Great thread name. I was watching FP1 Moto3 last night and they struggled for an explanation. Then later both camps issues their side of story on video no less. I was laughing my ... off. ....... soap as it happens in full view. Don't know whos idea was it to air it, but thank you. Vinales is a complete child and immature ........ 2nd in championship and still in the running, not mathematically eliminated. I would never sign this ..... again, well, at least not for 3-5 years, as he has no integrity. But I know what will happen, he is talented enough for teams to put assigned their integrity. Oh wait, teams don't have any integrity. Oh well, expect to see him racing next year.
If you guys get a chance, check out the vid of him trying to explain why he broke his contract. Its in Spanish, but if you don't understand the language, no worries, just watch his body language. Warning, stand away from the screen about 3 feet, you will want to slap the .... out of him.