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  1. 9

    Anthony Gobert

    Ex WSBK rider beaten to such a pulp by Aussie pissheads he was un-recognisable by doctors until he could speak... WTF It'd help if some idiots would post in an appropriate subject instead of random threads ffs
  2. Arrabbiata1

    Anthony Gobert's wasted 'talent'

    Purely posted for the purpose of a lively debate between myself and 'Son'. Feel free to interject/intervene
  3. povol

  4. H

    Anthony Gobert -2008 plans?

    Is one of the world's biggest waste of talent planning to race in 2008. He competed in the Aussie SBK's in 2007, but checking the site, does not show him.
  5. Pigeon

    Anthony West clinches 2008 Kawasaki MotoGP deal?

    Australian Anthony West has beaten off competition from Shinya Nakano to secure a place in Kawasaki’s factory for the 2008 MotoGP world championship. MCN understands his deal will be officially announced on Thursday on the eve of the first MotoGP race in Misano since 1993...
  6. BEN

    Anthony West

    Is now available as a team rider Lockdown tomorrow lunch people, good luck! p.s. I'll update the league asap - as we have back2bck races again .......I wont get home from donny while Monday aft/night, but I'll do it asap.
  7. L

    Anthony Davidson

    haha this is funny..his dad pays me for my job and gives me the leaflets and newspapers for me to sorry i was bored yes..i'm RANDOM!