sepang race

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Thats the pessimest view Dub. The upside is that they all ovulate on the same day. You just have to identify that day.................and make yourself not too unattractive and be in the neighbourhood. I,m sure you could manage that!
Thats the pessimest view Dub. The upside is that they all ovulate on the same day. You just have to identify that day.................and make yourself not too unattractive and be in the neighbourhood. I,m sure you could manage that!

He was talking about you genius. And the other wanabe dogooders.
Race should have been stopped no doubt...but if Lorenzo carries on lapping and Ellison puts his hand up on his own, does the red glad appear almost immediately. In my opinion, probably not.
Race should have been stopped no doubt...but if Lorenzo carries on lapping and Ellison puts his hand up on his own, does the red glad appear almost immediately. In my opinion, probably not.

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Believe brothers
He was talking about you genius. And the other wanabe dogooders.

I don,t knw jumkie. You are a strange creature. You are entitled to your opinions like everybody else, and in many areas you make more sense than 90% of people, but you fall into the trap of not accepting when you are possibly wrong or too dogmatic and perhaps cross the line in being a touch personal and a too disparaging towards Krop. I don,t accept that all he says is correct, but I do accept that he is much closer to the action than we are and has insights that we lack, and that before we attack his views we need to have a rock -solid case to present. I feel honoured that he graces us with his presence in "casual mode" and gives us he inside view on things motorcycle racing. I think you have been a bit too personal and should rethink your modus operandi in conversing with him. I have overstepped the mark when under the influence of alcohol, but have apologised. Perhaps you could do the same(again).

Regarding Lorenzo,s gesticulating and race directions call to stop the race within a small time frame does not prove a direct association. Seeing flying foxes flying overhead at sunset does not show that the former lead to the latter. Over the centuries of human history , many such incorrect associations have been presumed.

You are smarter than that.


the Easter Bunny.
I don,t knw jumkie. You are a strange creature. You are entitled to your opinions like everybody else, and in many areas you make more sense than 90% of people, but you fall into the trap of not accepting when you are possibly wrong or too dogmatic and perhaps cross the line in being a touch personal and a too disparaging towards Krop. I don,t accept that all he says is correct, but I do accept that he is much closer to the action than we are and has insights that we lack, and that before we attack his views we need to have a rock -solid case to present. I feel honoured that he graces us with his presence in "casual mode" and gives us he inside view on things motorcycle racing. I think you have been a bit too personal and should rethink your modus operandi in conversing with him. I have overstepped the mark when under the influence of alcohol, but have apologised. Perhaps you could do the same(again).

Regarding Lorenzo,s gesticulating and race directions call to stop the race within a small time frame does not prove a direct association. Seeing flying foxes flying overhead at sunset does not show that the former lead to the latter. Over the centuries of human history , many such incorrect associations have been presumed.

You are smarter than that.


the Easter Bunny.

"and that before we attack his views we need to have a rock -solid case to present"

But but but...I thought Krop was just some poor guy, grappling with his existential angst, bleeding out the words, under sufference, in his underdungers.
At the end of this, Pedrosa talks about the conditions in the race, and whether it was right to be called off:

It seems that Loris Capirossi went round and told "6 or 7" riders that if conditions got too bad that they should put their hands up. Pedrosa was not one of them.

Thats because Loris realizes that Dani is a boat Captain and has more experience in these conditions
At the end of this, Pedrosa talks about the conditions in the race, and whether it was right to be called off:


It seems that Loris Capirossi went round and told "6 or 7" riders that if conditions got too bad that they should put their hands up. Pedrosa was not one of them.

Good morning Krops. First of all, I enjoy the banter wrapped around a healthy disagreement of mere opinion, as I see it. You're a bit hard to gauge sometimes, (not to mention the peculiarities of forum speak); but I figured the light natured pics opened it up for colloquialism. Anyway, I was having a conversation with a Brit friend yesterday, and he assured me you subscribe to the same thickness of skin and that nations legendary type of humor. Enough on that.

Did you read the entire interview or did you (tl;dr ) skim it?
Because his (Pedros) answers actually overwhelmingly support my view regarding the league's suspect disproportionate treatment of riders! And he says as much! Quick, generate a tinfoil cat pic to send the lovable midget!
Dude, seriously, this entire interview is an indictment that in less words supports what I've proposed in this thread.

