All teams are subsidized mate. Hayden's promotion was on the back of Honda America, there is one.
Marcs promotion was only made possible due to a rule change from Dorna, there is two.
Cal's return to Honda is dubious to say the least, there is three.
Bradley Smith's Tech3 deal, 4.
Dorna's always got their hand in it mate, and sometimes for good reason. I mean lets face it, if they've helped orchestrate Rossi's continued competitiveness then its a stroke of genius. 97000 people at Misano, .... loads more watching on TV-big dollars baby.
I don't think they are that clever though, but clever enough to know that you need protagonists and antagonists to sell more tickets, and this year they've got perfect storm with Yamaha building a much better bike and having the two best riders in the world on their machines. One of them is the biggest name the sport has ever seen-and Dorna can't invent this fact, they can however take advantage of it