........, why didn't you pick say 1,800cc curve, they are obsolete too
They only ever need a capacity that can beat a superbike, thats GP
this talk of 1,000cc bikes has its "mysticism" based strongly only in a certain "wanabe" element. Just because you have a "thou" don't make you more like a GP rider.
Its becoming like all the "Busa" riders out there, plonking around town being the fastest machine in existence, a "Busa" takes them above the mere level of "manliness" achieved with a "thou" or tiddly GP bike!!
In the end they never seem to get there that fast
Reminds me ofthe old days of 750 triples when the 500's were "it", the 750 triple riders all thought 500's were "piddly". Ignoring the fact a GP bike was somewhat more a refined speed machine than their rather "agricultural" 750 plonkers.