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If this drawn out shaming of Pecco (who I’ve never liked) hadn’t dragged a dead horse through multiple threads, I wouldn’t mention it, but several of the members of this thread who continually harp about this, were, and continue to be, long time avid supporters of a certain member of this forum (no longer here but much recounted) who - as of the last time I met with him, was a rabid and unapologetic heavy user of booze and coke. Can’t say that that member ever drove the family car while inebriated, but I wouldn’t bet the house against it. Not wishing to start a flame war here, but in the big picture, a one-time incident of driving while inebriated - by a very young guy, who never hurt anyone, is just absurd. My guess is that same former member, who bragged endlessly about his insane consumption of 101 proof Rum and absinthe, would agree with me. Enough already. People need to stop clutching their pearls over this .....

Is there anyone here who’s never done something stupid or morally repugnant when in their youthful 20’s? Are there any stone-throwers who can seriously argue that someone that young, should be defined for the rest of his life by one dumb incident that hurt no-one? He’s a guy who goes fast on a motorcycle, not the Pope or the Dali Lama. He has enough pressure just doing what he’s paid to do. I doubt very much there’s anything in his contract that specifies he should be a moral beacon for the youth of the world. He’s a racer, not a Sunday school teacher.

It should be pointed out that there were a lot of members here back in 2006 who had their torches and pitchforks out and were circling Pedrosa’s castle for years calling out for his blood over his collision Nicky, and years later, when the smoke cleared, give him the respect he deserves.
