As most of you know this forum has produced some great memories. Here is another one. Nuts made this thread to entertain us diehards during the off season. He raised the ante by offering some beer for those posting a pic of a finest umbrella girl. It sucks that there was not much interest to post chicks, but good for me. Check out what I came home to yesterday after a .... day of work.
Wednesdays are my longest day of work (as I've taken an extra shift.)
By the time I get home its dark, but at the front door greeted me this box. My first thought was, I didn't order anything from (if you didn't get joke, you're a newbie).
I take the box inside and start opening it. I start to feel like its Xmas.
The only think in the box was this keg of beer, how beautiful is that? I put a dollar next to it so you can get a sense of the size. Cool ....!
Yup, that’s right peeps. Nuts sent me a mini-keg of beer from God knows where he’s from. How is that for another amazing thing that has happened on this great racing forum! Honestly guys, I’m tickled to death. My respect for peeps like Nuts around here has again gone up. He PMed me and I even tried to get him off the hook by saying it was cool, he didn’t have to go through with it, just his intention was good enough in my book. But he insisted. I even told him if he was adamant that he could just mail a voucher or coupon, something simple to mail. But dude said no, I’m gonna send you some beer, period. And that he did. Very ....... cool!
Another friend for life. Thanks Powerslide.
(why the hell are the pictures coming out sideways, they are rightside up on my desktop?)