Did you realize Pedrosa accusing Loris of lying? According to this interview, Loris went to tell the &ldquo;top&rdquo; riders to raise their hands if conditions worsended, and Dani says in no uncertain terms, &ldquo;Well, he has told you a lie.&rdquo; (&ldquo;Pues te ha dicho una mentira.&rdquo; DP)

There is more. But I'll keep this short as it seems peeps have difficulty with long posts.
I'll try to translate some more, as this interview supports my contention that the league is inconsistent at best and well, you know what I think at worst.

Watch this space, more to come...

Jumkie translate (too lazy to use google)

La carrera de Sepang, la polémica

(Sepang race and poltics)

-El domingo, en Sepang, te vimos muy contento y satisfecho con tu primera victoria en agua. Pasados unos días, con la reflexión, ¿la satisfacción es mayor aún?

(We saw you very happy after your first wet weather race, blab la bla)

No me he querido parar a pensarlo mucho porque tenía una carrera enseguida. Hubiera podido saborearlo más si no hubiésemos corrido esta semana, supongo al ver a mi padre o a mi hermano lo hubiéramos comentado, con ellos que son los que realmente saben los problemas que he tenido con el agua y demás. Pero no.

(I haven&rsquo;t thought about it much because I have another race to think about, blab la bla)

-¿Has visto la carrera?

(Have you seen the race?)

Sí, la he visto una vez.

(Yes, once)

-Mantienes tu opinión, tras verla, sobre si se actuó correctamente.

(After seeing it, do you still have the same opinion regarding the stoppage?)

Desde la tele es muy difícil de juzgar, así que&hellip; cuando tu ves la tele y miras la vuelta 12 y 13 sólo ves a gente que se va cayendo, pero realmente, si tu miras el asfalto no se ve nada. En cambio, como piloto, cuando estás en la pista, si ves el cambio. Y ves que la pista de repente brilla, que la rueda ya no tracciona y demás. Desde la tele es muy difícil poder juzgar.

(Its difficult to judge from watching it on TV, from laps 12 & 13, you see people crashing, but you can&rsquo;t see anything on the asphalt. However, as a rider, you can see the changes on the track, you can see it more shinny and loss of a bit of traction. On TV its difficult to discern.)

Esta mañana le hemos preguntado a Loris Capirossi si lo de levantar la mano en caso de que las condiciones fueran criticas se lo había dicho sólo a Jorge Lorenzo, o a más pilotos. Loris ha dicho que se lo dijo a seis o siete pilotos.

(We asked Loris if he had only told Lorenzo to raise his hand if conditions worsened. He said he told 6 or 7 riders).

A mi&hellip; para empezar, yo creo que Loris no debería estar en esa posición, control número 1. Porque no es del &lsquo;race direction&rsquo;. A mi me quedó muy claro desde el &lsquo;race direction&rsquo; que los pilotos no deben levantar la mano, porque no somos lo que decidimos cuándo se para una carrera. A mi se me dijo así tal cual, me acuerdo hace muchos años en Brno (en 2004 cuando corría en 250cc), estábamos con slick (neumático liso), llovía, yo levanté la mano, perdí la carrera, etcétera, etcétera. Desde entonces me dijeron que los pilotos no tenemos que hacer nada, correr y ya está. Y bueno, eso es lo que hice el domingo, salí y corrí. Además, en teoría, yo tenía entendido que si alguien debe levantar la mano es el que va primero.

(First of all, Loris should not be in that position because hes not from race direction. Race direction has always told me not to raise my hand since its not use who make that decision. I remember a race in 04 Brno, we were on slicks, I rose my hand, etc. etc. (yes, he actually says this) I lost the race. Since then I;ve been told pilots should not race their hands and since then I have done this. Besides, in theory, I would think the leader would have the say in raising his hand, since he is first.)

-¿Has hablado con alguien de dirección de carrera para saber si sigue vigente aquello que te dijeron en 2004 de que los pilotos sólo tenéis que correr y nada más?

(Have you talk to anybody in race direction to see if what they have told you since 04, not to raise your hand, still stands?)

No lo sabía lo de Loris.

(I didn&rsquo;t know Loris had done this.)

-Capirossi ha dicho hoy que el domingo, en Sepang, habló con seis o siete pilotos y les dijo que si las condiciones de la pista era muy críticas, que levantaran la mano para parar la carrera.

Capirossi said he spoke with 6 or 7 riders, saying if conditions got critical to race their hands in the race.)

