IMO only but ..............
Acosta has had tastes of a bad result last round, kind of a 'reality check' of kinds for him and the mega hordes of people riding on his coat tails.
But, Acosta is smarter than many riding those coat tails. He does not subscribe to being the next incarnation of a riding god for whom all ahead will be rosey and simple.
No, he knows that the innate skill he possesses is only part of the puzzle so now he is focused on harnessing the skill while not over-stepping the boundary of technology and physics. So he has found the limits, felt the disappointment of failure and now will be all the better for it.
I have not watched much MGP over the last years, what with still being stuck in the golden old days before aero and over-imposed technology and all, and I rarely subscribe to the 'next big thing' BS we all to often hear or read. But I do get the feeling that the kid is special so have no doubts he will be back and have learnt, so will be better for the last round.
May very well be controversial, but his being on a KTM (yeah I know, Gas Gas an all) is likely helping him in ways that will only become more obvious in a few more years.