Keep in mind this data was accumulated by a guy who bags groceries and lives in his moms basement.
This from a scrawny little rat turd who evidently has nothing better to do than carefully nurture a bizarre hate-on for someone he's never even met?
Dude, is it any wonder why Jumkie bought you that shirt? How is it that you go out of your way to belittle and insult and inflict your blind, unthinking hostility on any and all, yet somehow, beyond all reason, you consider yourself to be a
victim? That's seriously ...... up. Snakes-in-the-Head CRAZY! I suppose there IS an upside to your condition; if you ever find yourself short of money, you can always offer to serve as some Psych student's research subject. You're ...... up enough to warrant <u>several</u> thesis papers.
Overall, your inferiority complex is rather amusing. Just because some of us chose to pay attention in school, instead of joining you in the back of the class to eat cupcakes made of paste, decorated with those oh-so-sweet lead paint flakes... Please blame and hate the world for <u>your</u> failure, you stupid little ....!
Now, back you go. Back into your cage, Monkey Boy! Good Monkey!
And please, for God's sake. wipe your poo off your hands and face. Nobody wants to see that.