Me parece bien que coja a los pilotos y los siente en una silla y nos lo diga. No me parece bien que vaya de box en box y diga una cosa sí y a otro no. Y menos, dices, que a siete pilotos&hellip; pues entre esos siete no estaba yo. Y si se lo dices, supongo que debes decírselo a los que van líderes, ¿no?

(It sounds like a good idea to sit us all down together and tell us this, it does not sound like a good idea to go from garage to garage and say this because the message may be different. You say he told 6 or 7 pilots, well I wasn&rsquo;t among those he told.)

-Capirossi dice que se lo transmitió a los seis o siete pilotos &lsquo;top&rsquo;.

(Capirossi says he told the &ldquo;top&rdquo; 6 or 7 riders)

Pues te ha dicho una mentira.

(Well, he has told you a lie.) [Booyah!]

-Según él, fue una recomendación a título personal

(Well, according to him, it was a personal recommendation)

Pues si es a título personal, no tiene ningún sentido.

(Well if it&rsquo;s a personal reconmendation, there is no point.)

-Por su parte, Dirección de Carrera asegura que no tuvo en cuenta, en ningún momento, el hecho de que Lorenzo levantara la mano para parar la carrera.

(Well, race direction has assured us it did not take Lorenzo&rsquo;s raising of hand into account)

Yo no lo sé, ni lo sabrás tu tampoco.

(I don&rsquo;t know about that, and neither do you.)

-¿Está siendo muy protagonista este año Dirección de Carrera?

(Has race direction been too protagonistic this year?)

Esto que lo juzgue cada uno, yo tengo mi opinión. Pero no sólo es lo que me pasa a mi, es lo que le pasa a otra mucha gente.

(Everybody should judge for themselves, but I have my opinion. Its not just the things that happen to me, but others too.)

-Pero, ¿tu crees que actuó bien el domingo Dirección de Carrera parando la carrera en el momento en el que la paró?

(But do you think race direction was correct in stopping the race when it did?)

Sí, yo creo que sí. Lo que no veo&hellip; hay muchas cosas, situaciones en las que debería imponerse la lógica. Está muy bien que haya un reglamento y hay que aplicarlo, pero hay veces que esa persona que está al cargo debe tomar decisiones, no en base a lo que pone el libro. Sino en base a lo que es coherente. No sé qué decirte ahora, pero si ha pasado algo muy grave y el libro dice que debe reemprenderse la carrera, si no se puede, no se puede, como pasó hace un año (Simoncelli). Eso es un caso extremo, pero hay muchas situaciones en las que hay que utilizar el sentido común, aunque haya un libro. Por eso hay una persona ahí, y no una máquina.

(Yes, I think so. But what I don&rsquo;t see are the many things and situation that should be applied logically. Bla blab la (I don&rsquo;t care about this part too much, but basically it was a rant about applying the rules with common sense and discretion, sounds like he wanted the race to restart).

Krops, with all do respect, I don't mean to press you, but are you ready to concede I wasn't just talking out of my ... when I accused race direction and the league on their handling of some situations? And I'm using Pedros to advance my point nonetheless, ....... eh, strange bed fellows indeed. Hahaha.

On a side note. You guys can see why I read Arrabi's post as if they were the Word of God (sorry Krops, you are a close second). Dani made reference to this race in his interview above as the point that affected his protocol in wet conditions (interview dated today). Maybe Dani also reads Arrabi as if he were the Word of God too?

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I recall - ironically - Dani raising his hand - I'm sure it was Brno during a 250 race probably his maiden season 2004. Sometimes when it begins to drizzle it can appear far worse through a visor than it is in actuality. Pedrosa was leading and slowed, raising his hand to stop the race (deeming it his prerogative to do so and knowing it had gone two thirds distance) whereupon at least half a dozen riders clearly disagreed and streamed past him which I found hilarious and If my memory serves me right it cost him the win and a podium place. On the other hand, if it was his championship year he may very well have recovered to win it. Nonetheless - he was incredulous and furious that the race had not been stopped at his behest.
Thats because Loris realizes that Dani is a boat Captain and has more experience in these conditions

