, but that's not important for you all to know since it's all in dutch
In addition to and I check out regularly. They get stories written by Julian Ryder which I find very interesting. Their writing isn't the best but they get quite a few inside scoops and interviews. Probably more interesting for me as the interviews are generally with American riders.
I really only use the official site for features and FPs, QPs and races now. I think a lot of their news is press releases, seems like it anyways. Very dull writing.
Yeah, and a lot of the news is human interest, which is good, but they don`t cover paddock rumors and stuff.
I find the easiest way to get news is to wait for someone to post it on

The distinguished members of this site have a talent for filtering through all the crap stories and bringing forth the interesting ones for my reading pleasure. Thanks a bunch, guys