You joke, but this may be closer to the truth than you might think. When asked recently about why he seemed so much better in wet weather conditions, he replied, 'Its best I don't tell you, its kind of stranger and weird, I should keep it a secret.' The first thing that came to mind was him getting arrested for cheating on his yacht captain test. Something that I wouldn't want to talk about. But perhaps something there helped him navigate in water.
Did you realize Pedrosa accusing Loris of lying? According to this interview, Loris went to tell the &ldquo;top&rdquo; riders to raise their hands if conditions worsended, and Dani says in no uncertain terms, &ldquo;Well, he has told you a lie.&rdquo; (&ldquo;Pues te ha dicho una mentira.&rdquo; DP)

Loris Capirossi is an ...... Race Direction took no notice of Lorenzo's hand wave. I agree on your point that Capirossi has no right to be wandering around the paddock telling selective riders that they can put their hands up. But Capirossi can't call the race, the only person who can call the race is Mike Webb, and he can only do that if Uncini, Alonso and Danis agree with him.
Loris Capirossi is an ...... Race Direction took no notice of Lorenzo's hand wave. I agree on your point that Capirossi has no right to be wandering around the paddock telling selective riders that they can put their hands up. But Capirossi can't call the race, the only person who can call the race is Mike Webb, and he can only do that if Uncini, Alonso and Danis agree with him.

Loris stuck his foot in mouth for sure. Yes, Loris can't call the race as he is not in race direction, Dani says as much. But Loris could have certainly gone up as a 'personal recommendation' and relayed to race direction that he had told the "top" riders to raise their hands if conditions became critical. We are speculating of course, but in that event, surely race direction would have had that seed in mind. Who knows. I mean, yeah, you may think race direction is trust worthy, but here we have a situation where a "top" rider is telling us one of the league officials is 'lying' (to a championship contender no less). You say, "Race Direction took no notice of Lorenzo's hand wave." What makes you think another official wouldn't lie to you?
Loris stuck his foot in mouth for sure. Yes, Loris can't call the race as he is not in race direction, Dani says as much. But Loris could have certainly gone up as a 'personal recommendation' and relayed to race direction that he had told the "top" riders to raise their hands if conditions became critical. We are speculating of course, but in that event, surely race direction would have had that seed in mind. Who knows. I mean, yeah, you may think race direction is trust worthy, but here we have a situation where a "top" rider is telling us one of the league officials is 'lying' (to a championship contender no less). You say, "Race Direction took no notice of Lorenzo's hand wave." What makes you think another official wouldn't lie to you?

There are four people in race direction. One appears to be slowly losing his mind. Another is a rather disgusting excuse for a human being. The third is an indecisive lackey. And the fourth makes Elliot Ness look like Silvio Berlusconi. Fortunately, the Ness-alike is able to coax the others into agreeing with them.
There are four people in race direction. One appears to be slowly losing his mind. Another is a rather disgusting excuse for a human being. The third is an indecisive lackey. And the fourth makes Elliot Ness look like Silvio Berlusconi. Fortunately, the Ness-alike is able to coax the others into agreeing with them.

Thanks for the visual. Do you watch Boardwalk Empire? There is a character in that show that sounds like the fourth man in the race direction booth (well at least in the first season). Good show if you like a well made prohibition period series.

Now, I might as well say it here before you get tired of reading my posts again, but if you happen to finally make it out to a USGP, I would like to offer you a well deserved beer(s) on me. I'm gonna skip Indy, but I plan to be in Austin & of course Laguna. The Powerslide crew has a great tradition in putting journalist through the paces, but we still appreciate the Lord's work you do.

What a great picture you painted of race direction, doesn't quite instill confidence, you are still arguing against my view on the league right? Haha Now I don't want to get off on a tangent, but some people think Loris might have had something to do with the direction of tire development given his 'test rides'. I argued early on that I didn't subscribe to this, but can you see why people might subscribe to a bit of 'conspiracy' theory? Had you read my 1500+ essay (lighthearted sarcasm, you see, I can't help myself, imagine me talking to you in a tone like we are both enjoying a nice Belgium beer at a bar), you would have read me point to cases that make a spectator like me wonder about such behind the scene shenanigans.

Edit: I just re-watched 04 Brno 250. This race was hilarious! All kinds of drama and confusion, at one point there is a bike on the track in flames, no ......... Commentators struggle to figure out Wtf race direction is thinking, everybody all confused. A.West who finishes fourth (well it did rain) says the race shouldn't have been stopped, while Porta the Arg agrees. Dani was so pissed he didn't shake the winner's hand nor the runner-up Deuniet, and looked like he had just been told he had Hiv on the podium. Hahaha

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